Como o Brasil vem enfrentando o trabalho escravo contemporâneo? :análise da política nacional de erradicação do trabalho escravo
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Baptista, R. M.
Mascarenhas, A. O.
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BAPTISTA, R. M. Como o Brasil vem enfrentando o trabalho escravo contemporâneo? : análise da política nacional de erradicação do trabalho escravo. 2012. 90 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração de Empresas) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Paulo, 2012. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 13 ago. 2018.
Texto completo (DOI)
Trabalho escravo
O conceito moderno de trabalho escravo assume formas como servidão por dívidas, trabalho forçado, posse e contrato de escravidão escondendo elementos que atingem a dignidade humana como o cerceamento da liberdade, degradância e jornada exaustiva SCHAWARZ, 2008; BALES, 2004). Centenas de milhares de pessoas estão vulneráveis às formas da escravidão. Frente à problemática globalizada, o Brasil foi selecionado como objeto referencial para o estudo das ações de erradicação ao trabalho escravo por combater a prática e obter resultados efetivos, sendo apresentado pela Organização Internacional do Trabalho OIT como o país exemplo na adoção de boas práticas no combate ao problema (OIT, 2005). A pergunta de pesquisa que norteia esta dissertação é como se tem dado o processo de construção e consolidação da Política Nacional para Erradicação do Trabalho Escravo no Brasil? Assim, esta análise exploratória e descritiva aborda como os atores institucionais se articulam e operacionalizam o ciclo da Política Nacional para Erradicação do Trabalho Escravo no Brasil, abrangendo a análise das motivações e dos conflitos entre os atores sociais envolvidos com a problemática. De 1957 a 1995 o Brasil foi alvo de pressões internacionais e nacionais para identificação e reconhecimento do problema, mesmo tendo ratificado as Convenções 29 e 105 da OIT. Em 1995 inicia-se um ciclo de identificação e reconhecimento, e 2003 é marcado com a alteração do Artigo 149 do Código Penal Brasileiro CPB para entendimento do problema. De 2003 a 2008, dois planos lançados pelo governo junto com Organizações Não Governamentais ONGs, entidades civis e a OIT têm resultados positivos, mas revelaram tentativas de deslegitimação por empresas, fazendas e políticos da bancada ruralista (BRAZIL REPORTER, 2011; CPT, 2011). Os planos tornaram-se prioridade na agenda política brasileira formando uma Política Nacional para Erradicação do Trabalho Escravo que possui mecanismos informativos, repressivos e punitivos. Conclui-se o trabalho apontando-se uma série de desafios à ação e reflexão, no campo da administração, que seriam desdobramentos deste processo de transformação
The modern concept of slave labor takes forms such as debt bondage, forced labor, slave contract and ownership, hiding elements that affect human dignity as the restriction of freedom, degradance and exhaustive journey (SCHAWARZ, 2008; BALES, 2004). Hundreds of thousands people are vulnerable to forms of slavery. Faced with the global problem, Brazil was selected as an object reference for the study of actions to eradicate slave labor to combat the practice and get effective results, as presented by the International Labor Organization ILO as the country that adopted best practices in combating the problem (ILO, 2005). The research question guiding this thesis is how the process of construction and consolidation of the National Policy for the Eradication of Slave Labor in Brazil has given itself? Thus, this descriptive and exploratory analysis addresses how the institutional actors articulate and operationalize the cycle of the National Policy for the Eradication Slave Labor in Brazil, including the analysis of motivations and conflicts among the social actors involved with the problem. From 1957 to 1995 Brazil was the target of international pressure and national identification and recognition of the problem, it has ratified Conventions 29 and 105 of the ILO. In 1995 begins a cycle of identification and recognition, and 2003 is marked with the amendment to Article 149 of the Brazilian Penal Code - CPB for understanding the problem. From 2003 to 2008, two plans launched by the government along with non-governmental organizations NGOs, civil organizations and the ILO have positive results, but revealed deslegitimization attempts by businesses, farms and political of rural stands (BRAZIL REPORTER, 2011, CPT, 2011). The plans have become a priority in the Brazilian political agenda forming a National Policy for the Eradication of Slave Labor has mechanisms informative, repressive and punitive. We conclude the work by pointing to several challenges to actions and reflections in the administration field that would be consequences of this transformation process
The modern concept of slave labor takes forms such as debt bondage, forced labor, slave contract and ownership, hiding elements that affect human dignity as the restriction of freedom, degradance and exhaustive journey (SCHAWARZ, 2008; BALES, 2004). Hundreds of thousands people are vulnerable to forms of slavery. Faced with the global problem, Brazil was selected as an object reference for the study of actions to eradicate slave labor to combat the practice and get effective results, as presented by the International Labor Organization ILO as the country that adopted best practices in combating the problem (ILO, 2005). The research question guiding this thesis is how the process of construction and consolidation of the National Policy for the Eradication of Slave Labor in Brazil has given itself? Thus, this descriptive and exploratory analysis addresses how the institutional actors articulate and operationalize the cycle of the National Policy for the Eradication Slave Labor in Brazil, including the analysis of motivations and conflicts among the social actors involved with the problem. From 1957 to 1995 Brazil was the target of international pressure and national identification and recognition of the problem, it has ratified Conventions 29 and 105 of the ILO. In 1995 begins a cycle of identification and recognition, and 2003 is marked with the amendment to Article 149 of the Brazilian Penal Code - CPB for understanding the problem. From 2003 to 2008, two plans launched by the government along with non-governmental organizations NGOs, civil organizations and the ILO have positive results, but revealed deslegitimization attempts by businesses, farms and political of rural stands (BRAZIL REPORTER, 2011, CPT, 2011). The plans have become a priority in the Brazilian political agenda forming a National Policy for the Eradication of Slave Labor has mechanisms informative, repressive and punitive. We conclude the work by pointing to several challenges to actions and reflections in the administration field that would be consequences of this transformation process