Efeito da variabilidade de chegadas no tempo de fluxo em um flowshop paralelo:
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Santos, Guilherme H. Rosa dos
Dias, Mariana
Pinotti, Paola Savordelli
Derriti, Sabrina Carrelas
Souza, Victor Barwinski de
Utiyama, Marcel Heimar Ribeiro
O câncer é uma doença crônica que depende de exames de imagem para auxiliar na detecção de tumores e embasar os tratamentos elaborados. Com o aumento de doenças crônicas em nível mundial, a demanda por serviços hospitalares tem crescido e evidenciado a importância de se ter uma gestão hospitalar eficiente, uma vez que a demora para diagnosticar doenças como o câncer implica no atraso para tratá-lo. Considerando a complexidade do setor hospitalar, reduzir o tempo de espera para processos como esse retrata um desafio enfrentado por inúmeras instituições de saúde, que nos últimos anos têm buscado como referência ferramentas e abordagens do setor produtivo para aplicação em suas unidades. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho consiste em entender o efeito da variabilidade de chegadas no tempo de fluxo de pacientes de câncer em um flowshop paralelo. Para isso, utilizam-se dados dos cinco exames de imagem que representam a maior demanda para realizar uma simulação de quatro diferentes cenários no software ProModel. O primeiro cenário criado é o Baseline, que retrata a realidade atual do fluxo de exame de imagem do hospital. A partir dele são modelados outros três cenários, considerando, respectivamente, a representação do horário crítico, a diminuição da variabilidade de chegadas e a redução da quantidade de salas disponíveis por exame. Os resultados dos quatro cenários são estudados por meio de um benchmarking interno utilizando a abordagem Factory Physics e, posteriormente, são propostas recomendações a fim de melhorar a gestão do tempo de fluxo hospitalar e o desempenho de seus indicadores, considerando o efeito da variabilidade de chegadas.
Cancer is a chronic disease that relies on imaging tests to detect tumors and support treatments that are being developed. With the increase in chronic diseases worldwide, the demand for hospital services has grown, highlighting the importance of efficient hospital management, as delays in diagnosing diseases such as cancer lead to delays in treatment. Given the complexity of the hospital sector, reducing the waiting time for such processes is a challenge faced by many healthcare institutions, which in the last years have sought tools and approaches from the manufacturing sector to apply in their units. In this context, the aim of this work is to understand the effect of arrival variability on the flow time of cancer patients in a parallel flowshop. In order to do this, data from the five imaging exams that represent the highest demand are used to run a simulation of four different scenarios in the ProModel software. The first scenario created is the baseline, which represents the current reality of the hospital's imaging flow. Three other scenarios are then modeled, each considering the representation of critical hours, a reduction in the variability of arrivals, and a reduction in the number of rooms available per exam. The results of the four scenarios are studied through internal benchmarking using the Factory Physics approach, and recommendations are then proposed to improve the hospital's flow time management and the performance of its indicators, considering the effect of arrival variability.
Cancer is a chronic disease that relies on imaging tests to detect tumors and support treatments that are being developed. With the increase in chronic diseases worldwide, the demand for hospital services has grown, highlighting the importance of efficient hospital management, as delays in diagnosing diseases such as cancer lead to delays in treatment. Given the complexity of the hospital sector, reducing the waiting time for such processes is a challenge faced by many healthcare institutions, which in the last years have sought tools and approaches from the manufacturing sector to apply in their units. In this context, the aim of this work is to understand the effect of arrival variability on the flow time of cancer patients in a parallel flowshop. In order to do this, data from the five imaging exams that represent the highest demand are used to run a simulation of four different scenarios in the ProModel software. The first scenario created is the baseline, which represents the current reality of the hospital's imaging flow. Three other scenarios are then modeled, each considering the representation of critical hours, a reduction in the variability of arrivals, and a reduction in the number of rooms available per exam. The results of the four scenarios are studied through internal benchmarking using the Factory Physics approach, and recommendations are then proposed to improve the hospital's flow time management and the performance of its indicators, considering the effect of arrival variability.
factory physics; variabilidade; simulação; flowshop; gestão hospitalar; exames de imagem; variability; simulation; hospital management; imaging exams