Engenharia de Robôs
URI permanente desta comunidadehttps://repositorio.fei.edu.br/handle/FEI/339
3 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
- A Case Base Seeding for Case-Based Planning Systems(2004-12-26) Flavio Tonidandel; RILLO, M.This paper describes a Case Base Seeding system (CBS) that can be used to seed a case base with some random cases in order to provide minimal conditions for the empirical tests of a Case-Based Planning System (CBP). Random case bases are necessary to guarantee that the results of the tests are not manipulated. Although these kind of case bases are important, there are no references about CBS systems in the literature even from those CBP systems that claim to use some similar systems. Therefore, this paper tries to overcome this deficiency by modeling and implementing a complete random Case Base Seeding process. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004.
- A fast model-based vision system for a robot soccer team(2006-11-17) MARTINS, M. F.; Flavio Tonidandel; Reinaldo BianchiRobot Soccer is a challenging research domain for Artificial Intelligence, which was proposed in order to provide a long-term problem in which researchers can investigate the construction of systems involving multiple agents working together in a dynamic, uncertain and probabilistic environment, to achieve a specific goal. This work focuses on the design and implementation of a fast and robust computer vision system for a team of small size robot soccer players. The proposed system combines artificial intelligence and computer vision techniques to locate the mobile robots and the ball, based on global vision images. To increase system performance, this work proposes a new approach to interpret the space created by a well-known computer vision technique called Hough Transform, as well as a fast object recognition method based on constraint satisfaction techniques. The system was implemented entirely in software using an off-the-shelf frame grabber. Experiments using real time image capture allows to conclude that the implemented system are efficient and robust to noises and lighting variation, being capable of locating all objects in each frame, computing their position and orientation in less than 20 milliseconds. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.
- Learning to select object recognition methods for autonomous mobile robots(2008-07-25) Reinaldo Bianchi; RAMISA, A.; MANTARAS, R. L .© 2008 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.Selecting which algorithms should be used by a mobile robot computer vision system is a decision that is usually made a priori by the system developer, based on past experience and intuition, not systematically taking into account information that can be found in the images and in the visual process itself to learn which algorithm should be used, in execution time. This paper presents a method that uses Reinforcement Learning to decide which algorithm should be used to recognize objects seen by a mobile robot in an indoor environment, based on simple attributes extracted on-line from the images, such as mean intensity and intensity deviation. Two state-of-the-art object recognition algorithms can be selected: the constellation method proposed by Lowe together with its interest point detector and descriptor, the Scale-Invariant Feature Transform and a bag of features approach. A set of empirical evaluations was conducted using a household mobile robots image database, and results obtained shows that the approach adopted here is very promising.