Um estudo das características existentes em células de manufatura e suas influências no rendimento global, utilizando indicador de eficiência (O.E.E.)
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Centro Universitário da FEI, São Bernardo do Campo
Texto completo na Scopus
Citações na Scopus
Souza, Benedito Teodoro de
Massote, Alexandre Augusto
Buscar competitividade em economias dos países de mercados emergentes é hoje uma
estratégia das multinacionais. Países como a China, Índia, Rússia e Brasil estão com o mercado
econômico aquecido, daí o grande interesse de investidores nestes mercados. As multinacionais
comparam o sistema de produção existente nos países tidos como potências econômicas com o
sistema de produção do Brasil e, a partir desta comparação, estabelecem como meta obter o
mesmo rendimento que têm na matriz. Por esse motivo, medir o sistema de manufatura é vital para
a resolução de problemas e a melhoria contínua desses sistemas de manufatura. Portanto, faz-se
necessário que as empresas brasileiras busquem melhorar continuamente a eficácia de seus
equipamentos, identificando e eliminando as perdas e, com isso, reduzir os custos de fabricação. A
eficácia global dos equipamentos utilizada na metodologia TPM - Total Productive Maintenance,
na qual Overall Equipment Effetiveness (O.E.E.) - Índice de Eficiência Global - é o indicador
utilizado para fazer as medições desta eficácia. Este trabalho pretende discutir, através de um
estudo prospectivo em 51 células de manufatura de uma montadora de caminhões e ônibus, das
quais foram selecionadas 30 células, como a medição, a análise dos dados de rendimento e,
principalmente, as características das células influenciam o rendimento das células de manufatura.
Search for competitiveness in the economies of emerging market countries is today a strategy of multinational corporations. Countries like China, India, Russia and Brazil present a heat market economy, hence the great interest of investors in these markets. Multinationals companies compare the current production systems in the countries considered as economic powers with the production system in Brazil, and from this comparison, set a goal to achieve the same performance that has the Headquarter. Therefore, measuring the manufacturing system is important to solving problems and continuous improvement of these systems. It is necessary that Brazilian companies seek to continually improve the effectiveness of their equipment, identifying and eliminating the losses and thereby reduce manufacturing costs. The overall effectiveness of equipment used in TPM - Total Productive Maintenance, which the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) - Global Efficiency Ratio, is the indicator used to make measurements of effectiveness. This study will discuss, through a prospective study in 51 manufacturing cells from which 31 cells were selected of trucks and buses manufacturing plant, how measurement, analysis of performance data and especially the characteristics of cells affect the yield of manufacturing cells.
Search for competitiveness in the economies of emerging market countries is today a strategy of multinational corporations. Countries like China, India, Russia and Brazil present a heat market economy, hence the great interest of investors in these markets. Multinationals companies compare the current production systems in the countries considered as economic powers with the production system in Brazil, and from this comparison, set a goal to achieve the same performance that has the Headquarter. Therefore, measuring the manufacturing system is important to solving problems and continuous improvement of these systems. It is necessary that Brazilian companies seek to continually improve the effectiveness of their equipment, identifying and eliminating the losses and thereby reduce manufacturing costs. The overall effectiveness of equipment used in TPM - Total Productive Maintenance, which the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) - Global Efficiency Ratio, is the indicator used to make measurements of effectiveness. This study will discuss, through a prospective study in 51 manufacturing cells from which 31 cells were selected of trucks and buses manufacturing plant, how measurement, analysis of performance data and especially the characteristics of cells affect the yield of manufacturing cells.
SOUZA, Benedito Teodoro de. Um estudo das características existentes em células de manufatura e suas influências no rendimento global, utilizando indicador de eficiência (O.E.E.). 2010. 103 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia de Produção) - Centro Universitário da Fei, São Bernardo do Campo, 2010
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