Pós-Venda na indústria automobílistica: análise de tendências e fidelização de clientes
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Revista ADMpg (Impresso)
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market research
Com o advento da globalização, a crescente competitividade e o aumento do nível de exigência, as empresas buscam
maneiras para sobreviver no mercado, uma vez que a qualidade dos produtos está cada vez mais semelhante. Dessa forma, na
presente pesquisa, sobre o serviço pós-venda na fi delização do cliente e a importância do manual do veículo, foi realizada uma
pesquisa mercadológica descritiva que teve como instrumento de coleta de dados um questionário destinado a clientes que
adquiriram carros novos nos últimos cinco anos. Com os resultados encontrados percebe-se que a maioria dos pesquisados considera importante o serviço pós-venda na compra de um veículo, também que uma minoria julga o serviço pós-venda excelente
e que os clientes priorizam a qualidade ao avaliar o serviço, ao serem questionados sobre quais os motivos que o fi delizam a marca, o pós-venda ocupa um lugar de destaque e sendo indagados se costumam ler o manual do proprietário constata-se que uma
parcela pequena do número de pesquisados o lê totalmente. Após a análise dos dados comprovou-se que o serviço pós-venda e
um novo conceito de manual, são sim um diferencial competitivo e que merecem maior atenção das empresas automobilísticas
pelo fato dos clientes terem apresentado insatisfação com o serviço e o considerar um fator decisório na compra de um veículo
e que o manual interativo diminuirá o serviço com pós-venda, por apresentar linguagem clara, diferente dos convencionais,
esclarecendo melhor dúvidas e erros frequentes do proprietário do veículo.
With the globalization established, the huge competitivity and the requirement level increasing, the industries search for ways to survive on the market, once the product quality is almost the same. Hence, in the current search about the after sale service to get the customer’s loyalty and the importance of the vehicle manual, a descriptive market research was done, with data collected from questions asked to customers who bought new cars in the last fi ve years. With the results, we realize most of the customers consider the after sale service important when buying a new vehicle; also, a minority judges the after sale service excelent and that the customers think the service quality is a priority. When asked about which reasons the customers are loyal to a brand, the after sale service is in a highlighted place and when asked if the customers are used to read the vehicle manual, only a part of them read it entirely. After the data analysis, we comprove the after sale service and a new manual concept are, for sure, a competitive differential and deserve bigger attention from the automotive industries because the customers did not show satisfaction for the service and consider it as a decisive factor when buying a vehicle, and that the interactive manual will low the after sale service, introducing a comprehensive language, different from the normal ones, better clarifying doubts and constant mistakes made by the vehicle owner.
With the globalization established, the huge competitivity and the requirement level increasing, the industries search for ways to survive on the market, once the product quality is almost the same. Hence, in the current search about the after sale service to get the customer’s loyalty and the importance of the vehicle manual, a descriptive market research was done, with data collected from questions asked to customers who bought new cars in the last fi ve years. With the results, we realize most of the customers consider the after sale service important when buying a new vehicle; also, a minority judges the after sale service excelent and that the customers think the service quality is a priority. When asked about which reasons the customers are loyal to a brand, the after sale service is in a highlighted place and when asked if the customers are used to read the vehicle manual, only a part of them read it entirely. After the data analysis, we comprove the after sale service and a new manual concept are, for sure, a competitive differential and deserve bigger attention from the automotive industries because the customers did not show satisfaction for the service and consider it as a decisive factor when buying a vehicle, and that the interactive manual will low the after sale service, introducing a comprehensive language, different from the normal ones, better clarifying doubts and constant mistakes made by the vehicle owner.
NOGUEIRA NETO, M. DE S.; OLIVEIRA, H. H. DE; BISAGGIO, R. S.; LIMA, J. L. A. DE. Pós-venda na Industria automobilística: análise de tendências e fidelização de clientes. Revista ADMpg (Impresso), v.3, p. 95-101, 2010.
Pós-venda; Pesquisa Mercadológica; Fidelização; after sale; loyalty