Determinação da influência do comportamento da demanda na cadeia de suprimentos de uma indústria cimenteira
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Guarino Neto, Luigi
Massote, Alexandre Augusto
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GUARINO NETO, Luigi. Determinação da influência do comportamento da demanda na cadeia de suprimentos de uma indústria cimenteira. 2016. 100 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Bernardo do Campo, 2016. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 11 out. 2018.
Texto completo (DOI)
Cimento,Logística,Métodos de simulação
O mercado de cimentos tem como característica uma forte concorrência entre as empresas produtoras que buscam constantemente otimizar seus processos internos para ganhar competitividade e atender o nível de exigências dos consumidores. A gestão da cadeia de suprimentos é um processo extremamente relevante para o negócio, sua configuração precisa estar adequada para garantir o nível de serviço esperado ao mínimo custo, contribuindo para garantir um retorno satisfatório para o capital investido pelos acionistas e mantendo a sua permanência no negócio. Este trabalho tem como proposta realizar uma pesquisa experimental para analisar a cadeia de distribuição de cimento de maneira integrada e avaliar se podem existir benefícios alterando a estratégia logística de distribuição atual no modelo “empurrado” para “puxado”, buscando principalmente a redução de custos logísticos. Será apresentada uma proposta de melhoria com objetivo de elevar o desempenho da cadeia de suprimentos bem como da competitividade no mercado. Frente a complexidade dos processos logísticos e variáveis envolvidas nas análises, foi adotado como solução a aplicação de um modelo de simulação por computador utilizando o software Promodel® que se mostra uma ferramenta eficaz e confiável para apoio nas análises e decisões de melhorias de processos e investimentos. Foi possível através do estudo compreender que desde que a demanda possua baixa variabilidade, o fluxo logístico ideal é o empurrado para garantir ganho de escala. Com a elevação do nível de variação da demanda, a ruptura dos estoques se eleva causando perda de vendas e, consequentemente, reduzindo o faturamento e a lucratividade da empresa. A partir de determinado nível de variabilidade na demanda, o fluxo logístico adotado deve ser o puxado. Conclui-se que o comportamento da demanda exerce influência na cadeia de suprimentos da indústria analisada e pode determinar a maneira de se controlar o fluxo de distribuição (puxado ou empurrado) dependendo do nível de variabilidade que possua.
The cement market is characterized by strong competition among companies seeking to constantly optimize its internal processes to increase competitiveness and meet the level of consumer demand. The management of the supply chain is an extremely important process for the business; its configuration must be adequate to ensure the service level expected at a minimum cost, helping to ensure a satisfactory return on the capital invested by shareholders. This paper aims to carry out a case study to analyze the cement distribution chain in an integrated manner and to assess whether there may be benefits by changing the current distribution logistics strategy “pushed” to “pulled”, mainly focusing on the reduction of logistics costs. A proposal for improvement in order to raise the performance of the supply chain and market competitiveness will be demonstrated. Faced with the complexity of logistics processes and variables involved in the analysis, we adopted as a solution the utilization of a computer simulation model using Promodel® software that shows to be an effective and reliable tool to support the analysis and processes improvements and investments decisions. It was possible to understand by studying that since the demand has low variability, the ideal logistic flow is pushed to ensure economies of scale. With the rise of demand variation level, the breakdown of stocks rises causing loss of sales and, consequently, reducing the revenues and profitability of the company. From a certain level of variability in demand, the logistics flow adopted should be pulled. It is concluded that the demand behavior has an influence on the analyzed industry supply chain and can determine how to control the flow distribution (pulled or pushed) depending on the level of variability that has.
The cement market is characterized by strong competition among companies seeking to constantly optimize its internal processes to increase competitiveness and meet the level of consumer demand. The management of the supply chain is an extremely important process for the business; its configuration must be adequate to ensure the service level expected at a minimum cost, helping to ensure a satisfactory return on the capital invested by shareholders. This paper aims to carry out a case study to analyze the cement distribution chain in an integrated manner and to assess whether there may be benefits by changing the current distribution logistics strategy “pushed” to “pulled”, mainly focusing on the reduction of logistics costs. A proposal for improvement in order to raise the performance of the supply chain and market competitiveness will be demonstrated. Faced with the complexity of logistics processes and variables involved in the analysis, we adopted as a solution the utilization of a computer simulation model using Promodel® software that shows to be an effective and reliable tool to support the analysis and processes improvements and investments decisions. It was possible to understand by studying that since the demand has low variability, the ideal logistic flow is pushed to ensure economies of scale. With the rise of demand variation level, the breakdown of stocks rises causing loss of sales and, consequently, reducing the revenues and profitability of the company. From a certain level of variability in demand, the logistics flow adopted should be pulled. It is concluded that the demand behavior has an influence on the analyzed industry supply chain and can determine how to control the flow distribution (pulled or pushed) depending on the level of variability that has.