Transformação digital e as mudanças na criação de valor
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Centro Universitário FEI, São Bernardo do Campo
Texto completo na Scopus
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Novais Filho, Marivaldo José de
Mattos, Cláudia Aparecida de
A Transformação Digital vem influenciando pessoas, empresas e sistemas, e essa revolução
está mudando a maneira como as empresas administram seus negócios, desenvolvem
relacionamentos dentro e entre ecossistemas (por exemplo, com consumidores e fornecedores),
oferecendo novas oportunidades e desafios de gerenciamento. A influência das tecnologias
emergentes na inovação de produtos e serviços faz crescer significativamente as pesquisas e
práticas de gerenciamento voltadas à transformação digital, que representam um problema em
constante evolução e, portanto, ainda há lacunas que necessitam serem estudadas – dentre elas,
o entendimento de como a transformação digital pode mudar as práticas na criação de valor.
Neste contexto, o objetivo geral do estudo consiste em entender como as empresas estão
implantando a Transformação Digital, as tecnologias aplicadas, as práticas utilizadas no
processo de Transformação Digital, e como podem criar valor para as empresas. O método de
pesquisa foi estudo de múltiplos casos, realizado com empresas do segmento do varejo. Como
contribuição deste trabalho, destacam-se as práticas utilizadas pelas empresas, evidenciando
formas de conduzir funções organizacionais que evoluem em função da dinâmica do ambiente
dos negócios, destacando a transformação digital
Digital Transformation has influenced people, companies and systems, and this revolution is changing the way companies run their businesses, develop relationships within and across ecosystems (for example, with consumers and suppliers), offering new management opportunities and challenges. The influence of emerging technologies on product and service innovation significantly increases research and management practices aimed at digital transformation, which represent a constantly evolving problem; therefore, there are still gaps that need to be studied, among them, the understanding of how digital transformation can change practices in value creation. In this context, the general objective of the study is to understand how companies are implementing Digital Transformation, the technologies applied, the practices used in the Digital Transformation process, and how they can create value for companies. The research method was a study of multiple cases carried out with companies in the retail segment. As a contribution of the research, the practices used by companies are highlighted, emphasizing ways of conducting organizational functions that evolve according to the dynamics of the business environment, underlining the digital transformation
Digital Transformation has influenced people, companies and systems, and this revolution is changing the way companies run their businesses, develop relationships within and across ecosystems (for example, with consumers and suppliers), offering new management opportunities and challenges. The influence of emerging technologies on product and service innovation significantly increases research and management practices aimed at digital transformation, which represent a constantly evolving problem; therefore, there are still gaps that need to be studied, among them, the understanding of how digital transformation can change practices in value creation. In this context, the general objective of the study is to understand how companies are implementing Digital Transformation, the technologies applied, the practices used in the Digital Transformation process, and how they can create value for companies. The research method was a study of multiple cases carried out with companies in the retail segment. As a contribution of the research, the practices used by companies are highlighted, emphasizing ways of conducting organizational functions that evolve according to the dynamics of the business environment, underlining the digital transformation
NOVAIS FILHO, Marivaldo José de. Transformação digital e as mudanças na criação de valor: estudo de caso no setor de varejo. 2022. 73 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Bernardo do Campo, 2022. Disponível em:
transformação digital; criação de valor; varejo; estratégia digital