Estudo para implantação do conceito de cidades simbióticas sobre resíduos sólidos urbanos
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de Oliveira, Bruno Magalhães
Muniz, Emilly Coelho
de Lima, Priscila Cristina Castilho
Muniz, Emilly Coelho
de Lima, Priscila Cristina Castilho
Cruz, Rafael Barreto Castelo da
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Texto completo (DOI)
Resíduos sólidos urbanos,Energia limpa e renovável,Symbio City,Municipal solid waste,Clean and renewable energy
O objetivo deste trabalho foi elaborar o projeto de um sistema de reaproveitamento de resíduos sólidos urbanos residenciais provenientes de quatro distritos da zona leste de São Paulo: Belém, Brás, Mooca e Tatuapé, para fins de geração de energia limpa e renovável gerada pela gaseificação destes resíduos e verificando a sua viabilidade econômica, baseandose no conceito de Symbio City, visando as novas práticas sustentáveis que tem se tornado um foco importante de pesquisa por tecnologias que utilizem recursos renováveis e que diminuam ou eliminem a produção de contaminantes e poluentes ambientais em processo de obtenção de energia. O aumento de lixo está diretamente ligado ao aumento desordenado da população e do crescimento sem planejamento de grandes núcleos urbanos, com isso as ações e o manejo acerca dos resíduos se tornaram complexos e devido ao não reaproveitamento é possível verificar que os sistemas de descarga destes detritos se encontram em seu maior momento de saturação, os quais demandam aterros sanitários cada vez mais afastados dos centros urbanos, além do fato de ainda existirem quantidades significativas sendo despejadas em aterros controlados e lixões. Diante disto, este projeto visa elaborar um cenário de coleta para os resíduos sólidos urbanos, transportando-os para uma usina inserida na própria área de estudo. A partir da coleta de dados da geração de lixo por habitante da região noroeste na cidade de São Paulo, foi possível calcular a quantidade aproximada de 240 toneladas/dia de material orgânico e seco para a geração de energia, o que poderia abastecer uma população com cerca de 70.000 habitantes ou resultar em 4 MWh de energia elétrica para exportação.
The objective of this study was to elaborate the project of a system for the reuse of solid urban residential waste from four districts of the eastern zone of São Paulo: Belém, Brás, Mooca and Tatuapé, for the generation of clean and renewable energy generated by the gasification of this waste and verifying its economic viability, based on the concept of Symbio City, aiming at new sustainable practices that have become an important focus of research for technologies that use renewable resources and that reduce or eliminate the production of contaminants and environmental pollutants in the process of obtaining energy. The increase of garbage is directly linked to the disorderly increase of the population and the unplanned growth of large urban centers, so theactions and management about the waste have become complex and due to the lack of reuse it is possible to verify that the systems of discharge of this waste are at their highest moment of saturation, which require landfills increasingly far from urban centers, and the fact that there are still significant quantities being dumped in controlled landfills and dumps. In view of this, this project aims to elaborate a collection scenario for urban solid waste, transporting it to a plant within the study area itself. From the collection of data on the generation of waste per inhabitant of the Northwest region in the city of São Paulo, it was possible to calculate the approximate amount of 240 tons/day of organic and dry material for energy generation, which could supply a population of about 70,000 inhabitants or result in 4 MWh of electricity for export.
The objective of this study was to elaborate the project of a system for the reuse of solid urban residential waste from four districts of the eastern zone of São Paulo: Belém, Brás, Mooca and Tatuapé, for the generation of clean and renewable energy generated by the gasification of this waste and verifying its economic viability, based on the concept of Symbio City, aiming at new sustainable practices that have become an important focus of research for technologies that use renewable resources and that reduce or eliminate the production of contaminants and environmental pollutants in the process of obtaining energy. The increase of garbage is directly linked to the disorderly increase of the population and the unplanned growth of large urban centers, so theactions and management about the waste have become complex and due to the lack of reuse it is possible to verify that the systems of discharge of this waste are at their highest moment of saturation, which require landfills increasingly far from urban centers, and the fact that there are still significant quantities being dumped in controlled landfills and dumps. In view of this, this project aims to elaborate a collection scenario for urban solid waste, transporting it to a plant within the study area itself. From the collection of data on the generation of waste per inhabitant of the Northwest region in the city of São Paulo, it was possible to calculate the approximate amount of 240 tons/day of organic and dry material for energy generation, which could supply a population of about 70,000 inhabitants or result in 4 MWh of electricity for export.