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Pontes, Arthur Caravieri
Xavier, Ayra Christina Santos Laurindo
De Almeida, Bruno Sobral Coelho
Matiuci, Enrico Steinle
Beraldini, Gabriel Batistioli
Celino, Gabriel José
Araujo, Luiz Henrique Marques
Inserra, Matheus Gasparetto
Bessa, Vinicius Guimarães
Leonardi, Fabrizio
Conforme dados levantados no Censo de 2010 pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), cerca de 45 milhões de pessoas possuem algum tipo de deficiência no Brasil. Ademais, 7% da população brasileira possui algum tipo de dificuldade para se movimentar. Já em escala mundial, apenas uma em cada dez pessoas possui acesso aos equipamentos assistivos que necessitam. Diante do exposto, o NEOVECTIS traz uma nova visão ao projeto VECTIS, incluindo melhorias e maior viabilidade financeira. Em acréscimo, importante ressaltar o objetivo, qual seja construir um dispositivo modular para auxiliar a propulsão das cadeiras de rodas, consistindo em duas alavancas que, ao serem empurradas, transmitem movimento ao eixo das rodas. Referida mudança faz-se necessária para preservar as musculaturas da região do ombro do cadeirante. Com o intuito de dar continuidade ao projeto Vectis, pretende-se otimizar os seguintes mecanismos: sistema de freio, conjunto de alavancas e acoplamento. Para o sistema de freio, será preciso empregar componentes mais eficazes, sem comprometer a estética e modularidade. No conjunto de alavancas, as melhorias envolvem: (i) alteração da geometria para empregar materiais mais leves sem comprometer sua eficiência mecânica; (ii) adição de um sistema de contrabalanceamento, a fim de deixar a alavanca em posição estável, na hipótese de ser solta pelo cadeirante; e (iii) permissão de manobras e deslocamento em marcha ré. Por fim, no acoplamento propõe-se a otimização de componentes com o objetivo de reduzir o peso e a largura.
According to data collected in the 2010 Census by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), about 45 million people have some type of disability in Brazil. Moreover, 7% of the Brazilian population has some kind of difficulty in their movement. On a global scale, only one in ten people have access to the assistive equipment they need. Given the above, NeoVectis brings a new vision to the Vectis project, including improvements and greater financial viability. In addition, it is important to highlight the objective, namely, to build a modular device to assist the propulsion of wheelchairs, consisting of two levers that, when pushed, transmit movement to the wheel axis. This change is necessary to preserve the musculature of the shoulder region of the user. In order to continue the Vectis project, we intend to optimize the following mechanisms: brake system, lever set and coupling. For the brake system, it will be necessary to employ more effective components, without compromising aesthetics and modularity. In the set of levers, the improvements involve: (i) changing the geometry to employ lighter materials without compromising their mechanical efficiency; (ii) addition of a counterbalance system to leave the lever in a stable position in the event of being released by the wheelchair; and (iii) permission for maneuvers and reverse displacement. Finally, in the coupling it is proposed the optimization of components to reduce weight and width.
According to data collected in the 2010 Census by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), about 45 million people have some type of disability in Brazil. Moreover, 7% of the Brazilian population has some kind of difficulty in their movement. On a global scale, only one in ten people have access to the assistive equipment they need. Given the above, NeoVectis brings a new vision to the Vectis project, including improvements and greater financial viability. In addition, it is important to highlight the objective, namely, to build a modular device to assist the propulsion of wheelchairs, consisting of two levers that, when pushed, transmit movement to the wheel axis. This change is necessary to preserve the musculature of the shoulder region of the user. In order to continue the Vectis project, we intend to optimize the following mechanisms: brake system, lever set and coupling. For the brake system, it will be necessary to employ more effective components, without compromising aesthetics and modularity. In the set of levers, the improvements involve: (i) changing the geometry to employ lighter materials without compromising their mechanical efficiency; (ii) addition of a counterbalance system to leave the lever in a stable position in the event of being released by the wheelchair; and (iii) permission for maneuvers and reverse displacement. Finally, in the coupling it is proposed the optimization of components to reduce weight and width.
propulsão por alavancas; cadeira de rodas