Engenharia de Produção
URI permanente desta comunidadehttps://repositorio.fei.edu.br/handle/FEI/19
- Estimation of Energy Consumption in Manufacturing Lines Using Machine Learning into Industry 4.0 Context(2022-01-05) Fabio Lima; NONOGAKI, L. K. B. Y.; CHANG, J.; Alexandre Augusto Massote© 2022 PICMET.This paper deals with the simulation of production lines focusing on opportunities of reducing the energy consumption. The simulation of systems is one of the pillars of the so-called Industry 4.0. It has been used a digital manufacturing software, which allow the creation of digital twins, to carry out the models. Once the model has been created and validated, a machine learning approach, more specifically a Neural Network was trained to estimate the energy consumption of the line. The estimation of the energy consumption allows to use this variable to take decisions of the production scheduling. Moreover, the neural network package is embedded into the digital manufacturing software which provides more flexibility to solve the problem using one single software tool. The results validate the proposal, and, for future work, the effective creation of the digital twin should be performed.
- Innovative laboratory model based on partnerships and active learning(2017-12-12) Rodrigo Maia; Alexandre Augusto Massote; Fabio Lima© 2017 IEEE.The advent of the internet of things and industry 4.0 bring new paradigms that tend to affect the way of organizing several human activities, among them the production processes that are ruled by production and human work on a large scale in the production lines. Therefore, it is inevitable to think of how to prepare students for this new, oncoming reality, since these students will have to deal with a society where usual jobs will no longer be available. This paper presents the initiative of two laboratories developed to prepare students in engineering and computer science to deal with the Internet of Things (IOT) and industry 4.0 (I4.0) subjects. These laboratories were developed in partnership with companies: the first one of Digital Manufacturing (DM) and the second one of IOT, and the integrated work of these laboratories approaches with the students the concepts of I4.0 or advanced manufacturing. The collaborative environment between academia and companies, as well as the joint work of two laboratories, allowed graduate students to develop discussions and works that integrate issues of society and companies with academic studies.
- IoT Energy Retrofit and the Connection of Legacy Machines Inside the Industry 4.0 Concept(2019-10-05) Fabio Lima; Alexandre Augusto Massote; Rodrigo Maia© 2019 IEEE.Industry 4.0 concepts has left the hype behind them to become an industrial reality. Several technological pillars provide support to the so called 4th industrial revolution. Among them are the Digital Twin (based on Cyber-Physical-Systems (CPS)) and the Internet of Things (IoT). Moreover, the interoperability from legacy equipment should be provided to the success of this new factory model. A huge concern is focused on the small and medium enterprises (SME) and their steps toward this new industry. Considering this scenario, this work presents a machine retrofit using an energy measurement industrial sensor, an IoT gateway to provide connectivity to this machine as well as show how the generated data could be sent to the cloud. Once in the cloud the data should feedback the digital energy model in one hand and in another hand be shared with third part partners. In order to manage and build massages in proper communication protocols the Node Red software was used and a mobile application was developed to monitor the energy data in real time.
- Stimulating the creativity and the enterprising vision focused on the global markets(2007-10-10) Alexandre Augusto Massote; De Souza Nogueira Neto, MarioThe great evolution of medias and information, that occurred during the XX century, had as one of the main consequences the increase of production speed and transmission of knowledge. The changes, associated to globalization, had modified world-wide the economic, commercial and human relations. The stimulation to the development of the creativity associated with engineering techniques are tools that will result benefits like the improvement of the quality of human's life. The objective of this paper is to present a project elaborated in one of the disciplines of the course of Industrial Engineering, looking, mainly, for the strategy of commercialization and the creative aspect of the product conceived for a group of students. It is considered the development of a product, its process of manufacture and its commercialization, objectifying the local and world-wide markets. The study and research about the uses and customs of some markets in the business is necessary to increase the project's possibility of succeeding. It is waited, as result of the work, that the students will absorb a global vision of the development processes and manufacture of a product that can supply the world-wide markets reaching through this the goal of crossing the borders of the local markets. © 2007 IEEE.
- The impact of the collaborative robot on competitive priorities: Case study of an automotive supplier O impacto do robô colaborativo nas prioridades competitivas: Estudo de caso em um fornecedor automotivo(2020-01-05) VIDO, M.; Gabriela Scur; Alexandre Augusto Massote; Fabio Lima© This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.The literature on operations strategies has extensively addressed the notion that competitive priorities and structural decisions should be aligned to create, develop, and maintain competitive advantages. However, the speed and scale of new manufacturing technologies are modifying an organization's strategies and manufacturing capabilities to address new market requirements, competition, and new entrants. Advances in robotics are poised to change the global business landscape and to support organizations in improving upon their operations strategies. Industrial robots usually help improve product quality and provide better work conditions to limit the use of resources, resulting in cost savings. One of the main trends in robotics is that of human-robot collaboration (HRC), which influences operations strategies and which can have a disruptive effect on business models and market structures. The aim of this paper is to explore and understand the relationship between the competitive priorities (quality, cost, flexibility, and delivery) of classical operations and the competitive advantage of adopting HRC for a Brazilian automotive parts supplier. The results indicate that the hybrid cell (U-shaped manufacturing cell) fully adheres to cost and dependability priorities and partially adheres to quality and flexibility priorities.
Artigo de evento 0 Citação(ões) na Scopus The use of simulation as a tool to support decision-making in a piston manufacturing system(2013) Alexandre Augusto Massote; IGNACIO, B. A. F.The business scenario is characterized by a high complexity, which influences various aspects of the organizations, such as the decision-making. In this way, companies can use several techniques to reduce the risks and uncertainties of this process; among them is the computer simulation. Considering that, this article aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of this technique. In order to do so, it will simulate several situations of a piston manufacturing system linked with the expansion of the manufacturing cell. In summary, the method will be used as a support for the manager to decide which is the best option to expand the manufactory cell.