Simulação computacional do comportamento térmico de um disco de freio ventilado
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Ciolfi, M. J.
Mello, Paulo Eduardo Batista de
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Transferência de calor,Freios,Simulação (Computadores),Brake disc,Heat transfer,Simulation (CFD)
O comportamento térmico de um sistema de freio tem influência direta sobre os demais fatores que determinam seu desempenho, como a distância de frenagem, estabilidade do veículo, coeficiente de atrito e força necessária no pedal para acionamento do freio. Devido à dinâmica e distribuição de massa do veículo, os discos de freio dianteiros são os componentes que devem dissipar a maior parte da energia cinética do veículo sob a forma de calor, durante o processo de frenagem. Considerando o objetivo da indústria automobilística mundial de desenvolver discos de freio com custos e tamanhos reduzidos, é apresentada, neste trabalho, uma metodologia capaz de simular as condições de um veículo de passeio em frenagem, em conjunto com as características de dissipação de energia, considerando suas características físicas. Para tanto é utilizada a técnica de simulação conhecida na literatura por Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), ou dinâmica dos fluidos computacional. Os resultados obtidos na simulação são validados com base em resultados de ensaio em veículo
The thermal behavior of a brake system has direct influence to main factors that determine its performance, as the braking distrance, vehicle stability, brake friction coefficient and necessary pedal effort for brake actuation. Due to dynamics and vehicle mass distribution, the front brake discs are the main components to dissipate the most amount of vehicle kinetic energy in the form of heat, during the braking process. Considering the automobile world wide industry objective to develop brake discs with reduced costs and size, this work presents a methodology to simulate a braking vehicle condition and the characteristics from thermal dissipation in brake discs, considering its physics characteristics. In such this way, a simulation technique known in literature as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) will be used. The results obtained with the simulations are comparison validated with experiments in a real vehicle
The thermal behavior of a brake system has direct influence to main factors that determine its performance, as the braking distrance, vehicle stability, brake friction coefficient and necessary pedal effort for brake actuation. Due to dynamics and vehicle mass distribution, the front brake discs are the main components to dissipate the most amount of vehicle kinetic energy in the form of heat, during the braking process. Considering the automobile world wide industry objective to develop brake discs with reduced costs and size, this work presents a methodology to simulate a braking vehicle condition and the characteristics from thermal dissipation in brake discs, considering its physics characteristics. In such this way, a simulation technique known in literature as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) will be used. The results obtained with the simulations are comparison validated with experiments in a real vehicle