Engenharia de Produção
URI permanente desta comunidadehttps://repositorio.fei.edu.br/handle/FEI/19
13 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
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- Genetic algorithms and parallel computing for a vehicle routing problem with time windows and split deliveries(2006-01-05) De Campos G.G.; Yoshizaki H.T.Y.; Belfiore P.P.The present work considers the use of metaheuristics and parallel computing to solve a real problem of vehicle routing involving a heterogeneous fleet, time windows and split deliveries, in which customer demand can exceed vehicle capacity. The problem consists of determining a set of economical routes that meet each customer's needs while still being subject to all the constraints. The strategy adopted to solve the problem consists of an adaptation of the constructive heuristics proposed by Clarke & Wright (1964) as the initial solution. More sophisticated algorithms are then applied to achieve improvements, such as parallel genetic algorithms supported by a cluster of computers. The results indicate that the basic constructive heuristic provides satisfactory results for the problem, but that it can be improved through the use of more sophisticated techniques. The use of the parallel genetic algorithm with multiple populations and an initial solution, which presented the best results, reduced the total operational costs by about 10% compared with the constructive heuristic, and by 13% when compared with the company's original solutions.
- The transactions between European supermarkets and Brazilian fresh fruit producers(2009-07-05) SOUZA, R. C.; AMATO NETO, J.The aim of this paper is to investigate the transactions between European supermarkets and Brazilian fresh fruit producers and the structure of the Brazilian mango and grape value chain to Europe. The element pointed out in this paper is the characteristic of the distributor segment. There are indications that the structures of the retail sector affect the strategies of developing countries producers in global markets. In addition, the procurement strategies of the retail sector are different when compare the United Kingdom and Germany. The Global Value Chain and Transaction Costs Economy approaches were used as theoretical background. The method selected for this study was the multiple case studies which were made viable by means of semi-structured questionnaires conducted with mango and grape producer's agents in Brazil and with mango and grape imported agents located in the United Kingdom and Germany.
- Hybrid Method CONWIP/KANBAN: A case study Método híbrido CONWIP/KANBAN: Um estudo de caso(2011-01-05) SERENO, B.; DA SILVA, D. S. A.; DA SILVA, D. S. A.; Mauro SampaioKANBAN. CONWIP. CONWIP/KANBAN Hybrid Method.Production control systems have been widely discussed in the Production Engineering literature. The KANBAN system is the most known among professionals for the control and processing of materials in the shop floor environment due to its simplicity and competitive significance in the design of the Toyota production system. Analyzing possible disadvantages presented by this system, the CONWIP demonstrates that the KANBAN can be questioned in certain circumstances and upon certain variables of the product, demand, or production. The objective of this research is to Investigate, compare, and point out the advantages and disadvantages of KANBAN, CONWIP, and the CONWIP/KANBAN Hybrid Method. Based on the case study in a company that manufactures electromechanical components for valve monitoring and control, characterized by small lots, high customization, and uncertain demand, these methods were discussed in order to show, through the results, the differential combination of KANBAN and CONWIP in the CONWIP/KANBAN Hybrid method..
- Academic research published in the management & production journal (G&P, 1999-2010): Trends and future research directions A produção acadêmica publicada na revista Gestão & Produção de 1999 a 2010: Tendências e direções para pesquisas futuras(2012-01-05) BORTOLLOSSI, L. N.; Mauro SampaioThis study is a review and evaluation of studies published in a Brazilian journal of management & production (G&P) from 1999 to 2010 in order to investigate the diversity of articles in terms of the purposes of research, data collection approaches, and data analysis techniques. The research articles were classified based on their primary purpose (theory building, application, and concepts), data collection approach (case study, qualitative research, archival research, survey-based research, laboratory research, and field research), data analysis technique (descriptive statistics, various multivariate statistical techniques, and mathematical modeling), and operations topics (strategy, quality, and supply chain management). The numbers of articles published increased substantially between 1999 to 2010. The focus of the articles on the manufacturing industry published in this journal changed considerably, and more recently the gap between the number of manufacturing and service-focused articles on production and operations management (POM) has reduced. While previous articles published in the G&P journal were based on conceptual descriptions, our results indicate that the journal has published articles based on theory and application. Case study is the most widely used method for data collection. Directions for future research in operations management were also discussed.
- Technological capability development: The role of Infrastructural Technology A capacitação tecnológica na empresa: a função da Tecnologia Industrial Básica (TIB)(2013-04-2013) GALLINA, R.; FLEURY, A.The mastering of Infrastructural Technologies (IfT) - metrology, standardization, and conformity assessment - is not only a precondition for a firm's competitiveness, since it enables production in accordance with international norms; but it is also a requisite for the effective accumulation of technological capabilities aiming at technological innovations. In the specialized literature, there is a lack of studies that address the role of Infrastructural Technologies in the technology learning process. This article aims to fill that gap by proposing a model to assess and design the dynamic interrelationships between IfT and technological capability development. This model compares the mechanisms required in each one of the stages of IfT maturity to the organizational processes adopted by firms with different levels of technological capability reported in the literature. The data were collected through a survey of a sample of 103 metal-mechanics firms. It can be concluded that there is a strong relationship between the IfT's level of maturity and the firms' level of technological capability. In other words, the development of capability in IfT seems to be a precondition for the firms' technological development and innovation strategy.
- Demand forecasting methods in the Brazilian food industries O uso de métodos de previsão de demanda nas indústrias alimentícias Brasileiras(2015) CECATTO, C.; BELFIORE, P.This study aims to better understand the demand forecasting methods used by the Brazilian food industry. A questionnaire was developed and sent to a sample of 450 companies from ABIA (Brazilian Association of Food Industries) which represents 70% of the industry.Tthe response rate was 14.4%. The goal of this research is to detect which and how the demand forecasting methods have been used by these companies, the main factors influencing the choice of method and what are the main obstacles that they face. The data was analyzed by multivariate statistical techniques such as correspondence analysis and discriminant analysis using the statistical software SPSS. The results show that the historical analysis model is the most used; that the main factors influencing the choice of models are the type of product and the time spent, and the main obstacles are the software availability and difficulty in understanding.
- The impact of diversification in the operations strategy of capital goods companies(2017-04-05) Gabriela Scur; DE QUEIROZ, R. P.Considering that the analysis of the specific areas technology and market is reported in the literature as the main elements in the decision making process of diversification and the operations strategy, these have to reconcile the technological base with the market demand. This paper examines the impact of diversification in operations strategy in 3 multinational leading capital goods companies. The main contribution of this study concerns the understanding that different processes of diversification can help to expand the share of the company in the same market with new products based on the same technology and can help the company to enter in a new market with new products, based on different technologies. Therefore, the process of diversification of firms should be analyzed from the perspective of a growth strategy based on knowledge, so that the management of this resource should occur in conditions of maximum efficiency.
- Outsourcing and supplier development: Capability development process in the Brazilian sports apparel industry(2019-01-05) Gabriela Scur; KOLOSOSKI, C.© 2019 Brazilian Institute for Information in Science and Technology. All rights reserved.Outsourcing allows quick reactions to market fluctuations and allows firms to focus on their core business. This strategy is currently used in the Brazilian apparel industry. The paper analyzes the interaction between big customers (some multinationals firms) and Brazilian suppliers in the sports apparel industry to verify how these relationships can contribute to the capability development of suppliers. Multiple case studies were conducted. The findings indicated that collaborative, and long-term relationships are beneficial to businesses and customers significantly influence the development of the sewing factory suppliers with whom they work.
- An exploratory study on emerging technologies applied to logistics 4.0 Um estudo exploratório sobre tecnologias emergentes aplicadas à logística 4.0(2020-09-05) CORREA, J. S.; Mauro Sampaio; BARROS, R. DE. C.© 2020 Brazilian Institute for Information in Science and Technology. All rights reserved.The concept of Logistics 4.0 works closely to that of Industry 4.0. While Industry 4.0 proposes a disruptive change in manufacturing, Logistics 4.0 advocates a transformation in the way organizations buy, manufacture, sell, and deliver products. The objective of this paper is to identify, in Brazilian companies, the degree of interest in the investment in six emerging technologies applicable to logistics, according to scientific literature, as well as to identify the current perception of data quality of these companies. To achieve these objectives, an online survey was conducted. The research showed that the technologies that most interest Brazilian companies are Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing, both with 82% of investment intention. The two technologies that least interested companies are crowdsourcing and 3D printing, both with 68% investment disinterest among respondents.
- The impact of the collaborative robot on competitive priorities: Case study of an automotive supplier O impacto do robô colaborativo nas prioridades competitivas: Estudo de caso em um fornecedor automotivo(2020-01-05) VIDO, M.; Gabriela Scur; Alexandre Augusto Massote; Fabio Lima© This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.The literature on operations strategies has extensively addressed the notion that competitive priorities and structural decisions should be aligned to create, develop, and maintain competitive advantages. However, the speed and scale of new manufacturing technologies are modifying an organization's strategies and manufacturing capabilities to address new market requirements, competition, and new entrants. Advances in robotics are poised to change the global business landscape and to support organizations in improving upon their operations strategies. Industrial robots usually help improve product quality and provide better work conditions to limit the use of resources, resulting in cost savings. One of the main trends in robotics is that of human-robot collaboration (HRC), which influences operations strategies and which can have a disruptive effect on business models and market structures. The aim of this paper is to explore and understand the relationship between the competitive priorities (quality, cost, flexibility, and delivery) of classical operations and the competitive advantage of adopting HRC for a Brazilian automotive parts supplier. The results indicate that the hybrid cell (U-shaped manufacturing cell) fully adheres to cost and dependability priorities and partially adheres to quality and flexibility priorities.