IoT Energy Retrofit and the Connection of Legacy Machines Inside the Industry 4.0 Concept
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IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
Texto completo na Scopus
Citações na Scopus
Fabio Lima
Alexandre Augusto Massote
Rodrigo Maia
© 2019 IEEE.Industry 4.0 concepts has left the hype behind them to become an industrial reality. Several technological pillars provide support to the so called 4th industrial revolution. Among them are the Digital Twin (based on Cyber-Physical-Systems (CPS)) and the Internet of Things (IoT). Moreover, the interoperability from legacy equipment should be provided to the success of this new factory model. A huge concern is focused on the small and medium enterprises (SME) and their steps toward this new industry. Considering this scenario, this work presents a machine retrofit using an energy measurement industrial sensor, an IoT gateway to provide connectivity to this machine as well as show how the generated data could be sent to the cloud. Once in the cloud the data should feedback the digital energy model in one hand and in another hand be shared with third part partners. In order to manage and build massages in proper communication protocols the Node Red software was used and a mobile application was developed to monitor the energy data in real time.
LIMA. F.; MASSOTE, A. A.; MAIA, R. IoT Energy Retrofit and the Connection of Legacy Machines Inside the Industry 4.0 Concept. IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference), v. 2019-October, p. 5499-5504, oct. 2019.
Assuntos Scopus
Cyber-physical systems (CPS); Energy retrofit; Industrial revolutions; Industrial sensor; Internet of thing (IOT); Legacy equipment; Mobile applications; Small and medium enterprise