Mean strain influence in low cycle fatigue behavior of AA7175-T1 aluminum alloy
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International Journal of Fatigue
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Salerno G.
Magnabosco R.
Moura Neto C.d.
This work evaluates the mean strain influence on total number of cycles to fatigue failure of AA7175-T1 aluminum alloy, based on empirical relationships developed by SWT, Morrow and Walker, that were used to adjust the experimental data and predict the fatigue-life behavior at different mean strain values applied during cyclic loading. It is found that Walker or SWT relationships can be used to determine the number of cycles for failure of the AA 7175-T1 aluminum alloy. The easiest determination of SWT relationship (which uses parameters found in fatigue tests at zero mean stress and strain) probably will make this relationship the first choice to characterize the fatigue behavior under non-zero mean strain. However, Walker empirical relationship uses different parameters to predict fatigue-life behavior, and this may lead to a better fit of experimental data of different metallic materials. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
SALERNO, Gigliola;SALERNO, GIGLIOLA;Gigliola Salerno;Salerno, G.;GIGLIOLA SALERNO;SALERNO,G.;Salerno, Gigliola; MAGNABOSCO, R.; MOURA NETO, C.. Mean strain influence in low cycle fatigue behavior of AA7175-T1 aluminum alloy. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 29, n. 5, p. 829-835, 2007.
AA7175; Aluminum alloy; Low cycle fatigue; Mean strain; Mean stress
Assuntos Scopus
Low cycle fatigue behavior; Metallic materials