Análise estrutural do contraventamento do steel frame
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Muniz, Clarice Farias
Afonso, Fernando Cirilo Teruel
Cazac, Guilherme Cassimiro Schunck
Silva, Talles Martins da
Bruno Eizo Higaki
O sistema Light Steel Framing (LSF) é um sistema construtivo industrializado de
concepção racional e rápida execução. O mesmo é composto por perfis leves
formados a frio, o fechamento pode ser realizado com placas cimentícias, gesso
acartonado ou tiras de madeira orientadas. Com a industrialização do Light Steel
Framing vem as vantagens de uma obra racional com o mínimo de erros possíveis,
o que reduz a quantidade de entulho e sujeira. Com o crescimento do sistema LSF
no Brasil é necessário estudos analitos da estrutura, o que vai proporcionar mais
segurança e eficácia. Considerando esse contexto, o trabalho teve como objetivo a
análise de um edifício de 5 pavimentos, contendo em cada pavimento 2
apartamentos. Nessa análise foi feito o estudo dos efeitos de primeira ordem dos
deslocamentos laterais conforme cada tipo de contraventamento e de sua posição.
Com o auxílio do software mCalcLSF, foram formuladas diferentes modelos
estruturais com diferentes arranjos dos contraventamentos (X, V e K) visando
encontrar um sistema que apresente melhor desempenho estrutural, ou seja menor
deslocamento horizontal.
The Light Steel Framing system (LSF) is an industrialized construction system with rapid rational conception and quick execution. Said system is composed by light cold formed profiles, the closing can be performed with cement plaques, rounded plaster, or wood-oriented strips. With the introduction of Light Steel Framing, comes the advantages of a rational construction with minimal base error, that reduces the quantity of waste and dirt. Also, with the growing of the LSF in Brazil, it is necessary analytical studies of the structure itself, which provides more security and efficiency. In that context, the project had as it’s objective the analysis of a 5-story building, each containing 2 apartments. In this same analysis a study of the effects of the first and second order of lateral displacements according to each type of bracing and it’s position. With help of the mCalcLSF software, different structural models with different arrangements of bracings (X, V and K) were developed, with the objective of finding a system that represents better structural performance, or a minor horizontal displacement.
The Light Steel Framing system (LSF) is an industrialized construction system with rapid rational conception and quick execution. Said system is composed by light cold formed profiles, the closing can be performed with cement plaques, rounded plaster, or wood-oriented strips. With the introduction of Light Steel Framing, comes the advantages of a rational construction with minimal base error, that reduces the quantity of waste and dirt. Also, with the growing of the LSF in Brazil, it is necessary analytical studies of the structure itself, which provides more security and efficiency. In that context, the project had as it’s objective the analysis of a 5-story building, each containing 2 apartments. In this same analysis a study of the effects of the first and second order of lateral displacements according to each type of bracing and it’s position. With help of the mCalcLSF software, different structural models with different arrangements of bracings (X, V and K) were developed, with the objective of finding a system that represents better structural performance, or a minor horizontal displacement.
análise estrutural; deslocamento; contraventamento; structural analysis; displacement; bracing