Logística sustentável:corredores verdes e a infraestrutura para a intermodalidade no Porto de Santos
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Centro Universitário FEI, São Bernardo do Campo
Texto completo na Scopus
Citações na Scopus
Bueno, M. S.
Hilsdorf, Wilson de Castro
Nos dias de hoje, a oferta de infraestrutura de transportes de um país está diretamente ligada à sustentabilidade, e a viabilidade no atendimento da crescente demanda é impulsionada pelo custo logístico deste processo. Neste contexto, muitas empresas, diante da perspectiva de desenvolver um diferencial competitivo, fortalecer o negócio e aumentar os lucros a curto, médio e longo prazo, passaram a incorporar a variável ambiental na formulação de suas estratégias e no desenvolvimento de suas atividades diárias. Dessa forma, ter pleno conhecimento dos modais de transporte de carga é, no mínimo, imprescindível para a análise do espaço que cada um tem dentro do processo logístico. Neste cenário, a intermodalidade, o incremento da infraestrutura portuária e o aumento da utilização do transporte marítimo de cabotagem têm papel de destaque para a implantação de um corredor
verde marítimo para o transporte de cargas conteinerizadas no Brasil. Diante disto, o objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar as condições de infraestrutura portuária necessárias para que um corredor verde sustentável de transporte intermodal possa ser implantado a partir do Porto de Santos. Utilizar-se-á, como estrutura do trabalho, a definição da questão de pesquisa, o desenvolvimento de seus instrumentos, a coleta de dados nos principais “players" do processo, a análise de dados e disseminação dos resultados. Espera-se, contudo, verificar se o
Porto de Santos tem condições estruturantes à intermodalidade, uma das vertentes do conceito de green corridors já a tempo disseminado no continente europeu.
Nowadays, the supply of transport infrastructure of a country is directly linked to sustainability and viability in meeting the growing demand is fueled by the logistical cost of this process. In this context, many companies, faced with the prospect of developing a competitive edge, strengthen the business and increase profits in the short, medium and long term, began to incorporate the environmental variable in the formulation of strategies and the development of their daily activities. Thus, having full knowledge of the modes of transport is indispensable for the analysis of space that each has within the logistics process. In this scenario, intermodality, the increase of port infrastructure and the increased use of short sea shipping have key role for the implementation of a green corridor for the maritime transport of containerised cargo loads in Brazil. The objective of this research is to analyze the conditions of port infrastructure necessary for a sustainable intermodal transport green corridor can be deployed from the port of Santos. As structure of the work, it will be used the definition of the research question, the development of instruments, data collection in the main “players” in the process, data analysis and dissemination of results. It is expected, however, to check if the port of Santos has structural conditions for intermodality, one of the aspects of the concept of green corridors in time already widespread in Europe.
Nowadays, the supply of transport infrastructure of a country is directly linked to sustainability and viability in meeting the growing demand is fueled by the logistical cost of this process. In this context, many companies, faced with the prospect of developing a competitive edge, strengthen the business and increase profits in the short, medium and long term, began to incorporate the environmental variable in the formulation of strategies and the development of their daily activities. Thus, having full knowledge of the modes of transport is indispensable for the analysis of space that each has within the logistics process. In this scenario, intermodality, the increase of port infrastructure and the increased use of short sea shipping have key role for the implementation of a green corridor for the maritime transport of containerised cargo loads in Brazil. The objective of this research is to analyze the conditions of port infrastructure necessary for a sustainable intermodal transport green corridor can be deployed from the port of Santos. As structure of the work, it will be used the definition of the research question, the development of instruments, data collection in the main “players” in the process, data analysis and dissemination of results. It is expected, however, to check if the port of Santos has structural conditions for intermodality, one of the aspects of the concept of green corridors in time already widespread in Europe.
BUENO, M. S. Logística sustentável: corredores verdes e a infraestrutura para a intermodalidade no Porto de Santos. 2016. 118 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Bernardo do Campo, 2016. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 5 out. 2018.
Logística; Portos-Administração; Corredores verdes