Bancada universal de testes caloríficos para unidades condensadoras
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Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso
Santos, Anderson Godoy dos
Souza, Bruno da Silva
Antelo, Eduardo Bisordi
Soares, Josiane Gibram
Santos, Leonardo Amyuni dos
Casonatto, Leonardo
Marin, Willian Cesar Moraes
Souza, Bruno da Silva
Antelo, Eduardo Bisordi
Soares, Josiane Gibram
Santos, Leonardo Amyuni dos
Casonatto, Leonardo
Marin, Willian Cesar Moraes
Lameiras Júnior, Francisco
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Texto completo (DOI)
bancada,testes,unidade condensadora,eench,tests,condensing units
Um dos principais desafios do setor de refrigeração no Brasil é o desenvolvimento de bancadas de testes para unidades condensadoras. Fabricantes que são referência em produtos voltados a esse setor utilizam um capital considerável de seu orçamento para realizar esses testes, sendo a grande maioria enviada para fora do país. Além do desafio logístico, as bancadas caloríficas devem ser flexíveis a ponto de serem testadas unidades condensadoras submetidas a diferentes cargas térmicas sem a ocorrência de danos e com uma boa qualidade de aferição dos
dados. A Thermal Engineering Solutions T.E.S. propõe o desenvolvimento de uma bancada universal para testes de unidades condensadoras, visando a flexibilidade em trabalhar com diferentes cargas térmicas utilizando soluções de fácil implementação e operação. Serão avaliadas diferentes arquiteturas para o projeto, a fim de se chegar na solução que atenda à maior diversidade de unidades condensadoras. Por fim, realizaremos um ensaio junto à empresa Danfoss para validar as premissas de projeto. Dessa forma, o foco do projeto está nas empresas
fornecedoras desses equipamentos, e que necessitam de bancadas que atendam à maior gama possível de seus produtos a fim de garantir a qualidade e satisfação de seus clientes.
One of the main challenges of the refrigeration sector in Brazil is the development of test benches for condensing units. Manufacturers that are reference in products aimed at this sector use considerable capital from their budget to perform these tests, with the vast majority sent abroad. In addition to the logistical challenge, the heating benches must be flexible to be able to satisfactorily test condensing units subjected to different thermal loads without the occurrence of damage and with a good quality of data measurement. Thermal Engineering Solutions T.E.S. proposes the development of a universal test bench for condensing units, aiming at flexibility in working with different thermal loads with solutions that are easy to implement and operate. Different architectures will be evaluated for the project, aiming to reach a solution that meets the widest variety of condensing units. At the end, an on-site test will be performed along with Danfoss to validate the statements of this project. Therefore, the project focuses on the manufacturers of such equipment, in need of benches which meet the largest possible range of their products and guarantee the quality and satisfaction from their customers.
One of the main challenges of the refrigeration sector in Brazil is the development of test benches for condensing units. Manufacturers that are reference in products aimed at this sector use considerable capital from their budget to perform these tests, with the vast majority sent abroad. In addition to the logistical challenge, the heating benches must be flexible to be able to satisfactorily test condensing units subjected to different thermal loads without the occurrence of damage and with a good quality of data measurement. Thermal Engineering Solutions T.E.S. proposes the development of a universal test bench for condensing units, aiming at flexibility in working with different thermal loads with solutions that are easy to implement and operate. Different architectures will be evaluated for the project, aiming to reach a solution that meets the widest variety of condensing units. At the end, an on-site test will be performed along with Danfoss to validate the statements of this project. Therefore, the project focuses on the manufacturers of such equipment, in need of benches which meet the largest possible range of their products and guarantee the quality and satisfaction from their customers.