Análise qualitativa da contribuição da produção científica em gestão de pessoas no Brasil (2000-2009) (Rege, RAUSP, RAM)
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Mora, R.
Mascarenhas, A. O.
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A análise da produção científica em administração constitui um tema relevante na academia, assim, distanciando-se dos critérios qualitativos adotados em pesquisas anteriores, faz-se relevante, dado o momento atual do debate, mapear e analisar os artigos em Gestão de Pessoas de tal forma que seja possível qualificar a contribuição dos mesmos para o debate acadêmico e a sociedade em geral. Nesse sentido, nesta pesquisa descritiva foi utilizada uma investigação ampla, de avaliação qualitativa e quantitativa da produção científica em Gestão de Pessoas e, para se alcançar o objetivo proposto nesta investigação, foi utilizado o método de coleta documental na área de Administração com base nos artigos publicados nos principais periódicos acadêmicos da área (Revista de Administração Mackenzie, Revista de Administração da USP e Revista de Gestão da USP) entre os anos de 2000 e 2009. Tomando como fio condutor de nossas análises as conceitualizações de Van de Vem, sugerimos uma propositura numa operacionalização de algumas premissas à análise de contribuições dos artigos, para tanto, a pesquisa norteou análises que esbarrassem em formulação de problemas, construção do referencial teórico, planejamento de estratégia de pesquisas, contribuição futura para a problemática
The analysis of the scientific production in administration constitutes an excellent subject in the academy, thus, getting itself afar from the adopted qualitative criteria in previous research, it's relevant, given the current moment of the debate, to map and to analyze articles in Management of People in such a way that it is generally possible to characterize the contribution of the same for the academic debate and the society in general. In this direction, it was used in this descriptive research an ample inquiry of qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the scientific production in Management of People and, to reach the objective considered in this inquiry, the documentary method of collection in the area of Administration was used on the basis of the articles published in the main academics periodic of the area (Mackenzie Administration Review, Magazine of Administration of the USP and Magazine of Management of the USP) between the years of 2000 and 2009. Taking as conducting wire of our analysis the concepts of Van de Ven, we suggest a bringing suit in an operationalization of some premises to the analysis of contributions of articles, for in such a way, the research has guided analyses that bump against the formulating of problems, construction of the theoretical referencial, planning of strategy of research, and future contribution for the problematic one
The analysis of the scientific production in administration constitutes an excellent subject in the academy, thus, getting itself afar from the adopted qualitative criteria in previous research, it's relevant, given the current moment of the debate, to map and to analyze articles in Management of People in such a way that it is generally possible to characterize the contribution of the same for the academic debate and the society in general. In this direction, it was used in this descriptive research an ample inquiry of qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the scientific production in Management of People and, to reach the objective considered in this inquiry, the documentary method of collection in the area of Administration was used on the basis of the articles published in the main academics periodic of the area (Mackenzie Administration Review, Magazine of Administration of the USP and Magazine of Management of the USP) between the years of 2000 and 2009. Taking as conducting wire of our analysis the concepts of Van de Ven, we suggest a bringing suit in an operationalization of some premises to the analysis of contributions of articles, for in such a way, the research has guided analyses that bump against the formulating of problems, construction of the theoretical referencial, planning of strategy of research, and future contribution for the problematic one