Análise da viabilidade econômica da utilização de uma frota própria de caminhões do tipo VUC em uma distribuidora de metais
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Soares, Igor Gonçalves Norci Ambrósio
Angeli, Julio Cesar
Bracci, Lincoln
Romanciuc, Marco Vinícius Andreoli
Borges, Rodrigo Domingues
Angeli, Julio Cesar
Bracci, Lincoln
Romanciuc, Marco Vinícius Andreoli
Borges, Rodrigo Domingues
Vianna, Fernanda Cristina
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viabilidade econômica,simulação de Monte Carlo,análise de sensibilidade,economic viability,Monte Carlo simulation,sensitivity analysis
O presente estudo trata-se de uma análise da viabilidade econômica sobre a utilização de uma frota própria de caminhões para entrega de produtos por uma empresa de pequeno porte, que atua na distribuição e forja de metais, localizada na cidade de São Paulo. Atualmente, caso haja necessidade de entrega, a empresa cobra pelo frete uma taxa fixa de 5% do valor bruto da venda. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é verificar se este método de cobrança é ou não viável economicamente. Para tanto, foi feita uma pesquisa de campo junto a empresa foco do estudo para uma melhor compreensão da sua demanda, e perfil de clientes que utilizam o serviço de frete, além da identificação de todas as variáveis que permeiam o transporte de cargas, tais como: combustível, seguro, manutenção etc. Foram então realizadas previsões para a modelagem de um fluxo de caixa para um período de 18 meses e, com auxílio do software Crystal Ball®, foi possível realizar uma simulação de Monte Carlo para análise de viabilidade econômica do cenário atual, dentro de um contexto de risco e incertezas. Concluiu-se que o método de precificação não é viável economicamente pois utiliza o valor total do pedido como base de cálculo e não a distância percorrida. Foram apresentadas duas novas soluções economicamente viáveis. A primeira delas foi manter o método de precificação, mas indicando quanto seria a porcentagem mínima a ser cobrada e, a segunda, foi propor um novo método de precificação, a partir da distância percorrida utilizando um valor fixo por quilômetro rodado.
The present study is an analysis of the economic feasibility of using its own fleet of trucks to deliver products by a small-sized company, which operates in the distribution and forging of metals, located in the city of São Paulo. Currently, if delivery is necessary, the company charges a flat rate of 5% of the gross sales value for shipping. The main objective of this work is to verify whether or not this charging method is economically viable. To this end, field research was carried out with the company that was the focus of the study to better understand its demand, and the profile of customers who use the freight service, in addition to identifying all the variables that permeate cargo transportation, such as : fuel, insurance, maintenance, etc. Predictions were then made to model cash flow for a period of 18 months and, with the help of Crystal Ball® software, it was possible to carry out a Monte Carlo simulation to analyze the economic viability of the current scenario, within a risk context. and uncertainties. It was concluded that the pricing method is not economically viable as it uses the total order value as the calculation basis and not the distance traveled. Two new economically viable solutions were presented. The first was to maintain the pricing method, but indicating the minimum percentage to be charged and, the second, was to propose a new pricing method, based on the distance traveled using a fixed value per kilometer driven.
The present study is an analysis of the economic feasibility of using its own fleet of trucks to deliver products by a small-sized company, which operates in the distribution and forging of metals, located in the city of São Paulo. Currently, if delivery is necessary, the company charges a flat rate of 5% of the gross sales value for shipping. The main objective of this work is to verify whether or not this charging method is economically viable. To this end, field research was carried out with the company that was the focus of the study to better understand its demand, and the profile of customers who use the freight service, in addition to identifying all the variables that permeate cargo transportation, such as : fuel, insurance, maintenance, etc. Predictions were then made to model cash flow for a period of 18 months and, with the help of Crystal Ball® software, it was possible to carry out a Monte Carlo simulation to analyze the economic viability of the current scenario, within a risk context. and uncertainties. It was concluded that the pricing method is not economically viable as it uses the total order value as the calculation basis and not the distance traveled. Two new economically viable solutions were presented. The first was to maintain the pricing method, but indicating the minimum percentage to be charged and, the second, was to propose a new pricing method, based on the distance traveled using a fixed value per kilometer driven.