Engenharia de Produção
URI permanente desta comunidadehttps://repositorio.fei.edu.br/handle/FEI/19
5 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
- The organization performance framework considering competitiveness and sustainability: the application of the sustainability evaluation model(2020-01-18) NICOLETTI JUNIOR, A.; OLIVEIRA, M. C. D.; HELLENO, A. L.; CAMPOS, L. M. D. S.; Alliprandini, D. H.© 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.Remaining competitive and profitable in addition to meet environmental and social demands, mandated by regulation and valued by the stakeholders, is a current challenge for companies. This scenario has awakened the interest of academics in the association of sustainability with organizational performance, creating models such as SEM (Sustainability Evaluation Model). This article aims to validate the practical application of SEM as useful to managerial decision-making process in a multi-case study in the factories of a Brazilian food and beverage manufacturer. Based on the TBL X BSC matrix, integrating sustainability and performance concepts, SEM has provided managers with a clear view of business units performance, naming their gaps to improve performance and enabling a classification among them. In addition, the correlation analysis allowed the company to clearly identify its differentials from competitors, which in this study was its focus on people as the basis for a competitive operation.
- Sustainability practices in container terminals in Brazil(2021-01-05) CALCERANO, T. A.; Wilson de Castro Hilsdorf© 2021Paper aims: This paper aims to investigate which sustainability practices are being applied in port terminals in Brazil and to identify the driving forces and obstacles to the implementation of these practices. Originality: The research contributes to fill gaps that still remain in the literature, such as the need to identify and analyze sustainability requirements in the port industry in a more tangible way, bringing new evidence to a better understanding of how the port industry perceives and addresses sustainability issues. Research method: The paper presents an in-depth multiple case study in the five largest terminals in Brazil, which correspond to approximately 60% of the Brazilian handling of containers. Main findings: The results present evidence of the evolution of the commitment to environmental preservation and the progressive dissemination of sustainability practices. The main difficulties are the high costs and lack of support from the port authority to encourage the implementation of some practices. Implications for theory and practice: This study aimed to disclose sustainability practices adopted at container terminals in Brazil, as well as provide some content, both for academia and companies, that may assist in developing new research on this theme and implementing these practices in other organizations.
Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso Economia Circular(2020-06-17) Ambrózio, Caroline Godoy; Lima, Gustavo Cesário; Brito, Julia Costa de Magalhães; Pinto, Karla Campaneruti de Carvalho; Porta, MarianaA cultura do uso e descarte de produtos, antes mesmo de sua vida útil se esgotar, é decorrente do modelo econômico linear presente no mundo desde a Revolução Industrial. No entanto, ainda que a sociedade majoritariamente siga este modelo, ela vem se conscientizando da necessidade de mudança para um sustentável. Apoiado nesse fato, o conceito da Economia Circular está se tornando cada vez mais presente nas empresas que adotam estratégias de sustentabilidade operando em conformidade com as regulamentações já em vigor. Com o objetivo de compreender como as práticas da Economia Circular são implementadas em uma companhia do ramo elétrico, este trabalho irá estudar os princípios deste modelo e a sua relação com as condutas já implementadas em uma empresa. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo de caso na Schneider Electric, propondo como resultado, novas estratégias de implementação como oportunidade de melhoria focada na circularidade.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso Análise da logística reversa da biomassa para produção de energia a partir da queima do biogás(2020-12-07) Silva, Eric Pereira da; Parra, Jorge; Celandroni, Lucas Correia; Vertamatti, Pedro Romão; Akaki, Yan EikiA exploração indiscriminada que o homem vem fazendo do ambiente natural, além dos efeitos de práticas empresariais e do comportamento de consumo tem prejudicado o meio ambiente no qual habitamos. Para tentar atenuar os impactos negativos dessas atividades, tem ocorrido um crescente interesse sobre o tema consciência ambiental, logística reversa e sustentabilidade. Baseado nesses assuntos, este trabalho busca analisar a participação e responsabilidades dos indivíduos geradores de resíduos alimentares, no descarte apropriado e de forma sustentável, bem como sua interdependência, além de analisar como os stakeholders envolvidos no processo de recolhimento e transporte dos resíduos estão seguindo as diretrizes apropriadas. Para tal, foram analisadas as atuações das empresas LOGA e Essencis, sendo a primeira atuante no setor de coleta, transporte, tratamento e destinação final dos resíduos domiciliares e de saúde urbanos gerados no Agrupamento Noroeste do Município de São Paulo e a segunda promovendo a destinação adequada de tais resíduos a partir da geração de energia renovável. Dessa forma foi realizado um estudo sobre a logística reversa da biomassa a qual ambas as empresas empregam esforços e concluído que tal atuação gera um impacto ambiental positivo, especialmente pela redução significativa de gás metano (CH4) emitido graças às suas atividades.- Principles of sustainability and practices in the heavy-duty vehicle industry: A study of multiple cases(2017) Hilsdorf W.D.C.; de Mattos C.A.; de Campos Maciel L.O.© 2016 Elsevier LtdSustainable development is challenging the thinking of organizations, starting to interfere directly in formulating their business strategies. The automotive industry is part of a global context that involves a complex supply chain in which economic, social, and environmental pressures have caused the issue of sustainability to become a competitive edge. Despite its importance, studies point out inconsistencies in the adoption of sustainability practices as broader discussions are not found on the alignment between sustainability principles models in the literature and organizational actions implemented in practice. This research aimed at identifying how the principles of sustainability outlined in the academic literature are aligned with organizational policies and practices in the heavy-duty vehicle industry in Brazil. The study was conducted in three industry companies based in the state of São Paulo, which represent about 74% of jobs in the sector. In general, it is concluded that the environmental dimension is in a more advanced level than the other dimensions with regard to the adoption of sustainability practices. However, there was no evidence that the actions aimed at sustainability are addressed in an integrated manner with regard to investments and generated impacts on environmental, social, and economic dimensions.