Model on the phenomenon of spreading depression in cerebral cortex of rats using soft computing

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COSTA, H. R. D. N.
WIT Transactions on the Built Environment
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LA NEVE, A.; COSTA, H. R. D. N. Model on the phenomenon of spreading depression in cerebral cortex of rats using soft computing. WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, v. 145, p. 179-186, 2014.
Texto completo (DOI)
Spreading depression (SD) is the phenomenon that occurs in the neural tissue, and it may appear after the application of a stimulus. SD can be defined as the propagation of a wave of slowly varying voltage together with the suppressive activity electric. It has been studied with the aid of mathematical and computer models, which were developed in the attempt to reproduce the main characteristics observed in the neural tissue, and so be able to formulate hypotheses regarding the mechanisms of its generation and spread. An example of SD modeling is UMEEST-SD - "One-dimensional Model for Extracellular Electrodiffusion and Synaptic Terminals during Spreading Depression." Since computer models for the SD have a large amount of biological parameters that need to be adjusted, we used some of Artificial Intelligence techniques, Fuzzy Theory, and Neural Networks, to optimize the handling of these parameters. This work presents the study of the application of modeling to Neuro-Fuzzy phenomenon of SD, with the use of Neuro-Fuzzy ANFIS, implemented in MATLAB software. © 2014 WIT Press.
