Os sentidos de desenvolvimento comunitário na gestão social do investimento social privado
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Centro Universitário FEI, São Paulo
Texto completo na Scopus
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Morais, S. A. de
Mendonça, Patricia Maria Emerenciano
A empresa e a sociedade vêm se relacionando mais ativamente nas últimas décadas. Uma dessas formas de relacionamento é o investimento social privado (ISP), uma ação social privada e voluntária com orientação para a estratégia, a visão da continuidade e com objetivo de transformação social. Sua institucionalização se deu principalmente pela criação por parte das empresas nacionais de fundações e institutos próprios, criados especificamente para desenvolver projetos ou programas sociais e ambientais. Desse crescimento, surge uma nova categoria de profissionais que migram de diversas áreas para gerirem essas organizações e sua ação social, levando sua visão e perspectiva de gestão para o ISP. O Desenvolvimento Comunitário (DC), como área de ação social do ISP saltou de 15% (2000) para 48% (2008), segundo dados do Censo GIFE, principal organização associativa do setor. Esse tipo de ação, como solução social privilegia a interação e a construção coletiva de sentidos entre grupos comunitários visando o empoderamento, a participação e a cidadania, sendo portanto uma ação que potencializa a intervenção dos sentidos do investimento social privado no saber e pensar destes grupos, quando este passa a promover ou apoiar esses processos. Essa pesquisa identifica os sentidos dos gestores do Investimento Social Privado sobre Desenvolvimento Comunitário, refletindo seu poder de intervenção sobre a prática das organizações e sobre como esses profissionais atuam no campo do DC, concluindo com uma análise do papel desse profissional no ISP e apresentando um conjunto de recomendações para sua qualificação
The business and the society have been involved more actively in recent decades. One of these forms of relationship is the social private investment (ISP), a private volunteer investment with action-oriented for strategy, vision of continuity and purpose of social transformation. Its institutionalization was mainly by the creation of new private foundations, created specifically to develop projects or social and environmental programs. The growth of this new area created a new category of professionals who migrate from different sector and areas to manage these organizations and their social action, bringing his vision and management perspective to the ISP. The Community Development (CD), as an area of social action the ISP has jumped from 15% (2000) to 48% (2008), according to the Census GIFE, leading membership organization in the sector. This action have interaction and collective construction of meanings between community groups seeking empowerment, participation and citizenship, and enhances of the senses of social investment in knowledge and thinking of these groups when this is to promote or support these processes. This research identifies the meanings of the managers on Private Social Investment Community Development, reflecting about their practices, organizations and how these professionals work in the field of DC, concluding with an analysis of the role of professional ISP and presenting a set recommendations for their qualification
The business and the society have been involved more actively in recent decades. One of these forms of relationship is the social private investment (ISP), a private volunteer investment with action-oriented for strategy, vision of continuity and purpose of social transformation. Its institutionalization was mainly by the creation of new private foundations, created specifically to develop projects or social and environmental programs. The growth of this new area created a new category of professionals who migrate from different sector and areas to manage these organizations and their social action, bringing his vision and management perspective to the ISP. The Community Development (CD), as an area of social action the ISP has jumped from 15% (2000) to 48% (2008), according to the Census GIFE, leading membership organization in the sector. This action have interaction and collective construction of meanings between community groups seeking empowerment, participation and citizenship, and enhances of the senses of social investment in knowledge and thinking of these groups when this is to promote or support these processes. This research identifies the meanings of the managers on Private Social Investment Community Development, reflecting about their practices, organizations and how these professionals work in the field of DC, concluding with an analysis of the role of professional ISP and presenting a set recommendations for their qualification
MORAIS, S. A. Os sentidos de desenvolvimento comunitário na gestão social do investimento social privado. 2012. 110 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração de Empresas) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Paulo, 2012 Disponível em: <http://sofia.fei.edu.br:8080/pergamumweb/vinculos/000034/000034d1.pdf>. Acesso em: 16 ago. 2012.
Desenvolvimento organizacional