O sofrimento psíquico no trabalho de professores de uma universidade federal no Brasil: um estudo à luz da sociologia clínica e da psicodinâmica do trabalho
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César, Raissa Mariano
Jaime, Pedro
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CÉSAR, Raissa Mariano. O sofrimento psíquico no trabalho de professores de uma universidade federal no Brasil: um estudo à luz da sociologia clínica e da psicodinâmica do trabalho. 2024. 100 f. Tese (Doutorado em Administração de Empresas) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Paulo, 2024. Disponível em: https://doi.org/10.31414/ADM.2024.T.131745.
Texto completo (DOI)
Professores universitários,Sofrimentos (psicologia),Doenças profissionais
A fim de relacionar a atividade docente no ensino superior público com o sofrimento psíquico no trabalho, este estudo se propôs a realizar uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, ancorada nos pressupostos teórico-epistemológicos da sociologia clínica e da psicodinâmica do trabalho. O problema de pesquisa foi estruturado a partir das seguintes perguntas de investigação: Existem situações que levam professores de universidades federais públicas brasileiras a vivenciarem problemas de sofrimento psíquico no trabalho? Quais são elas? Como esses professores vivenciam essas supostas situações e que ações colocam em prática
para fazer face a elas? Em termos das estratégias de investigação, recorreu-se a entrevistas semiestruturados de tipo compreensivas e à observação direta. O foco central da pesquisa foi colocado nas experiências dos professores que foram entrevistados, mas buscou-se levar em consideração as relações que essas experiências possuem com os contextos político,
econômico e social mais amplo, tanto do país, como da região centro-oeste, onde está localizado o locus empírico da pesquisa, uma Universidade Federal da Região Centro-Oeste. Os resultados evidenciam que os docentes sofrem pela precarização do local de trabalho e a falta de recursos financeiros, materiais e humanos para o desenvolvimento profissional e técnico. Eles ressaltam também que o sofrimento pode resultar de relações interpessoais marcadas por disputas de egos e pelo pertencimento ou não a grupos favorecidos com a proximidade da estrutura organizacional superior da IFES. Aparecem igualmente como causadores de sofrimento o contexto socioeconômico e político, evidenciado pela falta de reconhecimento do trabalho docente e de políticas públicas de valorização do ensino superior. Por fim, o estudo revela que os efeitos do sofrimento psíquico podem ser observados na depressão, ansiedade, síndrome de Burnout, dores físicas, levando em casos extremos a
desistência da carreira de Professor do Magistério Superior das IFESs
In order to relate teaching activity in public higher education with psychological suffering at work, this study proposed to carry out qualitative research, anchored in the theoretical-epistemological assumptions of clinical sociology and work psychodynamics. The research problem was structured based on the following research questions: Are there situations that lead professors at Brazilian publi c federal universities to experience problems of psychological distress at work? What are they? How do these teachers experience these supposed situations and what actions do they take to deal with them? In terms of research strategies, we used comprehensive semi-structured interviews and direct observation. The central focus of the research was placed on the experiences of the teachers who were interviewed, but we sought to take into account the relationships that these experiences have with the broader po litical, economic and social contexts, both in the country and in the central-west region, where the empirical locus of the research is located, a Federal University in the Central -West Region. The results show that teachers suffer from the precariousness of the workplace and the lack of financial, material and human resources for professional and technical development. They also highlight that suffering can result from interpersonal relationships marked by ego disputes and by belonging or not to groups fav ored by proximity to the higher organizational structure of IFES. The socioeconomic and political context also appears as causes of suffering, evidenced by the lack of recognition of teaching work and public policies to value higher education. Finally, the study reveals that the effects of psychological suffering can be observed in depression, anxiety, Burnout syndrome, physical pain, leading in extreme cases to give up the career of Higher Education Professor at IFES
In order to relate teaching activity in public higher education with psychological suffering at work, this study proposed to carry out qualitative research, anchored in the theoretical-epistemological assumptions of clinical sociology and work psychodynamics. The research problem was structured based on the following research questions: Are there situations that lead professors at Brazilian publi c federal universities to experience problems of psychological distress at work? What are they? How do these teachers experience these supposed situations and what actions do they take to deal with them? In terms of research strategies, we used comprehensive semi-structured interviews and direct observation. The central focus of the research was placed on the experiences of the teachers who were interviewed, but we sought to take into account the relationships that these experiences have with the broader po litical, economic and social contexts, both in the country and in the central-west region, where the empirical locus of the research is located, a Federal University in the Central -West Region. The results show that teachers suffer from the precariousness of the workplace and the lack of financial, material and human resources for professional and technical development. They also highlight that suffering can result from interpersonal relationships marked by ego disputes and by belonging or not to groups fav ored by proximity to the higher organizational structure of IFES. The socioeconomic and political context also appears as causes of suffering, evidenced by the lack of recognition of teaching work and public policies to value higher education. Finally, the study reveals that the effects of psychological suffering can be observed in depression, anxiety, Burnout syndrome, physical pain, leading in extreme cases to give up the career of Higher Education Professor at IFES