Previsão de demanda através da utilização de ferramentas de inteligência artificial
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Faccin, Gabriel Lucas
Citta, Ignacio
Antonio, Leonardo Formenti
da Silva, Marcella Monteiro
Lima, Fabio
Com o intuito de buscar cada vez mais vantagens competitivas frente ao mercado, as organizações vêm buscando ferramentas gerenciais, e até mesmo mudanças em seus processos, para otimizar suas produções. A projeção de demanda, por exemplo, é uma das ferramentas utilizadas para diminuir o estoque excessivo e, consequentemente, diminuir o capital de giro imobilizado. No entanto, as previsões estão sujeitas a erros e é de extrema importância escolher o método mais adequado de acordo com as características dos dados da organização. Para a realização do presente trabalho, será utilizada uma base de dados com variados SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) de uma empresa paulista de componentes eletrônicos. Diversos métodos são tradicionalmente utilizados para a projeção como por exemplo: Séries temporais, ARIMA, SARIMA, Suavização Exponencial Simples, Holt Winter, Croston, etc e, recentemente, métodos baseados em aprendizagem de máquina têm ganhado força também através da utilização das redes neurais. Este trabalho utiliza as técnicas mencionadas acima com o intuito de verificar qual modelo mais adequado para a projeção de demanda dos componentes eletrônicos da empresa estudada.
With the purpose of achieving more and more competitive vantages in order to satisfy a growing market, organizations have been looking to management tools and even considering changes in their processes in order to optimize production. One of these tools is the demand forecasting, which is utilized to reduce the overstock and consequently decreasing the fixed working capital. However, these forecasts are vulnerable to errors and it is extremely important that the most suitable method is chosen according to the characteristics of the organization data. To carry out the present work, a database containing several SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) of an electronic components companybased in Mogi Mirim. Various methods are traditionally utilized for the projection, such as time series, ARIMA, SARIMA, Simple exponential smoothing, Holt Winter, Croston, etc and more recently, methods based on machine learning have been gaining strength throught the utilization of neural networks. The present work utilizes the techniques mentioned above with thepurpose of asserting which model is most suitable for the demand forecastingof the electronic components company studied.
With the purpose of achieving more and more competitive vantages in order to satisfy a growing market, organizations have been looking to management tools and even considering changes in their processes in order to optimize production. One of these tools is the demand forecasting, which is utilized to reduce the overstock and consequently decreasing the fixed working capital. However, these forecasts are vulnerable to errors and it is extremely important that the most suitable method is chosen according to the characteristics of the organization data. To carry out the present work, a database containing several SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) of an electronic components companybased in Mogi Mirim. Various methods are traditionally utilized for the projection, such as time series, ARIMA, SARIMA, Simple exponential smoothing, Holt Winter, Croston, etc and more recently, methods based on machine learning have been gaining strength throught the utilization of neural networks. The present work utilizes the techniques mentioned above with thepurpose of asserting which model is most suitable for the demand forecastingof the electronic components company studied.
Previsão de demanda; Inteligência artificial; Demand Forecasting; Artificial Intelligence; Deep Learning