Repositório do Conhecimento Institucional do Centro Universitário FEI

Directional solidification, microstructure and properties of the Al3Nb-Nb2Al eutectic

dc.contributor.authorRIOS, C. T.
dc.contributor.authorMILENKOVIC, S.
dc.contributor.authorFERRANDINI, P. L.
dc.contributor.authorCARAM, R.
dc.description.abstractThe Al-Nb system exhibits a eutectic transformation at 1595.2°C, which results in Al3Nb (D022) and Nb2Al (D8b) phases. This paper is concerned with the processing of this eutectic by directional solidification. Alloys were prepared by arc melting and directionally solidified in Bridgman-type equipment. The resulting samples were utilized to evaluate the solidification microstructure and morphology regarding the growth conditions. Eutectic microstructures obtained were regular with lamellar morphology. Variations of the growth rate showed that an increase in this parameter causes a decrease in the lamellar spacing. With further increase in the growth rate, eutectic cells were observed as a result of constitutional undercooling. Oxidation tests of eutectic microstructures showed that this alloy suffers severe microstructure instability, with growth kinetics of the oxide scale of linear type. This indicates that the Al in the Nb-Al eutectic alloy is insufficient to form protective oxide films, such as, α-Al2O3. Finally, the heat treatment in argon atmosphere showed that the eutectic alloy presents a high degree of microstructure stability at 1200°C. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
dc.identifier.citationRIOS, C. T.; MILENKOVIC, S.; FERRANDINI, P. L.; CARAM, R. Directional solidification, microstructure and properties of the Al3Nb-Nb2Al eutectic. Journal of Crystal Growth, v. 275, n. 1-2, February, 2005.
dc.relation.ispartofJournal of Crystal Growth
dc.rightsAcesso Restrito
dc.subject.otherlanguageA1. Directional solidification
dc.subject.otherlanguageA1. Eutectics
dc.subject.otherlanguageA1. Phase diagrams
dc.subject.otherlanguageA2. Bridgman technique
dc.titleDirectional solidification, microstructure and properties of the Al3Nb-Nb2Al eutectic
dc.typeArtigo de evento
fei.scopus.subjectBridgman techniques
fei.scopus.subjectHigh temperature structural applications
fei.scopus.subjectPolyphase materials
fei.scopus.subjectSynthetic composites

