Empreendedorismo étnico na nova diáspora negra em São Paulo
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Silva, A.
Jaime, Pedro
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SILVA, A. Empreendedorismo étnico na nova diáspora negra em São Paulo: uma análise pragmatista à luz da Sociologia dos problemas públicos. 2022. 260 f. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Paulo, 2022 Disponível em: https://doi.org/10.31414/ADM.2022.T.131450.
Texto completo (DOI)
Esse trabalho analisa como os migrantes representantes da nova diáspora negra, mesmo tendo chegado em SP em condições adversas, emergem como empreendedores e busca compreender de que maneira esse empreendedorismo contribui para posicionar as problemáticas raciais e migratórias - envolvendo essa comunidade étnica - como um problema público nas arenas pública e política em que esse fenômeno se insere. Nele adoto uma postura teórico-epistemológica ancorada na sociologia pragmatista francesa, especialmente em seu desdobramento nos termos de uma Sociologia dos Problemas Públicos. No que se refere à abordagem metodológica, combino o uso de narrativas de vida, entrevistas compreensivas, observação direta e participante e análises de documentos. Coerentemente com a postura pragmatista, a etnografia me permitiu conduzir a investigação sob a perspectiva dos atores diante de suas experiências e realidades. Entretanto, devido ao contexto pandêmico mundial, fiz uma adaptação do método etnográfico, recorrendo à netnografia. Os resultados da pesquisa evidenciam que os sujeitos que compõe essa nova diáspora negra em SP emergem como empreendedores a partir de uma complexa rede de conexões com atores humanos e não-humanos. Quatro achados principais surgiram no trabalho de campo netnográfico como estando fortemente relacionados com o início e a continuidade de seus empreendimentos: os tipos de redes, agenciamentos e conexões que esses sujeitos possuem e quais conseguem alcançar; o motivo que os levaram a optar por sair de seu país natal e o contexto em que estão inseridos no Brasil; o caminho percorrido para o empreendedorismo étnico e; a intersecção existente entre raça e identidade de migrante com outros marcadores sociais da diferença. A maneira como seus negócios se relacionam com controvérsias e conflitos que favorecem ou bloqueiam a emergência de questões raciais e migratórias referentes a essa nova diáspora negra em SP nas arenas pública e política depende do perfil empreendedor dos migrantes. Essa investigação identificou três categorias, sendo duas analíticas e uma empírica, sobre esses perfis: empreendedor frágil ou vulnerável, empreendedor por necessidade e empreendedor por engajamento. Essa pesquisa traz duas relevantes contribuições. A nova leitura teórica e analítica que estabelece relações entre o empreendedorismo étnico e a nova diáspora negra em SP permite avançar a teoria sobre esse fenômeno, até então ancorada, sobretudo, numa perspectiva estruturalista, distante da capacidade de ação dos atores. Além disso, as análises apresentadas poderão ampliar os debates que busquem promover novas formulações de políticas preocupadas em atenuar os efeitos negativos e incentivar as consequências benéficas orientadas ao empreendedorismo e ao empreendedor étnico. Esses migrantes não são apenas passivos nesse processo, objeto dessas políticas. Sobretudo, eles são ativos na construção do problema público, capazes de influenciar as políticas públicas que os afetam. Fazem parte, portanto, da ação pública
This paper analyzes how migrants representing the new Black diaspora, even having arrived in SP in adverse conditions, emerge as entrepreneurs and understand how this entrepreneurship contributes to position racial and migratory problems - involving this ethnic community as a public problem in the public and political arenas in which this phenomenon is included. In it I adopted a theoretical-epistemological posture anchored in French pragmatist sociology, especially in its unfolding in terms of a Sociology of Public Problems. About the methodological approach, I combine the use of life narratives, comprehensive interviews, direct and participant observation and document analysis. Consistent with the pragmatist posture, ethnography allowed me to conduct the investigation from the perspective of the actors before their experiences and realities. However, due to the worldwide pandemic context, I made an adaptation of the ethnographic method, using netnography. The results of the research show that the subjects who compose this new Black diaspora in SP emerge as entrepreneurs from a complex network of connections with human and non-human actors. Four main findings emerged in the netnographic field work as being strongly related to the beginning and continuity of their enterprises: the types of networks, agencies and connections that these subjects have and which ones they can achieve; the reason they chose to leave their home country and the context in which they are inserted in Brazil; the path taken for ethnic entrepreneurship and; the intersection between race and migrant identity with other social markers of difference. The way their businesses relate to controversies and conflicts that favor or block the emergence of racial and migratory issues related to this new Black diaspora in SP in the public and political arenas depends on the entrepreneurial profile of migrants. This investigation identified three categories, two analytical and one empirical, on these profiles: fragile or vulnerable entrepreneur, entrepreneur by necessity and entrepreneur by engagement. This research brings two relevant contributions. The new theoretical and analytical reading that establishes relationships between ethnic entrepreneurship and the new Black diaspora in SP allows advancing the theory about this phenomenon, until then anchored, above all, in a structuralist perspective, far from the actors' ability to action. In addition, the analyses presented could broaden discussions aimed at promoting new policy formulations concerned with mitigating negative effects and encouraging beneficial consequences for entrepreneurship and ethnic entrepreneur. These migrants are not only passive in this process, the object of these policies. Above all, they are active in building the public problem, capable of influencing the public policies that affect them. They are therefore part of public action
This paper analyzes how migrants representing the new Black diaspora, even having arrived in SP in adverse conditions, emerge as entrepreneurs and understand how this entrepreneurship contributes to position racial and migratory problems - involving this ethnic community as a public problem in the public and political arenas in which this phenomenon is included. In it I adopted a theoretical-epistemological posture anchored in French pragmatist sociology, especially in its unfolding in terms of a Sociology of Public Problems. About the methodological approach, I combine the use of life narratives, comprehensive interviews, direct and participant observation and document analysis. Consistent with the pragmatist posture, ethnography allowed me to conduct the investigation from the perspective of the actors before their experiences and realities. However, due to the worldwide pandemic context, I made an adaptation of the ethnographic method, using netnography. The results of the research show that the subjects who compose this new Black diaspora in SP emerge as entrepreneurs from a complex network of connections with human and non-human actors. Four main findings emerged in the netnographic field work as being strongly related to the beginning and continuity of their enterprises: the types of networks, agencies and connections that these subjects have and which ones they can achieve; the reason they chose to leave their home country and the context in which they are inserted in Brazil; the path taken for ethnic entrepreneurship and; the intersection between race and migrant identity with other social markers of difference. The way their businesses relate to controversies and conflicts that favor or block the emergence of racial and migratory issues related to this new Black diaspora in SP in the public and political arenas depends on the entrepreneurial profile of migrants. This investigation identified three categories, two analytical and one empirical, on these profiles: fragile or vulnerable entrepreneur, entrepreneur by necessity and entrepreneur by engagement. This research brings two relevant contributions. The new theoretical and analytical reading that establishes relationships between ethnic entrepreneurship and the new Black diaspora in SP allows advancing the theory about this phenomenon, until then anchored, above all, in a structuralist perspective, far from the actors' ability to action. In addition, the analyses presented could broaden discussions aimed at promoting new policy formulations concerned with mitigating negative effects and encouraging beneficial consequences for entrepreneurship and ethnic entrepreneur. These migrants are not only passive in this process, the object of these policies. Above all, they are active in building the public problem, capable of influencing the public policies that affect them. They are therefore part of public action