Repositório do Conhecimento Institucional do Centro Universitário FEI

Engenharia Elétrica

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Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Artigo 17 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Analog operation temperature dependence of nMOS junctionless transistors focusing on harmonic distortion
    (2011-09-05) Rodrigo Doria; Marcelo Antonio Pavanello; TREVISOLI, R. D.; Michelly De Souza; LEE, C.-W.; FERAIN, I.; AKHAVAN, N. D.; YAN, R.; RAZAVI, P.; YU, R.; FRANTI, A.; COLINGE, J-P.
    This paper performs a comparative study of the analog performance of Junctionless Nanowire Transistors (JNTs) and classical Trigate inversion mode (IM) devices focusing on the harmonic distortion. The study has been carried out in the temperature range of 223 K up to 473 K. The non-linearity or harmonic distortion (HD) has been evaluated in terms of the total and the third order distortions (THD and HD3, respectively) at a fixed input bias and at a targeted output swing. Several parameters important for the HD evaluation have also been observed such as the transconductance to the drain current ratio (gm/IDS), the Early voltage (VEA) and the intrinsic voltage gain (AV). Trigate devices showed maximum AV around room temperature whereas in JNTs the intrinsic voltage gain increases with the temperature. Due to the different AV characteristics, Junctionless transistors present improved HD at higher temperatures whereas inversion mode Trigate devices show better HD properties at room temperature.When both devices are compared, Junctionless transistors present better THD and HD3 with respect to the IM Trigate devices.
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    Artigo 0 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    The roles of the gate bias, doping concentration, temperature and geometry on the harmonic distortion of junctionless nanowire transistors operating in the linear regime
    (2014-05-05) Rodrigo Doria; TREVISOLI, R.; Michelly De Souza; ESTRADA, M.; CERDEIRA, A.; Marcelo Antonio Pavanello
    © 2014, Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems 2014. All rights received.The linearity of Junctionless nanowire transistors operating in the linear regime has been evaluated through experimental data and numerical simulations. The influences of the fin width, the gate bias, the temperature, the doping concentration and the geometry on the overall linearity have been evaluated. The increase of the series resistance associated both to the variation of the physical parameters and the incomplete ionization effect has shown to improve the second order distortion and degrade the third order one.
  • Artigo de evento 7 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Impact of asymmetric channel configuration on the linearity of double-gate SOI MOSFETs
    (2006-04-26) Marcelo Antonio Pavanello; CERDEIRA, A.; MARTINO, J. A.; RASKIN, J. P.; FLANDRE, D.
    In this paper the linearity of asymmetric channel double-gate transistors, using the graded-channel (GC) configuration and Gate-All-Around architecture, operating as an amplifier, is studied in terms of lightly doped region length. The total harmonic distortion and third-order harmonic distortion are used as figures of merit. The results are compared with single-gate transistors with similar channel configuration. It is demonstrated that double-gate GC transistors at the same operation region and with similar channel configuration can present up to 20 dB less total harmonic distortion while presenting small third-order harmonic distortion. Considering similar bias voltage, the alternate component of the input sinusoidal signal of GC double-gate devices can be increased by about 200 mV to provide similar third-order harmonic distortion maintaining similar improvements of 20 dB on the total harmonic distortion. © 2006 IEEE.
  • Artigo 3 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Analog characteristics of n-type vertically stacked nanowires
    (2021) MARINIELLO, G.; CARVALHO, C. A. B. D.; CARDOSO, PAZ, B.; BARRAUD, S.; VINET, M.; FAYNOT, O.; Marcelo Antonio Pavanello
    © 2021This paper presents the fundamental analog figures of merit, such as the transconductance, output conductance, transconductance over drain current ratio, intrinsic voltage gain and harmonic distortion (or non-linearity), of n-type vertically stacked nanowires with variable fin width and channel length. To have a physical insight on the results, the basic electrical parameters such as threshold voltage, subthreshold slope and low field electron mobility of the analyzed transistors were also studied. The studied analog parameters are presented in function of the transconductance over drain current, to allow for the comparison at the same inversion level.
  • Artigo 1 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Harmonic distortion analysis of triple gate SOI nanowire MOSFETS down to 100 K
    (2017) Paz B.C.; Doria R.T.; Casse M.; Barraud S.; Reimbold G.; Vinet M.; Faynot O.; Pavanello M.A.
    © 2017 Elsevier LtdThe linearity of triple gate nanowire transistors (NWs) implemented on a Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) substrate is investigated in this work considering temperature (T) influence. The analysis is performed in long channel nanowire MOSFETs with different fin width (WFIN), from quasi-planar structures (WFIN = 10 μm) to narrow devices (9.5 nm), operating as single-transistor amplifiers from room temperature down to 100 K. The total, second and third order harmonic distortions (THD, HD2 and HD3, respectively) are extracted using the Integral Function Method (IFM). The analysis is divided in two parts. First, a fixed input signal is applied at the gate of the single-transistor amplifiers and, then, the output signal is fixed. Transport parameters such as effective mobility (μeff), mobility degradation coefficient (θ) and series resistance (RS) have been extracted down to 100 K and correlated to the distortion to explain linearity peaks behavior with temperature and fin width. Narrow transistors have shown improved linearity mainly due to higher intrinsic voltage gain (AV) considering the entire temperature range. Low temperature operation has shown to degrade the linearity characteristics of both wide and narrow NW MOSFETs.
  • Artigo 29 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Harmonic distortion analysis of double gate graded-channel MOSFETs operating in saturation
    (2008) Doria R.T.; Cerdeira A.; Raskin J.-P.; Flandre D.; Pavanello M.A.
    In this work we present an analysis of harmonic distortion (HD) in graded-channel (GC) gate-all-around (GAA) devices operating in saturation region for analog applications. The study has been performed through device characterization and two-dimensional process and device simulations. The overall study has been done on the total and third order HDs. When applied in the saturation regime as an amplifier, the GC outperforms conventional GAA transistors presenting simultaneously higher transconductance, lower drain output conductance and more than 15 dB improved linearity. The influence of channel length reduction on the HD is also analyzed. Although slight linearity degradation is observed in both the conventional and the GC devices when reducing the channel length, the HD presented by the GC transistor is significantly lower than the one showed by conventional device for any studied channel length. This allows AC input signal amplitude up to 20 times higher than the conventional GAA for a same specified distortion level. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Artigo 3 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Harmonic distortion of 2-MOS structures for MOSFET-C filters implemented with n-type unstrained and strained FINFETS
    (2011) Doria R.T.; Simoen E.; Claeys C.; Martino J.A.; Pavanello M.A.
    This work investigates the harmonic distortion (HD) in 2-MOS balanced structures composed of triple gate FinFETs. HD has been evaluated through the determination of the third-order harmonic distortion (HD3), since this represents the major non-linearity source in balanced structures. The 2-MOS structures with devices of different channel lengths (L) and fin widths (W fin) have been studied operating in the linear region as tunable resistors. The analysis was performed as a function of the gate voltage, aiming to verify the correlation between operation bias and HD3. The physical origins of the non-linearities have been investigated and are pointed out. Being a resistive circuit, the 2-MOS structure is generally projected for a targeted on-resistance, which has also been evaluated in terms of HD3. The impact of the application of biaxial strain has been studied for FinFETs of different dimensions. It has been noted that HD3 reduces with the increase of the gate bias for all the devices and this reduction is more pronounced both in narrower and in longer devices. Also, the presence of strain slightly diminishes the non-linearity at a similar bias. However, a drawback associated with the use of strain engineering consists in a significant reduction of the on-resistance with respect to unstrained devices. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Artigo 48 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Advantages of the graded-channel SOI FD MOSFET for application as a quasi-linear resistor
    (2005) Cerdeira A.; Aleman M.A.; Pavanello M.A.; Martino J.A.; Vancaillie L.; Flandre D.
    In this paper, we analyze the previously unexpected advantages of asymmetric channel engineering on the MOS resistance behavior in quasi-linear operation, such as used in integrated continuous-time tunable filters. The study of the two major figures of merit in such applications as on-resistance and nonlinear harmonic distortion, is supported by both measurements and simulations of conventional and graded-channel (GC) fully depleted silicon-on-insultor (SOI) MOSFETs. The quasi-linear current-voltage characteristics of GC transistors show a decrease of the on-resistance as the length of the low doped region in the channel is increased, as well as an improvement in the third-order harmonic distortion (HD3), when compared with conventional transistors. A method for full comparison between conventional and GC SOI MOSFETs is presented, considering HD3 evolution with on-resistance tuning under low voltage of operation. Results demonstrate the significant advantages provided by the asymmetrical long channel transistors. © 2005 IEEE.