Departamento de Física
URI permanente desta comunidade
4 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
- Reliability-Performance Analysis of Hardware and Software Co-Designs in SRAM-Based APSoCs(2018) Tambara L.A.; Kastensmidt F.L.; Rech P.; Lins F.; Medina N.H.; Added N.; Aguiar V.A.P.; Silveira M.A.G.© 1963-2012 IEEE.All programmable system-on-chip (APSoC) devices provide higher system performance and programmable flexibility at lower costs compared to standalone field-programmable gate array devices and processors. Unfortunately, it has been demonstrated that the high complexity and density of APSoCs increase the system's susceptibility to radiation-induced errors. This paper investigates the effects of soft errors on APSoCs at design level through reliability and performance analyses. We explore 28 different hardware and software co-designs varying the workload distribution between hardware and software. We also propose a reliability analysis flow based on fault injection (FI) to estimate the reliability trend of hardware-only and software-only designs and hardware-software co-designs. Results obtained from both radiation experiments and FI campaigns reveal that performance and reliability can be improved up to 117× by offloading the workload of an APSoC-based system to its programmable logic core. We also show that the proposed flow is a precise method to estimate the reliability trend of system designs on APSoCs before radiation experiments.
- Analyzing the Influence of the Angles of Incidence and Rotation on MBU Events Induced by Low LET Heavy Ions in a 28-nm SRAM-Based FPGA(2017) Tonfat J.; Kastensmidt F.L.; Artola L.; Hubert G.; Medina N.H.; Added N.; Aguiar V.A.P.; Aguirre F.; Macchione E.L.A.; Silveira M.A.G.© 1963-2012 IEEE.This paper shows the impact of low linear energy transfer heavy ions on the reliability of 28-nm Bulk static random access memory (RAM) cells from Artix-7 field-programmable gate array. Irradiation tests on the ground showed significant differences in the multiple bit upset cross section of configuration RAM and block RAM memory cells under various angles of incidence and rotation of the device. Experimental data are analyzed at transistor level by using the single-event effect prediction tool called multiscale single-event phenomenon prediction platform coupled with SPICE simulations.
- Analyzing Reliability and Performance Trade-Offs of HLS-Based Designs in SRAM-Based FPGAs under Soft Errors(2017) Tambara L.A.; Tonfat J.; Santos A.; Kastensmidt F.L.; Medina N.H.; Added N.; Aguiar V.A.P.; Aguirre F.; Silveira M.A.G.© 1963-2012 IEEE.The increasing system complexity of FPGA-based hardware designs and shortening of time-to-market have motivated the adoption of new designing methodologies focused on addressing the current need for high-performance circuits. High-Level Synthesis (HLS) tools can generate Register Transfer Level (RTL) designs from high-level software programming languages. These tools have evolved significantly in recent years, providing optimized RTL designs, which can serve the needs of safety-critical applications that require both high performance and high reliability levels. However, a reliability evaluation of HLS-based designs under soft errors has not yet been presented. In this work, the trade-offs of different HLS-based designs in terms of reliability, resource utilization, and performance are investigated by analyzing their behavior under soft errors and comparing them to a standard processor-based implementation in an SRAM-based FPGA. Results obtained from fault injection campaigns and radiation experiments show that it is possible to increase the performance of a processor-based system up to 5,000 times by changing its architecture with a small impact in the cross section (increasing up to 8 times), and still increasing the Mean Workload Between Failures (MWBF) of the system.
- Experimental setup for Single Event Effects at the São Paulo 8UD Pelletron Accelerator(2014) Aguiar V.A.P.; Added N.; Medina N.H.; Macchione E.L.A.; Tabacniks M.H.; Aguirre F.R.; Silveira M.A.G.; Santos R.B.B.; Seixas Jr. L.E.In this work we present an experimental setup mounted in one of the beam lines at the São Paulo 8UD Pelletron Accelerator in order to study Single Event Effects in electronic devices. The basic idea is to use elastic scattering collisions to achieve a low-flux with a high-uniformity ion beam to irradiate several devices. 12C, 16O, 28Si, 35Cl and 63Cu beams were used to test the experimental setup. In this system it is possible to use efficiently LET values of 17 MeV/mg/cm2 for an external beam arrangement and up to 32 MeV/mg/cm2 for in-vacuum irradiation. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.