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Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Artigo 5 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Electronic collaboration in supply chain management: a study of manufacturing companies in Brazil
    (2016-01-05) Claudia Mattos; LAURINDO, F. J. B.
    Electronic collaboration emerges as a differentiating element in supply chain management. This new operational method makes it necessary to understand which concepts are related to the collaborative context, which tools are used and what their impact on performance is, so that managers can direct their management chain decisions. The broad aim of this study is to examine the application of collaborative tools in the supply chain, and to check if managers identify performance improvements in the group of companies that apply these tools. The methodology is based on literature review and quantitative method, using the cluster analysis statistical technique. The results indicate that the group of companies with more significant collaborative features has a different perception of performance, when compared to other groups with lower level of collaborative tools implementation.
  • Capítulo de livro 0 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    The Relationship of Continuous Improvement Practice with Service Operations Competitiveness in Healthcare
    (2020-03-21) TEIXEIRA, A. L.; Alliprandini D. H.; Claudia Mattos
    © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.Although it is reasonable to admit that higher maturity in the continuous improvement practice may generate greater contributions to service operations competitiveness, there is little or hardly any discussion aiming to understand this relationship. Therefore, this paper proposes, in an explanatory form, a reflection on this research field by investigating the relationship between the continuous improvement maturity level and the stages of the service operations competitiveness, relating the abilities of each continuous improvement maturity level to the aspects inherent to each service operations competitiveness stage. The findings of this study are innovative in the research field as this research offers the proposal of a theoretical model that seeks to identify the relationship between the service operations competitiveness and its continuous improvement maturity level.
  • Artigo de evento 0 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Continuous improvement practice and the stages of service operations competitiveness: a hospital case study
    (2022-09-30) TEIXEIRA, A. L.; Dario Alliprandini; Claudia Mattos
    Copyright © 2022 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.This paper aims to study the relationship between the continuous improvement maturity level and the stages of service operations competitiveness, relating the abilities of each continuous improvement maturity level to the aspects that are inherent to each stage of service operations competitiveness in the hospital sector. This paper was developed by means of exploratory field research using a case study method in three hospitals. The findings of this study are innovative in the research field, as this research proposes a theoretical model that seeks to identify the relationship between service operations competitiveness and its continuous improvement maturity level. As implications, the results of this study suggest that hospitals that decided to implement continuous improvement programs have better capabilities to offer services that are more competitive and continuously improve their processes to serve their patients better.
  • Artigo 10 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Adoption of digital technologies for asset management in construction projects
    (2022-07-05) ATTENCIA, G.; Claudia Mattos
    © 2022 The author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Smart asset management can provide a framework for validating and improving asset performance, as well as collecting and incorporating reliable asset information into the decision-making process. In this context, this study analyzes the adoption of technology in the management of intelligent assets through multiple case studies, the technologies used, and the factors that possibly affect the level of technology adoption in asset management and a new method for operating. Technology-Organization-Environment framework and Technology Acceptance Model were used to analyze the main factors influencing technology adoption in intelligent asset management. The contribution of the study lies in the integration of asset management concepts and technology adoption. This integration allows structuring a theoretical framework for technology adoption by identifying the adoption factors in each phase of the asset management cycle in construction projects.
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    Artigo 6 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Lead Acid Batteries (LABs) Closed-Loop Supply Chain: The Brazilian Case
    (2022-10-05) Gabriela Scur; Claudia Mattos; Wilson de Castro Hilsdorf; ARMELIN, M.
    © 2022 by the authors.In the circular economy, a closed-loop supply chain is essential to guarantee the logistics of raw materials to the correct destination of the end-of-life (EOL) product. This is magnified by hazardous products that can contaminate the environment, such as lead, as well as the people involved in their production processes. Through an exploratory study of multiple cases, we analyzed the Brazilian lead-based vehicle battery chain by investigating two main manufacturers, two recycling companies, and eight distributors/retailers. The aim of the study was to analyze the relationships between the actors in the lead acid battery chain and identify the mechanisms that induce recycling programs, and to propose an explanatory framework. The results indicate that although the sustainability strategies of OEMs are implemented by regulatory mechanisms, the impacts of these strategies cascade among all agents in the supply chain, promoting a convergence between actions and relationships between actors from the perspective of the triple bottom line, highlighting variables for each dimension (economic, social, and environmental). The study contributes to the consolidation of the triple bottom line concepts in the lead acid battery production chain and presents managerial implications for sustainability management.
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    Artigo 1 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Economic Model as a Decision-Making Tool for Biodiesel Production from Microalgae Modelo Econômico como Ferramenta de Tomada de Decisões para a Produção de Biodiesel a partir de Microalgas
    (2022) de Oliveira B.A.; SAIA, F. T.; ALBA, J. J. B.; Claudia Mattos
    © 2022 Sociedade Brasileira de QuímicaMicroalgae are fast-growing single-celled organisms and have been widely studied for biodiesel production. Cultivation does not require agricultural land and can be done using wastewater. After bibliographic review, it was observed that most of the economic studies on the production of microalgal biodiesel use deterministic traditional accounting and estimates large-scale production, with biorefinery processes, requiring high investments and considerable time for operation. This study conducted a probabilistic analysis for a small-scale biodiesel production scenario, applying Monte Carlo simulation techniques. At the same time, an economic model was proposed as a decision-making tool based on the detailed construction of Capex and Opex, costing each stage of the production process and multi-scenario economic simulation. To reinforce the analysis, NPV and IRR investment techniques were used, and sensitivity analysis, identifying the variables with the greatest impact on biodiesel production and, consequently, cash flow. The study demonstrated that the production of small-scale biodiesel is financially unfeasible under conditions in 2019 and that the largest economic offender in this type of project is Capex. However, the work expands the discussion on the results of simulations, addressing economic aspects still little discussed in studies on the subject, such as the financial impact of biodiesel corrections in the national quality standard (RANP 45), carbon credits and incentive and subsidy policies to facilitate the feasibility of low environmental impact projects.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    The strategic use of artificial intelligence in the digital era: Systematic literature review and future research directions
    Artificial Intelligence tools have attracted attention from the literature and business organizations in the last decade, especially by the advances in machine learning techniques. However, despite the great potential of AI technologies for solving problems, there are still issues involved in practical use and lack of knowledge as regards using AI in a strategic way, in order to create business value. In this context, the present study aims to fill this gap by: providing a critical literature review related to the integration of AI to organizational strategy; synthetizing the existing approaches and frameworks, highlighting the potential benefits, challenges and opportunities; presenting a discussion about future research directions. Through a systematic literature review, research articles were analyzed. Besides gaps for future studies, a conceptual framework is presented, discussed according to four sources of value creation: (i) decision support; (ii) customer and employee engagement; (iii) automation; and (iv) new products and services. These findings contribute to both theoretical and managerial perspectives, with extensive opportunities for generating novel theory and new forms of management practices.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Análise da relação entre Tecnologia da Informação, Práticas de Lean Manufacturing e Desempenho Operacional
    (2019-10-05) TESTA FILHO, NELSON; Claudia Mattos; Dario Alliprandini
    O principal objetivo deste estudo foi examinar como as empresas estão aplicando as práticas de manufatura enxuta (LM) combinadas com as características da Tecnologia da Informação (TI), a interação entre TI e LM e os resultados obtidos em termos de desempenho operacional. A aplicação da TI e os princípios da manufatura enxuta foram vistos por alguns autores como mutuamente exclusivos, mas há outros estudos indicando que ambas as abordagens são cada vez mais interdependentes. Assim, há necessidade de estudos complementares analisando essa inter-relação de recursos de TI e práticas Lean. Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida com uma abordagem qualitativa aplicada através do método multicaso. O estudo contribui para a teoria, fornecendo uma indicação de quais propriedades de TI trazem efeitos significativos para a implementação de práticas Lean; O estudo também oferece várias recomendações para gerentes de implantação enxuta em suas organizações.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    (2019-05-22) Claudia Mattos; João Chang Júnior; GONCALVES, MARINA JULIANA
    O progresso em tecnologias da informação em saúde oferece novas oportunidades, bem como novos cenários de aplicação, trazendo benefícios em qualidade dos serviços médicos e redução dos custos de saúde. Porém, a literatura científica relacionada com este tema parece ser ainda muito dispersa e fragmentada, demandando novos estudos. Assim, o objetivo geral deste trabalho é investigar a decisão de adoção de tecnologias informação em saúde, e desenvolver uma lista indicando os fatores críticos que influenciam sua adoção e o impactos na gestão da saúde. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa foi adotada a pesquisa Qualitativa através de um estudo de caso em um Organização de Saúde e a Tecnologia analisada foi a implantação do Prontuário Eletrônico. Com relação aos resultados, foram identificados os seguintes fatores críticos de adoção: elaboração de um plano diretor de TI, integração com os sistemas legados, tendências tecnológicas promovendo inovação, envolvimento da alta administração, gestão de projetos com equipes hibridas, plano de capacitação para equipe enfermagem, pressão da concorrência, perfil dos pacientes e a necessidade de novos modelos de negócio. Os principais impactos observados com a adoção dos sistemas foram: melhoria da segurança do paciente, redução do Índices de erro de medicamento, visibilidade das informações.