A influência do overload de informação na decisão de viagem
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Queiroz, J. P.
Oliveira, Braulio Alexandre Contento
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QUEIROZ, J. P. A influência do overload de informação na decisão de viagem. 2015. 156 f. Tese (Doutorado em Administração de Empresas) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Paulo, 2015. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 10 ago. 2018.
Texto completo (DOI)
Turismo,Serviços de informação,Satisfação do consumidor
A busca de informações é compreendida como primeira motivação de avaliação da escolha e promessa de satisfação. Reconhecida sua importância para a tomada de decisão, a preocupação com esforços físicos e cognitivos durante o seu processamento e com as incertezas com as quais se depara vem de longa data. Estudos da área de marketing, mais especificamente de comportamento do consumidor, apontam que a informação interfere na percepção que o cliente tem sobre produtos e serviços implicando a necessidade das organizações realizarem esforços que provoquem percepções positivas sobre suas ofertas, confrontando-se expectativa com efetivação. Ressalte-se, que a percepção sobre uma viagem tem início antes do encontro do serviço, contribuindo para a realização da compra, durante sua ocorrência, e se prolonga até após o seu término, levando ou não à recompra e à recomendação do serviço a terceiros. Estudos sobre percepção de satisfação e comportamento do consumidor, normalmente, são associados a bens tangíveis, graças à intangibilidade do ambiente de serviços que dificulta a avaliação da satisfação e da qualidade. A partir do exposto, acredita-se que a sobrecarga (overload) de informação pode influenciar a sua satisfação, visto que ao tentar otimizar sua escolha as expectativas podem ser significativamente influenciadas. Assim, este trabalho buscou conhecer a influência do overload de informação sobre a satisfação do consumidor de turismo. Embora alguns estudos tenham tratado sobre a influência do overload de informação sobre o comportamento do consumidor, as características deste estudo são significativamente diferentes dos existentes até o momento, pois aborda uma decisão real, sobre um bem intangível (serviço), no setor de turismo. Para o alcance do objetivo proposto, foi realizada pesquisa em literatura específica com finalidade de esclarecer dúvidas e sedimentar bases para análise crítica e para realização da pesquisa de campo, abordando assuntos considerados relevantes. A pesquisa de campo realizada foi quantitativa, descritiva conclusiva e constituída de escalas com base na revisão de literatura. O questionário foi aplicado entre os meses de agosto e novembro de 2014 por meio eletrônico e na forma impressa em salas de aula de três Instituições de Ensino Superior para alunos de graduação e pós-graduação. A construção do modelo conceitual formado por cinco constructos ou variáveis latentes (overload de informação, emoção, expectativa, satisfação e fidelidade) operacionalizadas por dezesseis variáveis manifestas deu-se com a utilização do software LISREL ® 8,5. Dentre os principais resultados obtidos, destacam-se a grande influência do overload de informação sobre a emoção e da emoção sobre a expectativa, mas a abundância de informação não interfere na formação de expectativa, divergindo da literatura. Recomenda-se para estudos futuros a identificação de como a informação com overload e sem overload se relacionam com a emoção e a expectativa.
The information search is understood as first motivation assessment choice and promise of satisfaction. Recognized its importance for decision-making, the fear of physical and cognitive efforts during processing and the uncertainties with which faces has a long history. Studies of marketing, specifically consumer behavior, point out that the information interferes with the perception that the client has about products and services implying the need for organizations to conduct efforts that cause positive perceptions about their offerings, clashing expectations with effectiveness. It should be noted that the perception of a trip starts before the service date, contributing to the realization of purchase during its occurrence and extends until after it ends, leading or not to repurchase and recommendation service to others. Studies on perception of satisfaction and consumer behavior are usually associated with tangible goods, due to the intangibility of services environment it difficult to assess satisfaction and quality. From the foregoing, it is believed that the overload of information can influence their satisfaction, as when trying to optimize your choice expectations can be significantly influenced. This study sought to determine the influence of overload of information on tourism consumer satisfaction. Although some studies have addressed the influence of the overload of information on consumer behavior, the characteristics of this study are significantly different from those so far as it addresses a real decision on an intangible (service), in the tourism sector. To achieve the proposed objective, research was carried out in the literature aiming to clarify doubts and sedimentary bases for review and to conduct the field research, addressing issues considered relevant. The field research was quantitative, descriptive and conclusive consists of scales based on literature review. The questionnaire was applied between the months of August and November 2014 electronically and in printed form in classrooms three higher education institutions for undergraduate and graduate students. The construction of the conceptual model consists of five constructs or latent variables (overload information, emotion, expectation, satisfaction and loyalty) by means of sixteen manifest variables using the LISREL software ® 8.5. The main results show that the great influence of the information overload on emotion and the emotion on expectations, but the abundance of information does not affect this training, different from the literature. It is recommended for future studies to identify how information with and without overload relate to the emotion and expectation
The information search is understood as first motivation assessment choice and promise of satisfaction. Recognized its importance for decision-making, the fear of physical and cognitive efforts during processing and the uncertainties with which faces has a long history. Studies of marketing, specifically consumer behavior, point out that the information interferes with the perception that the client has about products and services implying the need for organizations to conduct efforts that cause positive perceptions about their offerings, clashing expectations with effectiveness. It should be noted that the perception of a trip starts before the service date, contributing to the realization of purchase during its occurrence and extends until after it ends, leading or not to repurchase and recommendation service to others. Studies on perception of satisfaction and consumer behavior are usually associated with tangible goods, due to the intangibility of services environment it difficult to assess satisfaction and quality. From the foregoing, it is believed that the overload of information can influence their satisfaction, as when trying to optimize your choice expectations can be significantly influenced. This study sought to determine the influence of overload of information on tourism consumer satisfaction. Although some studies have addressed the influence of the overload of information on consumer behavior, the characteristics of this study are significantly different from those so far as it addresses a real decision on an intangible (service), in the tourism sector. To achieve the proposed objective, research was carried out in the literature aiming to clarify doubts and sedimentary bases for review and to conduct the field research, addressing issues considered relevant. The field research was quantitative, descriptive and conclusive consists of scales based on literature review. The questionnaire was applied between the months of August and November 2014 electronically and in printed form in classrooms three higher education institutions for undergraduate and graduate students. The construction of the conceptual model consists of five constructs or latent variables (overload information, emotion, expectation, satisfaction and loyalty) by means of sixteen manifest variables using the LISREL software ® 8.5. The main results show that the great influence of the information overload on emotion and the emotion on expectations, but the abundance of information does not affect this training, different from the literature. It is recommended for future studies to identify how information with and without overload relate to the emotion and expectation