Calçada drenante como técnica de captação, armazenamento e aproveitamento de águas pluviais em residências
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Rocha, Aryane Raposo
Isidro, Cecília de Almeida
Clemonte, Natasha Baruffaldi
Nascimento, Rafael Gomes do
Raul Fernando Ramos
Sistemas de drenagem eficientes e aproveitamento da água pluvial são alternativas que podem contribuir para a redução de enchentes, por amortecer o escoamento superficial devido a possibilidade de armazenamento, impedindo que toda vazão chegue até seu destino final ao mesmo tempo, saturando a drenagem urbana. A captação e aproveitamento da água da chuva auxilia na diminuição do consumo de água tratada e preserva o meio ambiente, reduzindo a escassez dos recursos hídricos. Desta forma, o trabalho consistiu em desenvolver um sistema
que contribuísse para amenizar os problemas de enchente, captando, armazenando e
aproveitando as águas pluviais. O projeto consiste em uma calçada drenante que possui um reservatório inferior e, através de tubulações, leva a água escoada até uma cisterna, e com o devido tratamento pode ser utilizada na residência para fins não potáveis como irrigação de jardim, descargas sanitárias, lavagem de roupa, veículos, pisos, entre outros. O local escolhido para estudo foi o bairro Rudge Ramos, localizado em São Bernardo do Campo, com o intuito de amenizar os problemas causados por frequentes enchentes na região. A implantação das calçadas drenantes contribuirá para contenção do rápido escoamento superficial, aliviando o sistema de abastecimento público além disso, reduzirá o consumo de água potável, portanto,
evitará que a casa seja alagada, e a água pluvial captada poderá ainda ser aproveitada. Diante disso, o sistema foi dimensionado considerando as precipitações da região em um período de 20 anos (1995 a 2015), para atender em média três moradores por residência, realizando o estudo dos materiais que compõem o sistema para analisar a viabilidade de construção, eficiência no alívio de enchentes e economia para o proprietário.
Drainage systems and use of rainwater are alternatives that can contribute to the reduction of floods, by dampening the runoff due to the possibility of storage, preventing all flows from reaching their final destination at the same time, saturating the urban drainage. The capture and use of rainwater helps to reduce the consumption of treated water and preserves the environment, reducing the scarcity of water resources. In this way, the work aimed to develop a system that would contribute to alleviate the flooding problems, capturing, storing and taking advantage of rainwater. The project consists of a draining sidewalk that has a lower reservoir and through pipes, takes the drained water to a cistern, and with the proper treatment it can be used in the residence for non-potable purposes such as garden irrigation, sanitary flushes, washing clothes , vehicles, floors, among others. The location chosen for study was the Rudge Ramos neighborhood, located in São Bernardo do Campo, in order to alleviate the problems caused by frequent floods in the region. The implementation of draining sidewalks will contribute to contain the fast runoff, relieving the public supply system and, in addition, will reduce the consumption of drinking water, therefore, it will prevent the house from being flooded, and the rainwater collected can still be used. Given this fact, the system was dimensioned considering the rainfall in the region over a period of 20 years (1995 to 2015), to serve an average of three residents per residence, carrying out the study of the materials that make up the system to analyze the construction feasibility, efficiency in flood relief and savings for the owner.
Drainage systems and use of rainwater are alternatives that can contribute to the reduction of floods, by dampening the runoff due to the possibility of storage, preventing all flows from reaching their final destination at the same time, saturating the urban drainage. The capture and use of rainwater helps to reduce the consumption of treated water and preserves the environment, reducing the scarcity of water resources. In this way, the work aimed to develop a system that would contribute to alleviate the flooding problems, capturing, storing and taking advantage of rainwater. The project consists of a draining sidewalk that has a lower reservoir and through pipes, takes the drained water to a cistern, and with the proper treatment it can be used in the residence for non-potable purposes such as garden irrigation, sanitary flushes, washing clothes , vehicles, floors, among others. The location chosen for study was the Rudge Ramos neighborhood, located in São Bernardo do Campo, in order to alleviate the problems caused by frequent floods in the region. The implementation of draining sidewalks will contribute to contain the fast runoff, relieving the public supply system and, in addition, will reduce the consumption of drinking water, therefore, it will prevent the house from being flooded, and the rainwater collected can still be used. Given this fact, the system was dimensioned considering the rainfall in the region over a period of 20 years (1995 to 2015), to serve an average of three residents per residence, carrying out the study of the materials that make up the system to analyze the construction feasibility, efficiency in flood relief and savings for the owner.
águas pluviais; enchentes; aproveitamento; rainwater; floods; utilization