Tensor-based multivariate statistical discriminant methods for face applications

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Carlos E. Thomaz
Gillies D.F.
ICSSBE 2012 - Proceedings, 2012 International Conference on Statistics in Science, Business and Engineering: "Empowering Decision Making with Statistical Sciences"
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MINOI, J. - L.; THOMAZ, C. E.; GILLIES, D. F. Tensor-based multivariate statistical discriminant methods for face applications. ICSSBE 2012 - Proceedings, 2012 International Conference on Statistics in Science, Business and Engineering: Empowering Decision Making with Statistical Sciences, Sept. 2012.
Texto completo (DOI)
This paper describes the use of tensor-based multivariate statistical discriminant methods in three-dimensional face applications for synthesis and modelling of face shapes and for recognition. The methods could recognise faces and facial expressions, synthesize new face shapes and generate facial expressions based on the the most discriminant vectors calculated in the training sets that contain classes of face shapes and facial expressions. The strength of the introduced methods is that varying degrees of face shapes can be generated given that only a small number of 3D face shapes are available in the dataset. This framework also has the ability to characterise face variations across subjects and facial expressions. Recognition experiment was conducted using 3D face database created by the State University of New York (SUNY), Binghamton. The results have shown higher recognition rates for face and facial expression compared to the more popular eigenface techniques. The outcome of the synthesis of face shapes and facial expressions will also be presented here. © 2012 IEEE.
