Estudo da extração do óleo de microalgas para aplicação na produção de biodiesel
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Kramer, Christian Leonard
Santos, David da Silva
Guerrero, Fernanda Marcílio
Varela, Gabriel Andrino de Oliveira
Santos, David da Silva
Guerrero, Fernanda Marcílio
Varela, Gabriel Andrino de Oliveira
Poço, João Guilherme Rocha
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Atualmente, sabe-se que a importância de reduzir as emissões de gases poluentes tem se tornado cada vez mais presente no mundo, e com isso, a redução de resíduos para frear o aumento do efeito estufa tem estimulado pesquisas acerca de fontes renováveis. Além disso, há a necessidade de energias renováveis devido à aproximação da escassez dos combustíveis fósseis. Apesar dos estudos e do tema terem ganhado destaque nos últimos 40 anos, eram focados na produção do biocombustível a partir de matérias-primas de base alimentícia, como cana-de-açúcar, milho e beterraba. Porém, tais matérias-primas competem por espaço com o plantio de alimentos, demandam grandes quantidades de água doce e caracterizam-se por sua baixa obtenção de biocombustível se comparada à produção de combustíveis fósseis. Partindo deste cenário, uma alternativa recente e até então pouco explorada são as microalgas, organismos microscópicos amplamente encontrados em oceanos e água doce. Por não precisarem de terras férteis para crescer, não há necessidade do uso de água limpa, abrindo espaço para a utilização de água de reuso em seu cultivo e, por produzirem mais biocombustível por área em um ano comparada às matérias-primas citadas anteriormente, as microalgas se destacam como uma potencial alternativa para produção de biocombustíveis. Por outro lado, há alguns empecilhos relacionados ao seu processo de síntese, como inviabilidade econômica e baixo índice de extração e conversão. Logo, este trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo da extração do óleo de microalgas para seu aperfeiçoamento e aplicação na produção de biodiesel. Para isso foram testados três métodos diferentes de extração, utilizando como matéria-prima a microalga Nannochloropsis oculata, com o objetivo de definir o melhor método de extração e pré-tratamento com micro-ondas, utilizando planejamento experimental com análise de variância (ANOVA) e coeficiente de determinação (R²), visando encontrar os melhores pontos de operação para a extração. Sendo assim, usando como estudo a Nannochloropsis oculata foi determinado como melhor método de extração o extrator Soxlet utilizando hexano como solvente. Além disso, pelo planejamento experimental Rotative Central Composite Design (RCCD), foram obtidos como pontos ótimos de extração um tempo de extração de 2,83 h e tempo de pré-tratamento de 82,6 s.
Currently, it is known that the importance of reducing pollutant gas emissions has become increasingly present throughout the world, and with that, the reduction of wastes in order to stop the increase in the greenhouse effect has been stimulating researches on renewable sources. In addition, there is also a need for renewable energy due to the approaching scarcity of fossil fuels. Although the studies about the topic have gained prominence in the past 40 years, the focus was on the production of biofuel from food-based raw materials, such as sugarcane, corn and beetroot. However, such raw materials compete for space with food crops, demand large amounts of fresh water and are characterized by their low production of biofuel compared to the production of fossil fuels. Based on this scenario, a recent and so far, little explored alternative is microalgae, microscopic organisms widely found in oceans and fresh water. As they do not need fertile land to grow, there is no need to use clean water, opening space for the use of reused water in their cultivation and, as they produce more biofuel per area in a year compared to the raw materials mentioned above, the Microalgae stand out as a potential alternative to produce biofuels. On the other hand, there are some obstacles related to its synthesis process, such as economic infeasibility and low extraction and conversion rate. Therefore, this work aimed to study the extraction of oil from microalgae for its improvement and application in the production of biodiesel. For this, three different extraction methods were tested, using the microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata as raw material, in order to define the best extraction method and microwave pretreatment, applying experimental design with analysis of variance (ANOVA) and coefficient of determination (R²), aiming to find the best operating points for extraction. Therefore, by applying it to Nannochloropsis oculata, it was determined that the most effective extraction method was the Soxhlet extractor with henaxe as sovent. Additionally, througout the design of experiment Rotative Central Composite Design (RCCD), the optimal oprating point were achieved in 2,83 h of extraction time and 82,6 s pre-tratment time.
Currently, it is known that the importance of reducing pollutant gas emissions has become increasingly present throughout the world, and with that, the reduction of wastes in order to stop the increase in the greenhouse effect has been stimulating researches on renewable sources. In addition, there is also a need for renewable energy due to the approaching scarcity of fossil fuels. Although the studies about the topic have gained prominence in the past 40 years, the focus was on the production of biofuel from food-based raw materials, such as sugarcane, corn and beetroot. However, such raw materials compete for space with food crops, demand large amounts of fresh water and are characterized by their low production of biofuel compared to the production of fossil fuels. Based on this scenario, a recent and so far, little explored alternative is microalgae, microscopic organisms widely found in oceans and fresh water. As they do not need fertile land to grow, there is no need to use clean water, opening space for the use of reused water in their cultivation and, as they produce more biofuel per area in a year compared to the raw materials mentioned above, the Microalgae stand out as a potential alternative to produce biofuels. On the other hand, there are some obstacles related to its synthesis process, such as economic infeasibility and low extraction and conversion rate. Therefore, this work aimed to study the extraction of oil from microalgae for its improvement and application in the production of biodiesel. For this, three different extraction methods were tested, using the microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata as raw material, in order to define the best extraction method and microwave pretreatment, applying experimental design with analysis of variance (ANOVA) and coefficient of determination (R²), aiming to find the best operating points for extraction. Therefore, by applying it to Nannochloropsis oculata, it was determined that the most effective extraction method was the Soxhlet extractor with henaxe as sovent. Additionally, througout the design of experiment Rotative Central Composite Design (RCCD), the optimal oprating point were achieved in 2,83 h of extraction time and 82,6 s pre-tratment time.