Repositório do Conhecimento Institucional do Centro Universitário FEI

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Resultados da Pesquisa

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    Artigo 5 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Genetic algorithms and parallel computing for a vehicle routing problem with time windows and split deliveries
    (2006-01-05) De Campos G.G.; Yoshizaki H.T.Y.; Belfiore P.P.
    The present work considers the use of metaheuristics and parallel computing to solve a real problem of vehicle routing involving a heterogeneous fleet, time windows and split deliveries, in which customer demand can exceed vehicle capacity. The problem consists of determining a set of economical routes that meet each customer's needs while still being subject to all the constraints. The strategy adopted to solve the problem consists of an adaptation of the constructive heuristics proposed by Clarke & Wright (1964) as the initial solution. More sophisticated algorithms are then applied to achieve improvements, such as parallel genetic algorithms supported by a cluster of computers. The results indicate that the basic constructive heuristic provides satisfactory results for the problem, but that it can be improved through the use of more sophisticated techniques. The use of the parallel genetic algorithm with multiple populations and an initial solution, which presented the best results, reduced the total operational costs by about 10% compared with the constructive heuristic, and by 13% when compared with the company's original solutions.
  • Artigo de evento 0 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Stimulating the creativity and the enterprising vision focused on the global markets
    (2007-10-10) Alexandre Augusto Massote; De Souza Nogueira Neto, Mario
    The great evolution of medias and information, that occurred during the XX century, had as one of the main consequences the increase of production speed and transmission of knowledge. The changes, associated to globalization, had modified world-wide the economic, commercial and human relations. The stimulation to the development of the creativity associated with engineering techniques are tools that will result benefits like the improvement of the quality of human's life. The objective of this paper is to present a project elaborated in one of the disciplines of the course of Industrial Engineering, looking, mainly, for the strategy of commercialization and the creative aspect of the product conceived for a group of students. It is considered the development of a product, its process of manufacture and its commercialization, objectifying the local and world-wide markets. The study and research about the uses and customs of some markets in the business is necessary to increase the project's possibility of succeeding. It is waited, as result of the work, that the students will absorb a global vision of the development processes and manufacture of a product that can supply the world-wide markets reaching through this the goal of crossing the borders of the local markets. © 2007 IEEE.
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    Artigo 1 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Knowledge and innovation in local production systems of ceramic tiles and the new challenges of the international competition Conhecimento e inovação em sistemas locais de produção de revestimentos cerâmicos e os novos desafios da concorrência internacional
    (2008-01-05) Gabriela Scur; GARCIA, R.
    This paper aims to contribute for the understanding of the new dynamics of knowledge and innovation in local production systems from the strengthening of the international rivalry in the ceramic tile industry, by studying two local systems in the Brazilian ceramic tile industry, one located in Santa Gertrudes/SP and the other in Criciuma/SC. The research shows that the current international competitive scenario is being characterized by the China's expansion in the world market; the Spanish expansion embedded in the interaction among their glaze suppliers; and the Italian decreasing market share, despite the strong presence of machinery goods industry. In spite of this global rivalry scenario the Brazilian ceramic tile industry had a expansion period with an increase domestic and exports markets. This increasing can be seem in the huge growth of the domestic industry, not only in the expansion of the supply of ceramic tiles but also in important changes in the techno-productive parameters of the firms, motivated by some benefits that came from the clustering of firms.
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    Artigo 3 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    The transactions between European supermarkets and Brazilian fresh fruit producers
    (2009-07-05) SOUZA, R. C.; AMATO NETO, J.
    The aim of this paper is to investigate the transactions between European supermarkets and Brazilian fresh fruit producers and the structure of the Brazilian mango and grape value chain to Europe. The element pointed out in this paper is the characteristic of the distributor segment. There are indications that the structures of the retail sector affect the strategies of developing countries producers in global markets. In addition, the procurement strategies of the retail sector are different when compare the United Kingdom and Germany. The Global Value Chain and Transaction Costs Economy approaches were used as theoretical background. The method selected for this study was the multiple case studies which were made viable by means of semi-structured questionnaires conducted with mango and grape producer's agents in Brazil and with mango and grape imported agents located in the United Kingdom and Germany.
  • Artigo 91 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Scatter search for a real-life heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problem with time windows and split deliveries in Brazil
    (2009-12-05) BELFIORE, P.; YOSHIZAKI, H. T. Y.
    In this paper, we consider a real-life heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problem with time windows and split deliveries that occurs in a major Brazilian retail group. A single depot attends 519 stores of the group distributed in 11 Brazilian states. To find good solutions to this problem, we propose heuristics as initial solutions and a scatter search (SS) approach. Next, the produced solutions are compared with the routes actually covered by the company. Our results show that the total distribution cost can be reduced significantly when such methods are used. Experimental testing with benchmark instances is used to assess the merit of our proposed procedure. © 2008.
  • Artigo
    A Importância da Previsão de Demanda na Racionalização de Recursos no Setor de Call Center
    (2009) BELFIORI, Patrícia; LOPES, Flávia Bernardo; LACERDA, Grégory de Oliveira; MASSOTE, A. A.
  • Artigo 1 Citação(ões) na Scopus
  • Artigo
    Sistemas de Custeio para Firmas Agroalimentares: o Caso dos Laticínios e Empresas Processadoras de Soja no Brasil