Repositório do Conhecimento Institucional do Centro Universitário FEI

Engenharia Civil

URI permanente desta comunidade


Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Artigo de evento 0 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Implementation of the PBL approach to the foundations and earth works discipline: a brazilian experience
    (2016-07-06) Kurt Amann
    © 2016, University of Minho. All rights reserved.This paper aims at presenting the experience and evaluating the results from the implementation of the Problem Based Learning approach to the discipline “Foundations and Earth Works” from the Civil Engineering Course at FEI, a Brazilian University at the metropolitan region of São Paulo. Despite this limited experience, the principles of PBL were introduced and compared with other PBL models. The students’ performance after the implementation was compared with the previous studies taking a similar test into consideration. It was possible to verify that the scores increased slightly, but the failure ratio had an interesting reduction, which depends on the class behaviour. This result allows the proposal of its implementation to other disciplines in the course.
  • Artigo de evento 2 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    A new generation of micro-particulate-based admixtures for concrete
    (2017-10-02) SEILER, P. H.; EAGON, C.; ONG, F. S.; FARRINGTON, S. A.; BUI, V.
    © 2017 American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved.In recent years, there has been significant research and product development in the field of nanotechnology - using particles of approximately 1 and 100 nm in size. From medicines, to electronics and coatings, the answers to 'big problems' are being provided by 'tiny solutions.' In the cement and concrete field, nano-structural models of Calcium Silicate Hydrate (C-S-H), have allowed researchers to develop particles to improve and increase C-S-H formation. Additionally, micro particles have the ability to address durability issues that have plagued concrete for decades. The practical challenge continues to be how to introduce these micro- and nanoscale particles into the concrete matrix. A logical option is in the form of a liquid admixture added to the concrete mixture during batching. This paper will focus on the current and emerging micro- and nanoscale particulate-based admixture technologies for concrete and their effects on the hydration process and long-term durability of concrete. The information to be presented will show that the use of these particulate-based liquid admixtures offer different options for modifying and improving the fresh, hardened and durability properties of concrete.