Reconhecimento de objetos baseado em uma arquitetura neuro-cognitiva
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Lopes, L. A.
Rodrigues, Paulo Sérgio Silva
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LOPES, L. A. Reconhecimento de objetos baseado em uma arquitetura neuro-cognitiva. 2020. 111 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Bernardo do Campo, 2020. Disponível em:
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Inteligência artificial
Nas últimas três décadas, o desenvolvimento de modelos que objetivam desenvolver máquinas inteligentes tem ganho mais atenção dos pesquisadores, avançando rápidamente. Na área da Inteligência Artificial é possível identificar duas abordagens distintas. Na primeira, pesquisadores de diferentes áreas dedicam-se a desenvolver modelos cognitivos baseados em mente humana, formalizando descobertas em áreas como psicologia e neurociência, como o caso da arquitetura LIDA, que é talvez o exemplo mais conhecido desse tipo de iniciativa. Na segunda, buscam puramente resolver problemas a partir de modelos autônomos, não preocupando-se com toda a complexidade da mente humana, como no caso do YOLO, um avançado algoritmo para
reconhecimento de objetos. Neste trabalho, é proposta uma abordagem utilizando-se arquiteturas cognitivas apoiadas na estrutura de modelos cognitivos já estabelecidos, em busca de uma melhora em seus resultados ao adicionar uma dinâmica que simula a mente humana. Na proposta deste trabalho, o YOLO compõe o módulo de Memória Perceptiva Associativa visando realizar o reconhecimento de objetos, tendo agregado um módulo de Memória Episódica Transiente. Este último será responsável por adicionar uma memória recente à estrutura proposta, que combinada com codelets de atenção, permite que o rastreamento de objetos ajude na decisão de quando a memória perceptiva associativa deve ser acionada, utilizando diferentes algoritmos para tais tarefas. Experimentos foram realizados sobre a base de imagens TV77, base esta que aglomera videos de diferentes Datasets conhecidas na academia. Assim, o desempenho
na tarefa de reconhecer objetos foi medido e comparado com a sua implementação original, obtendo um desempenho mais rápido no processamento, sem perder de forma significativa a assertividade original do modelo
In the last three decades, the development of models that aim to create intelligent machines has gained more attention from researchers, rapidly evolving. In the Artificial Intelligence field two different approaches were advanced by researches. In the first approach, scientists from different areas are dedicated to develop cognitive models based on the human mind, establishing discoveries in fields related to psychology and neuroscience, such as the LIDA architecture, which is perhaps the best-known example of this type of initiative. In the second path, the researchers solve problems in a simple way from autonomous mathematical models, without worrying about using the complexity of human mind, as is possible to see with YOLO, which is an advanced algorithm for object recognition. In this work, an approach is proposed using cognitive architectures based on the structure of already established cognitive models, seeking an improvement in their results by adding dynamics that simulate the human mind. In the proposal of this work, YOLO composes the Perceptual Associative Memory module that performs object recognition, having added a Transient Episodic Memory module. The latter is responsible for adding a recent memory to the intended architecture, which combined with attention codelets, allows the object tracker to decide when the Associative Perceptual Memory should be activated, using different algorithms for such tasks. Experiments were conducted on the TV77 image database, that gather videos from different Datasets known in the academy. Thus, tasks performance after object recognition were measured and displayed with its original implementation, obtaining faster execution in processing, without losing the model’s overall accuracy
In the last three decades, the development of models that aim to create intelligent machines has gained more attention from researchers, rapidly evolving. In the Artificial Intelligence field two different approaches were advanced by researches. In the first approach, scientists from different areas are dedicated to develop cognitive models based on the human mind, establishing discoveries in fields related to psychology and neuroscience, such as the LIDA architecture, which is perhaps the best-known example of this type of initiative. In the second path, the researchers solve problems in a simple way from autonomous mathematical models, without worrying about using the complexity of human mind, as is possible to see with YOLO, which is an advanced algorithm for object recognition. In this work, an approach is proposed using cognitive architectures based on the structure of already established cognitive models, seeking an improvement in their results by adding dynamics that simulate the human mind. In the proposal of this work, YOLO composes the Perceptual Associative Memory module that performs object recognition, having added a Transient Episodic Memory module. The latter is responsible for adding a recent memory to the intended architecture, which combined with attention codelets, allows the object tracker to decide when the Associative Perceptual Memory should be activated, using different algorithms for such tasks. Experiments were conducted on the TV77 image database, that gather videos from different Datasets known in the academy. Thus, tasks performance after object recognition were measured and displayed with its original implementation, obtaining faster execution in processing, without losing the model’s overall accuracy