Bancos e a responsabilidade socioambiental:as práticas publicadas pelas cinco maiores organizações do setor no Brasil
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Baldo, W. S.
Varela, Carmen Augusta
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BALDO, W. S. Bancos e a responsabilidade socioambiental: as práticas publicadas pelas cinco maiores organizações do setor no Brasil. 2013. 96 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração de Empresas) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Paulo, 2013. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 14 ago. 2018.
Texto completo (DOI)
Bancos Responsabilidade Ambiental,Desenvolvimento sustentável
Enquanto a credibilidade das organizações financeiras de todo o mundo tem sido questionada devido à crise financeira desencadeada em 2008, os bancos brasileiros vêm se destacando ao receber prêmios internacionais relacionados à temática da sustentabilidade. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo se propôs a compreender as práticas publicadas dos cinco maiores bancos brasileiros em total de ativos, sob o ponto de vista da sustentabilidade. Para cumprir esse objetivo, utilizou-se da pesquisa documental de caráter descritivo e de natureza quantitativa. A aplicação desse método se deu por meio do desenvolvimento de uma matriz de indicadores de responsabilidade socioambiental, a qual foi confrontada com os relatórios oficiais do biênio 2011/2012 e com os websites das organizações analisadas. Os resultados do estudo identificaram que as agendas de sustentabilidade dos principais bancos brasileiros mostraram-se avançadas em práticas de transparência, em iniciativas de ecoeficiência, no estabelecimento de políticas de avaliação de risco socioambiental para a cessão de crédito e na presença de produtos e serviços financeiros com adicionalidades socioambientais. No entanto, a remuneração variável atrelada a iniciativas socioambientais e a exclusão de setores polêmicos de seus relacionamentos comerciais são algumas das oportunidades de avanço para essas organizações
At the same time that the credibility of financial organizations around the world has been questioned due to the financial crisis which began in 2008, Brazilian banks have stood out to receive international awards related to sustainability issues. In this context, this study aimed to understand the practices published by the five largest Brazilian's banks in total assets, from the point of view of sustainability. To achieve this purpose, it was used the documentary research, with a descriptive feature and a quantitative nature. The application of this method used a base of social and environmental responsibility indicators, which was confronted with the official reports of the 2011/2012 period and the websites of the organizations analyzed. The study results identified that sustainability agendas of major Brazilian's banks were advanced on transparency practices, in eco-efficiency initiatives, in establishment policies for social and environmental credit risk assessment and the presence of financial products and services with social and environmental additionality. However, the variable compensation related to green initiatives and the exclusion of controversial sectors of their business relationships are some of the opportunities for these organizations
At the same time that the credibility of financial organizations around the world has been questioned due to the financial crisis which began in 2008, Brazilian banks have stood out to receive international awards related to sustainability issues. In this context, this study aimed to understand the practices published by the five largest Brazilian's banks in total assets, from the point of view of sustainability. To achieve this purpose, it was used the documentary research, with a descriptive feature and a quantitative nature. The application of this method used a base of social and environmental responsibility indicators, which was confronted with the official reports of the 2011/2012 period and the websites of the organizations analyzed. The study results identified that sustainability agendas of major Brazilian's banks were advanced on transparency practices, in eco-efficiency initiatives, in establishment policies for social and environmental credit risk assessment and the presence of financial products and services with social and environmental additionality. However, the variable compensation related to green initiatives and the exclusion of controversial sectors of their business relationships are some of the opportunities for these organizations