Análises numérica e experimental em bancada do impacto entre válvula e anel inserto em motores de combustão interna
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Daminato, G.
Fleury, Agenor T.
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DAMINATO, G. Análises numérica e experimental em bancada do impacto entre válvula e anel inserto em motores de combustão interna. 2015. 123 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica) - Centro Universitário da FEI, São Bernardo do Campo, 2015 Disponível em: . Acesso em: 27 nov. 2015.
Texto completo (DOI)
Válvulas,Acelerômetros,Sede de válvula,Simulação numérica tridimensional
Esta dissertação visa contribuir com parte do entendimento das causas do desgaste entre a válvula e anel assento de válvula através do estudo do impacto entre eles, propondo um novo conceito para avaliação dinâmica do trem de válvulas, numa tentativa de identificar falhas de projeto e propor melhorias aos componentes ligados ao sistema, a falha ou desgaste prematuro em qualquer parte destes componentes pode acarretar desde o mau funcionamento até a perda total do motor. Através de um método experimental baseado em acelerômetros, e a construção de um modelo matemático através do software ADAMS para simulação dos valores experimentais e quantificar a energia dissipada pela válvula contra o anel assento, o estudo concentra-se na válvula e sede de válvula por se tratar de componentes com grande importância para o funcionamento dos motores de combustão interna. Prontamente, o trabalho apresenta o resultado comparativo entre componentes do trem de válvulas com mesma função, formas construtivas e respostas dinâmicas diferentes, identificando e quantificando o quanto cada componente do trem de válvulas representa neste impacto. Os resultados finais obtidos comprovaram que o objetivo do trabalho foi atingido.
This dissertation aims to collaborate as a part of the understanding of the causes of wear between valve and valve seat ring through the study of the impact between them and addressing a new concept for dynamic evaluation of the valve train, allowing to identify design flaws or suggest improvements to components connected to the system, measure the actual value of the energy dissipation caused by the impact of the components during the closing phase of the valve. Through an experimental method based on accelerometers, and constructing a mathematical model using ADAMS software and to simulate the experimental values quantifying the energy dissipated by the valve against the seat ring, the study focused in the valve seat and the valve, because these components are of great importance for the operation in internal combustion engines. Promptly, the work presents the comparative results between train components valves with same function, different construction forms and dynamic responses, identifying and quantifying how much each valve train component contributes to the impact. The results show that the purpose of this work was achieve.
This dissertation aims to collaborate as a part of the understanding of the causes of wear between valve and valve seat ring through the study of the impact between them and addressing a new concept for dynamic evaluation of the valve train, allowing to identify design flaws or suggest improvements to components connected to the system, measure the actual value of the energy dissipation caused by the impact of the components during the closing phase of the valve. Through an experimental method based on accelerometers, and constructing a mathematical model using ADAMS software and to simulate the experimental values quantifying the energy dissipated by the valve against the seat ring, the study focused in the valve seat and the valve, because these components are of great importance for the operation in internal combustion engines. Promptly, the work presents the comparative results between train components valves with same function, different construction forms and dynamic responses, identifying and quantifying how much each valve train component contributes to the impact. The results show that the purpose of this work was achieve.