ABS/HIPS blends obtained from WEEE: Influence of processing conditions and composition
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De Souza A.M.C.
Cucchiara M.G.
Ereio A.V.
Cucchiara M.G.
Ereio A.V.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science
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DE SOUZA, ADRIANA MARTINELLI CATELLI; CUCCHIARA, MAYARA GALLEGO; EREIO, ADRIANA VITÓRIO. ABS/HIPS blends obtained from WEEE: Influence of processing conditions and composition. Journal of Applied Polymer Science (Print), v. 133, p. 43831, 2016.
Texto completo (DOI)
© 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.The recycling of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) and high-impact polystyrene (HIPS) from postconsumer electronic equipment housing was investigated. A preliminary study of shot size and particle size effects on the mechanical properties of ABS/HIPS (50/50) blends obtained directly via injection molding was conducted. Injection-molded specimens of ABS/HIPS blends, obtained at different compositions with or without previous extrusion, were subjected to mechanical, thermal, and morphological testing. Preliminary studies showed that a smaller particle size resulted in higher tensile and impact strength, regardless of the shot size used during injection molding. ABS/HIPS blends obtained using previous extrusion presented a slight increase in Young's modulus and a decrease in elongation at break and impact strength. The increase in glass-transition temperature related to the Polybutadiene (PB) phases of these blends indicated a possible increase in crosslinking structures during extrusion. In addition, these blends showed a coarse and heterogeneous morphology, suggesting that ABS did not completely mix with HIPS. Compared to processing conditions, the blend composition appeared to have a much stronger effect on the mechanical properties. The results obtained suggest the possibility of obtaining ABS/HIPS blends directly via injection molding as long as small ground particles are used.