Redes neurais artificiais e processamento de linguagem natural aplicados a previsão do minicontrato futuro do índice Ibovespa
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Silva, D. E.
Bianchi, Reinaldo Augusto da Costa
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SILVA, D. E. Redes neurais artificiais e processamento de linguagem natural aplicados a previsão do minicontrato futuro do índice ibovespa. São Bernardo do Campo, 2021. 115 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Bernardo do Campo, 2021 Disponível em:
Texto completo (DOI)
processamento de linguagem natural (computação),redes neurais recorrentes,Bovespa
Estudos científicos recentemente realizados comprovam que existe relação das informações divulgadas nas Redes Sociais com as variações dos preços dos ativos negociados na Bolsa de Valores Brasileira (BOVESPA). Nesses estudos são utilizadas técnicas de Processamento de Linguagem Natural (PLN) para o tratamento de dados textuais que possibilitam a compreensão da linguagem humana pelas máquinas que, enriquecida com as informações históricas dos ativos, geram indicações para tomada de decisão nas negociações da Bolsa. Os relacionamentos entre a Rede Social Twitter e a Bovespa são abordados através do uso de PLN na base de dados da Rede Social com Word Embedding, realizando uma classificação dicotômica para tomadas de decisões, não se atendo para as práticas de maiores retornos com os ganhos das variações dos ativos nos pequenos intervalos entre o dia. A proposta deste trabalho é a criação de um modelo para tomada de decisão no mercado financeiro apoiada nas mensagens relativas à BOVESPA na Rede Social Twitter, tratadas por técnicas de Processamento de Linguagem Natural (PLN). Neste ponto é usado frases completas para vetorização do Word Embedding e classificadas com uma Rede Neural Recorrente (LSTM) para indicar negociações do ativo mini-índice da BOVESPA com atuação regida pela tendência do mercado acrescida da classificação do Word Embedding, agregadas em 5, 15 e 30 minutos, para atuações nos minutos sequências de operações day trade. Os experimentos realizados neste trabalho demonstraram a validade da hipótese de que mensagens de uma rede social podem apoiar decisões no mercado financeiro, permitindo obter lucros neste domínio.
Recently conducted scientific studies prove that there is a relationship between the information published on Social Networks and the variations in the prices of assets traded on the Brazilian Stock Exchange (BOVESPA). In these studies, Natural Language Processing (PLN) techniques are used for the treatment of textual data that enable the understanding of human language by machines, which, enriched with the historical information of the assets, generate indications for decision-making in the stock market negotiations. The relationships between the Social Network Twitter and Bovespa are approached through the use of PLN in the Social Network database with Word Embedding, performing a dichotomous classification for decision making, not taking into account the practices of greater returns with the earnings of the variations of asset in the small intervals between the day. The purpose of this work is to create a model for decision making in the financial market supported by messages related to BOVESPA on the Twitter, handled by Natural Language Processing (PLN) techniques. At this point, complete sentences are used for Word Embedding vectorization and classified with a Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM) to indicate trades in the BOVESPA mini-index asset with performance governed by the market trend plus the Word Embedding classification, aggregated into 5, 15 and 30 minutes, for actions in the sequence of minutes of day trade operations. The experiments carried out in this work demonstrated the validity of the hypothesis that messages from a social network can support decisions in the financial market, allowing to obtain profits in this domain.
Recently conducted scientific studies prove that there is a relationship between the information published on Social Networks and the variations in the prices of assets traded on the Brazilian Stock Exchange (BOVESPA). In these studies, Natural Language Processing (PLN) techniques are used for the treatment of textual data that enable the understanding of human language by machines, which, enriched with the historical information of the assets, generate indications for decision-making in the stock market negotiations. The relationships between the Social Network Twitter and Bovespa are approached through the use of PLN in the Social Network database with Word Embedding, performing a dichotomous classification for decision making, not taking into account the practices of greater returns with the earnings of the variations of asset in the small intervals between the day. The purpose of this work is to create a model for decision making in the financial market supported by messages related to BOVESPA on the Twitter, handled by Natural Language Processing (PLN) techniques. At this point, complete sentences are used for Word Embedding vectorization and classified with a Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM) to indicate trades in the BOVESPA mini-index asset with performance governed by the market trend plus the Word Embedding classification, aggregated into 5, 15 and 30 minutes, for actions in the sequence of minutes of day trade operations. The experiments carried out in this work demonstrated the validity of the hypothesis that messages from a social network can support decisions in the financial market, allowing to obtain profits in this domain.