Engenharia de Produção
URI permanente desta comunidadehttps://repositorio.fei.edu.br/handle/FEI/19
11 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
- Factors influencing cargo robbery in last-mile delivery of e-commerce: an empirical study in Brazil(2023-12-05) SILVA, B. T.; Mauro Sampaio© 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.This empirical study examines the factors influencing cargo robbery incidents in Brazil’s last-mile e-commerce delivery. By analyzing historical data from a leading online retailer, the study identifies variables such as shipment value, quantity, time of day, use of third-party services, and the presence or absence of an escort. The findings demonstrate the significant impact of these factors on the severity of cargo robbery incidents in the last-mile delivery process. These results provide valuable insights for developing effective risk management strategies to mitigate cargo robbery risks in the e-commerce sector. The study contributes to the literature on cargo security in last-mile delivery and offers practical implications for businesses, logistics professionals, and policymakers involved in the Brazilian e-commerce industry.
- Pull Production Implementation: An Action Research Study Implementando a Lógica de Produção Puxada: Uma Pesquisa-Ação(2022-11-05) VASCONCELLOS, L. H. R.; Mauro Sampaio; FONSECA, H.@ RAC owns the copyright to this content.Context: there is little empirical evidence of the relationship between the implementation of lean techniques (such as the pull system) and their real effect on supply chain performance. Objective: the purpose of this paper is to describe the process of implementing the pull production logic in the supply chain, reporting the historical evolution of indicators, such as inventory levels and lead times over 23 months of intervention. Methods: an action research project was carried out describing chain intervention steps in 2017-2019, divided into phases as follows: planning, data collection, implementation of the action, analysis and evaluation of the results. Results: the main contribution was to demonstrate that the production shift from push to pull had a positive impact on lead time, inventory, and planning routines indicators. Inventory levels were reduced by more than 30% and lead times were down approximately 40%. In addition, sales forecast assertiveness increased. Conclusion: this paper may provide a reference for organizations that want to make similar changes in their supply chains and significantly change the planning routine of their suppliers and distributors by implementing the pull logic.
- Hybrid Method CONWIP/KANBAN: A case study Método híbrido CONWIP/KANBAN: Um estudo de caso(2011-01-05) SERENO, B.; DA SILVA, D. S. A.; DA SILVA, D. S. A.; Mauro SampaioKANBAN. CONWIP. CONWIP/KANBAN Hybrid Method.Production control systems have been widely discussed in the Production Engineering literature. The KANBAN system is the most known among professionals for the control and processing of materials in the shop floor environment due to its simplicity and competitive significance in the design of the Toyota production system. Analyzing possible disadvantages presented by this system, the CONWIP demonstrates that the KANBAN can be questioned in certain circumstances and upon certain variables of the product, demand, or production. The objective of this research is to Investigate, compare, and point out the advantages and disadvantages of KANBAN, CONWIP, and the CONWIP/KANBAN Hybrid Method. Based on the case study in a company that manufactures electromechanical components for valve monitoring and control, characterized by small lots, high customization, and uncertain demand, these methods were discussed in order to show, through the results, the differential combination of KANBAN and CONWIP in the CONWIP/KANBAN Hybrid method..
- Academic research published in the management & production journal (G&P, 1999-2010): Trends and future research directions A produção acadêmica publicada na revista Gestão & Produção de 1999 a 2010: Tendências e direções para pesquisas futuras(2012-01-05) BORTOLLOSSI, L. N.; Mauro SampaioThis study is a review and evaluation of studies published in a Brazilian journal of management & production (G&P) from 1999 to 2010 in order to investigate the diversity of articles in terms of the purposes of research, data collection approaches, and data analysis techniques. The research articles were classified based on their primary purpose (theory building, application, and concepts), data collection approach (case study, qualitative research, archival research, survey-based research, laboratory research, and field research), data analysis technique (descriptive statistics, various multivariate statistical techniques, and mathematical modeling), and operations topics (strategy, quality, and supply chain management). The numbers of articles published increased substantially between 1999 to 2010. The focus of the articles on the manufacturing industry published in this journal changed considerably, and more recently the gap between the number of manufacturing and service-focused articles on production and operations management (POM) has reduced. While previous articles published in the G&P journal were based on conceptual descriptions, our results indicate that the journal has published articles based on theory and application. Case study is the most widely used method for data collection. Directions for future research in operations management were also discussed.
- Impact of the inclusion of variable CO2 cost in the distribution network design(2019-08-12) BARROSA, R. C.; Mauro Sampaio; CORREA, J. S.© 2019, Associacao Brasileira de Engenharia de Producao.Paper aims: This study aims to evaluate the economic-financial impact that the inclusion of environmental variable CO2 cost attributed to transportation (fuel consumption) and manufacturing activities (electricity consumption) represents in a distribution network optimization design. Originality: This is the first work carried out in Brazil to present a feasible eco-efficient distribution network in the technical and economic aspects considering the tax aspects of ICMS. In addition, this work addresses the inclusion of CO2 as a cost associated with transportation and manufacturing activities. Finally, for the first time in literature, a reference framework that considers environmental variables is presented. Research method: This study used the systematic literature review method to review the referential framework and carried out a cost reduction using specialist optimization software. Main findings: The technical and economical feasibility in achieving reduction of both total logistic and CO2 costs in a distribution network design in Brazil and the inexistence of trade-offs without technical solution to the eco-efficient configuration of the distribution network. Implications for theory and practice: The results of this paper presents a relevant contribution to logistics professionals and researchers, as it was able to present a framework and demonstrated the feasibility of an eco-efficient network design.
- An exploratory study on emerging technologies applied to logistics 4.0 Um estudo exploratório sobre tecnologias emergentes aplicadas à logística 4.0(2020-09-05) CORREA, J. S.; Mauro Sampaio; BARROS, R. DE. C.© 2020 Brazilian Institute for Information in Science and Technology. All rights reserved.The concept of Logistics 4.0 works closely to that of Industry 4.0. While Industry 4.0 proposes a disruptive change in manufacturing, Logistics 4.0 advocates a transformation in the way organizations buy, manufacture, sell, and deliver products. The objective of this paper is to identify, in Brazilian companies, the degree of interest in the investment in six emerging technologies applicable to logistics, according to scientific literature, as well as to identify the current perception of data quality of these companies. To achieve these objectives, an online survey was conducted. The research showed that the technologies that most interest Brazilian companies are Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing, both with 82% of investment intention. The two technologies that least interested companies are crowdsourcing and 3D printing, both with 68% investment disinterest among respondents.
- Métodos de cotação e negociação na cadeia de suprimentos de autopeças brasileira e os custos de transação(2014-07-10) GENARO, E.; Wilson de Castro Hilsdorf; Mauro SampaioO presente trabalho tem por objetivo principal identificar quais são os métodos de cotação e negociação de preços predominantes na cadeia de suprimentos de autopeças brasileira. Ainda dentro do escopo do trabalho, buscou-se determinar como as características dos métodos de cotação e negociação de preços utilizados na cadeia de suprimentos de autopeças brasileira afetam os custos de transação. O interesse recaiu sobre a cadeia de suprimentos de autopeças do Brasil devido à sua complexidade, atualização tecnológica e crescimento acentuado nos últimos anos. Para alcançar os objetivos foi executada pesquisa tipo survey, com questionário enviado aos gestores da área de supply chain das 100 maiores empresas fabricantes de autopeças. Das respostas obtidas concluiu-se que as maiores empresas da cadeia de suprimentos de autopeças em termos de faturamento, com capital multinacional, empregam uma gama mais variada e estruturada de métodos de cotação e negociação de preços para aquisição de materiais diretos. Por outro lado as empresas de capital nacional empregam majoritariamente métodos mais simples de cotação e negociação de preço. O trabalho apresenta também, com base nas características principais dos métodos de cotação e negociação identificados, a percepção dos gestores de supply chain das empresas pesquisadas acerca da influência dessas características nos custos de transação.
- Impact of the inclusion of variable CO2 cost in the distribution network design(2019-09-23) Rodrigo de Castro Barros; Mauro Sampaio; CORREA, JOBEL SANTOSPaper aims This study aims to evaluate the economic-financial impact that the inclusion of environmental variable CO2 cost attributed to transportation (fuel consumption) and manufacturing activities (electricity consumption) represents in a distribution network optimization design. Originality This is the first work carried out in Brazil to present a feasible eco-efficient distribution network in the technical and economic aspects considering the tax aspects of ICMS. In addition, this work addresses the inclusion of CO2 as a cost associated with transportation and manufacturing activities. Finally, for the first time in literature, a reference framework that considers environmental variables is presented. Research method This study used the systematic literature review method to review the referential framework and carried out a cost reduction using specialist optimization software. Main findings The technical and economical feasibility in achieving reduction of both total logistic and CO2 costs in a distribution network design in Brazil and the inexistence of trade-offs without technical solution to the eco-efficient configuration of the distribution network. Implications for theory and practice The results of this paper presents a relevant contribution to logistics professionals and researchers, as it was able to present a framework and demonstrated the feasibility of an eco-efficient network design.
- IoT and BDA in the Brazilian future logistics 4.0 scenario(2020-03-20) CORREA, J.; Mauro Sampaio; Rodrigo de Casto Barros; Wilson de Castro HilsdorfPaper aims This paper aims to identify the degree of interest and expected return time on investment in Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data Analytics (BDA) technologies by Brazilian logistics companies. Originality A logistics system that meets the requirements imposed by Industry 4.0 is known as Logistics 4.0. According to the current scientific literature, IoT and BDA technologies are the most promising for the Logistics 4.0 applications. Studies on the adoption of these technologies in Brazil are still embryonic and this paper collaborates to narrow this knowledge gap. Research method Exploratory research was conducted using the quantitative approach. Main findings The evidence of the interest in investment in IoT and BDA by Brazilian logistics companies, confirming the current literature. Implications for theory and practice The identification of the intended practical applications for Iot and BDA, as well as the expected difficulties in the implementation of these Technologies.
- Logística reversa no comércio eletrônico: um estudo de caso(2013-06-20) ARAÚJO, ANA CAROLINA DE; MATSUOKA, ÉRICA MAYUMI; UNG, JULY ELLEN; Wilson de Castro Hilsdorf; Mauro SampaioA logística reversa ganha importância cada vez maior tanto no meio acadêmico quanto entre os profissionais de supply chain, não só por ser um dos instrumentos para a prática da sustentabilidade, como também por seu papel estratégico em muitos segmentos econômicos. Diversos trabalhos mostram como uma logística reversa eficiente pode diminuir custos e propiciar vantagem competitiva às empresas. Da mesma forma, o comércio eletrônico vem apresentando crescimento expressivo em muitos países e, por sua própria natureza apresenta taxas de retorno muito maiores que o comércio tradicional. Contudo, apesar da importância da operação de logística reversa para o comércio eletrônico, não se encontram trabalhos que explorem esse tema na literatura. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever o processo de logística reversa do maior varejista virtual do mercado brasileiro, mostrando sua evolução, analisando seu desempenho e identificando suas principais deficiências. Conclui-se com a apresentação de sugestões para melhorias e implantação de um sistema mais eficiente.