Effects of manufacturing plastic prestrains found on calendered and UOE pipes and pressure vessels on structural integrity assessments regarding fatigue crack growth and LBB

dc.contributor.authorMoco R.F.
dc.contributor.authorCavalcante F.G.
dc.contributor.authorBolognesi Donato G.H.
dc.description.abstract© 2018 The Authors.High responsibility components operating under cyclic loading can have their resistance against initiation and growth of fatigue cracks highly influenced by previous thermomechanical processing. Within the interest of the present work, different manufacturing processes (such as the fabrication of pipes using UOE) or installation procedures (such as pipe reeling) can lead to nonuniform plastic prestrain fields thus affecting lifetime and safety. Previous studies conducted by the authors revealed that prestraining up to 14% considerably reduced fatigue crack growth rates (da/dN-ΔK) for a hot-rolled (1/2") ASTM-A36 steel as a result of strain hardening and its effects on plastic zone sizes. In addition, results also revealed two interesting trends: i) the larger is the imposed prestrain, the greater is the growth rate reduction in a nonlinear asymptotic relationship; ii) the larger is imposed ΔK, the more pronounced is the effect of prestraining. Within this scenario, this work explores the effects of those results on more realistic lifetime predictions applicable to pipelines and pressure vessels. First, a nonlinear model based on the experimental results was developed to predict crack growth rates (da/dN) as a function of ΔK and varying plastic prestrain levels. Second, refined nonlinear FE models were developed to quantify plastic prestrain fields caused by manufacturing sequence of the studied pressure vessels and pipes. Such fields proved to be remarkably nonuniform, in accordance to the literature. Finally, considering an idealized cyclic internal pressure and the obtained fields, a MatLab algorithm was implemented to predict fatigue crack growth rates until LBB (Leak Before Break) condition takes place. Best practices for implementing such evaluations are presented and results revealed that effects of plastic prestrains are not negligible and should be taken into account on recommended practices and structural integrity assessments to avoid excessive conservatism or lack of safety in applications.
dc.identifier.citationMOÇO, RODRYGO FIGUEIREDO; CAVALCANTE, FÁBIO GONÇALVES; DONATO, Gustavo. Effects of manufacturing plastic prestrains found on calendered and UOE pipes and pressure vessels on structural integrity assessments regarding fatigue crack growth and LBB. Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 13, p. 1915-1923, 2018.
dc.relation.ispartofProcedia Structural Integrity
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subject.otherlanguageEffects of plastic prestrain
dc.subject.otherlanguageFatigue crack growth
dc.subject.otherlanguagePressure vessels
dc.subject.otherlanguageStructural steels
dc.titleEffects of manufacturing plastic prestrains found on calendered and UOE pipes and pressure vessels on structural integrity assessments regarding fatigue crack growth and LBB
dc.typeArtigo de evento