Estudo dos estilos de leiaute não convencionais para mosfets planares em altas temperaturas considerando-se o nó tecnológico de 180nm
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Galembeck, E. H. S.
Gimenez, Salvador Pinillos
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GALEMBECK, E. H. S. Estudo dos estilos de leiaute não convencionais para mosfets planares em altas temperaturas considerando-se o nó tecnológico de 180nm. 2021. 183 f. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia Elétrica) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Bernardo do Campo, 2022. Disponível em:
Texto completo (DOI)
diamante MOSFET,octogonal MOSFET,elipsoidal MOSFET,altas temperaturas
Esta tese de doutorado teve por objetivo estudar os impactos no desempenho elétrico dos transistores de efeito de campo Metal-Óxido-Semicondutor (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Field Effect Transistors, MOSFETs) implementados com diferentes estilos de leiaute da região de porta (hexagonal, também chamado de Diamante (Diamante MOSFET, DM); octogonal (Octogonal MOSFET, OM); elipsoidal (Elipsoidal MOSFET, EM)) decorrentes dos efeitos das altas temperaturas em relação àquele obtido por meio do MOSFET do tipo convencional equivalente, ou seja, aquele que apresenta geometria de porta retangular (Retangular MOSFET, RM). A tecnologia de fabricação de circuitos integrados (CIs) MOS complementar (Complementary MOS, CMOS) utilizada para a fabricação desses transistores foi a do nó tecnológico de 180nm da Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), que utiliza lâminas de silício do tipo convencional (Bulk). Para realizar este estudo comparativo, foram utilizados dados experimentais e resultados de simulações numéricas tridimensionais. As simulações numéricas tridimensionais auxiliaram na compreensão dos comportamentos físicos e elétricos dos efeitos intrínsecos dos MOSFETs com os diferentes estilos de leiaute não convencionais, tais como os Efeitos de Canto Longitudinal (Longitudinal Corner Effect, LCE), da associação paralela de SOI MOSFETs com a mesma largura de canal e diferentes comprimentos de canal (PArallel Connection of Different Channel Lengths Effects, PAMDLE) e da desativação dos MOSFETs parasitários nas regiões de bico de pássaro (DEactivation the PArasitic MOSFETs in the Bird’s Beak Regions Effect, DEPAMBBRE). Os efeitos LCE e PAMDLE são os responsáveis por potencializar os desempenhos elétricos dos DM, OM e EM, em relação àquele observado no RM equivalente, considerando entre eles as mesmas áreas de porta e condições de polarização. Os resultados demonstraram que os efeitos LCE e PAMDLE se mantêm ativos para as diferentes tecnologias de fabricação de CIs CMOS, como a da Silício-Sobre-Isolante (Silicon-On-Insulator, SOI) MOSFET de 1µm da Université de Louvain La Neuve (Bélgica) e da TSMC de 180nm, independentemente da faixa de temperatura no qual os transistores foram estudados (faixa de 300K a 573K, neste caso). Além disso, foram observados ganhos nos principais parâmetros elétricos e figuras de mérito analógicos dos MOSFETs implementados com diferentes estilos de leiaute em relação ao RM equivalente. Para ilustrar a corrente entre dreno e fonte de saturação, a transcondutância máxima e a frequência de ganho de tensão unitária do DM apresentaram ganhos de 66%, 43% e 57%, respectivamente, considerando-se a mais crítica temperatura a que eles foram expostos (573K). Resultados similares foram obtidos para o OM e o EM. Portanto, baseado nos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que os
MOSFETs com esses diferentes estilos de leiaute estudados podem ser considerados como alternativos para potencializar o desempenho elétrico para as diferentes áreas de aplicações, que requerem que esses transistores operem em altas temperaturas, tais como nas aplicações espaciais, automotivas, industriais, militares e médicas
This doctoral thesis aimed to study the impacts on the electrical performance of the Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs) implemented with different gate layout styles (hexagonal, also called Diamond (Diamond MOSFET, DM); octagonal (Octagonal MOSFET, OM); ellipsoidal (Ellipsoidal MOSFET, EM)) resulting from the effects of high temperatures in relation to that obtained through the standard MOSFET counterpart, i.e., the one that presents rectangular gate geometry (Rectangular MOSFET, RM). The complementary MOS (CMOS) integrated circuits (ICs) manufacturing technology used to fabricate these transistors was the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) 180nm technological node, which it uses Bulk silicon wafers. To carry out this comparative study, experimental data and results from three-dimensional numerical simulations were used. The three-dimensional numerical simulations helped to understand the physical and electrical behavior of the intrinsic effects of MOSFETs with non-standard layout styles, such as the Longitudinal Corner Effect (LCE), the PArallel Connection of Different Channel Lengths Effects (PAMDLE) and the DEactivation the PArasitic MOSFETs in the Bird’s Beak Regions Effect (DEPAMBBRE). The LCE and PAMDLE effects are responsible for boosting the electrical performance of DM, OM and EM, in relation to that observed in RM counterpart, regarding among them the same gate areas and biasing conditions. The results showed that the LCE and PAMDLE effects remain active for different CMOS IC manufacturing technologies, such as the 1µm Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) MOSFET from Université de Louvain La Neuve (Belgium) and the 180nm TSMC, regardless of the temperature range in which the transistors were studied (range 300K to 573K, in this case). Furthermore, gains were observed in the main electrical parameters and analog figures of merit of the MOSFETs implemented with different layout styles in relation to RM counterpart. To illustrate the saturation current between drain and source, the maximum transconductance and the unit voltage gain frequency of DM presented gains of 66%, 43% and 57%, respectively, considering the most critical temperature that they were exposed to (573K). Similar results were obtained for OM and EM. Therefore, based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that MOSFETs with these different layout styles can be considered as alternatives to enhance electrical performance for different application areas, which require these transistors to operate at high temperatures, such as in space, automotive, industrial, military and medical applications
This doctoral thesis aimed to study the impacts on the electrical performance of the Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs) implemented with different gate layout styles (hexagonal, also called Diamond (Diamond MOSFET, DM); octagonal (Octagonal MOSFET, OM); ellipsoidal (Ellipsoidal MOSFET, EM)) resulting from the effects of high temperatures in relation to that obtained through the standard MOSFET counterpart, i.e., the one that presents rectangular gate geometry (Rectangular MOSFET, RM). The complementary MOS (CMOS) integrated circuits (ICs) manufacturing technology used to fabricate these transistors was the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) 180nm technological node, which it uses Bulk silicon wafers. To carry out this comparative study, experimental data and results from three-dimensional numerical simulations were used. The three-dimensional numerical simulations helped to understand the physical and electrical behavior of the intrinsic effects of MOSFETs with non-standard layout styles, such as the Longitudinal Corner Effect (LCE), the PArallel Connection of Different Channel Lengths Effects (PAMDLE) and the DEactivation the PArasitic MOSFETs in the Bird’s Beak Regions Effect (DEPAMBBRE). The LCE and PAMDLE effects are responsible for boosting the electrical performance of DM, OM and EM, in relation to that observed in RM counterpart, regarding among them the same gate areas and biasing conditions. The results showed that the LCE and PAMDLE effects remain active for different CMOS IC manufacturing technologies, such as the 1µm Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) MOSFET from Université de Louvain La Neuve (Belgium) and the 180nm TSMC, regardless of the temperature range in which the transistors were studied (range 300K to 573K, in this case). Furthermore, gains were observed in the main electrical parameters and analog figures of merit of the MOSFETs implemented with different layout styles in relation to RM counterpart. To illustrate the saturation current between drain and source, the maximum transconductance and the unit voltage gain frequency of DM presented gains of 66%, 43% and 57%, respectively, considering the most critical temperature that they were exposed to (573K). Similar results were obtained for OM and EM. Therefore, based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that MOSFETs with these different layout styles can be considered as alternatives to enhance electrical performance for different application areas, which require these transistors to operate at high temperatures, such as in space, automotive, industrial, military and medical applications