Simulações computacionais para avaliação da segurança de reatores químicos sob condições extremas
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Stelmasuk, Guilherme Fernandez
Olivieri, G. V.
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STELMASUK, Guilherme Fernandez. Simulações computacionais para avaliação da segurança de reatores químicos sob condições extremas. 2025. 179 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Química) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Bernardo do Campo, 2025. Disponível em: Texto na íntegra.
Texto completo (DOI)
Segurança de processos,Fluidodinâmica Computacional,ANSYS (Sistema de computador),Modelagem cinética,MATLAB (Programa de computador)
A segurança de processos é essencial para garantir a integridade operacional, proteger vidas e minimizar impactos ambientais, assegurando a eficiência e a confiabilidade nas operações industriais. Este projeto desenvolve uma simulação de fluidodinâmica computacional (CFD) utilizando o software Ansys para analisar o comportamento de um reator químico em condições extremas, como altas temperaturas e incêndios, e sugerir melhorias para a segurança da fábrica. O estudo foca na polimerização de um poliéster saturado carboxilado, utilizado na fabricação de tintas em pó. Foram desenvolvidas duas geometrias, bidimensional e tridimensional, e realizadas quatro simulações (duas para cada dimensão), variando parâmetros físicos e obtendo os tempos de simulação. A cinética da reação de poliesterificação foi modelada no MATLAB, com otimizações para determinar parâmetros desconhecidos e ajustar o modelo aos dados experimentais por meio do método dos mínimos quadrados. As simulações CFD indicaram que o tempo necessário para uma simulação completa da reação química seria inviável. No entanto, o modelo cinético desenvolvido ajustou-se satisfatoriamente à tendência de avanço da polimerização ao longo do tempo. Um termo que contabiliza a variação de pressão no reator foi desenvolvido e incluído no modelo cinético, prevendo situações extremas de processo, como incêndios. Simultaneamente, foram dimensionados dois dispositivos de segurança, uma válvula de alívio e um disco de ruptura, que atendem ao processo estudado. Por fim, o modelo cinético foi combinado com o termo de pressão e os dispositivos de segurança dimensionados, estudando o perfil de segurança com o alívio dos gases do interior do reator. Constatou-se que, com os dispositivos de segurança instalados, a pressão tende a se manter dentro do limite máximo para operação do reator (3,16 bar), evitando danos estruturais ou fatalidades decorrentes do aumento descontrolado de pressão, em que a válvula de alívio chegou a pressão máxima de 2,80 bar e o disco em 3,00 bar
Process safety is fundamental to ensuring operational integrity, protecting lives, and minimizing environmental impacts, thereby ensuring efficiency and reliability in industrial operations. This project develops a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation using Ansys software to analyze the behavior of a chemical reactor under extreme conditions, such as elevated temperatures and fires, and to suggest improvements for factory safety. The focus is on the polymerization of a carboxylated saturated polyester, used in the manufacture of powder coatings. Two geometries were developed, two-dimensional and three-dimensional, and four simulations were conducted (two for each dimension), varying physical parameters and obtaining simulation times. The kinetics of the polyesterification reaction were developed using MATLAB, with optimizations to determine unknown parameters and adjust the model to experimental data using the least squares method. CFD simulations indicated that the time required for a complete simulation of the chemical reaction would be unfeasible. However, the kinetic model developed satisfactorily matched the trend of polymerization progress over time. A term that accounts for the pressure variation was developed and included in the kinetic model, predicting extreme process situations such as fire. Simultaneously, two safety devices were sized, a relief valve and a rupture disk, which meet the studied process. Finally, the kinetic model was combined with the pressure term and the sized safety devices, studying the safety profile with the relief of gases from inside the reactor. It was found that, with the installed safety devices, the pressure tends to remain within the maximum operational limit of the reactor (3.16 bar), preventing structural damage or fatalities caused by an uncontrolled pressure increase. The relief valve reached a maximum pressure of 2.80 bar, while the rupture disc reached 3.00 bar
Process safety is fundamental to ensuring operational integrity, protecting lives, and minimizing environmental impacts, thereby ensuring efficiency and reliability in industrial operations. This project develops a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation using Ansys software to analyze the behavior of a chemical reactor under extreme conditions, such as elevated temperatures and fires, and to suggest improvements for factory safety. The focus is on the polymerization of a carboxylated saturated polyester, used in the manufacture of powder coatings. Two geometries were developed, two-dimensional and three-dimensional, and four simulations were conducted (two for each dimension), varying physical parameters and obtaining simulation times. The kinetics of the polyesterification reaction were developed using MATLAB, with optimizations to determine unknown parameters and adjust the model to experimental data using the least squares method. CFD simulations indicated that the time required for a complete simulation of the chemical reaction would be unfeasible. However, the kinetic model developed satisfactorily matched the trend of polymerization progress over time. A term that accounts for the pressure variation was developed and included in the kinetic model, predicting extreme process situations such as fire. Simultaneously, two safety devices were sized, a relief valve and a rupture disk, which meet the studied process. Finally, the kinetic model was combined with the pressure term and the sized safety devices, studying the safety profile with the relief of gases from inside the reactor. It was found that, with the installed safety devices, the pressure tends to remain within the maximum operational limit of the reactor (3.16 bar), preventing structural damage or fatalities caused by an uncontrolled pressure increase. The relief valve reached a maximum pressure of 2.80 bar, while the rupture disc reached 3.00 bar