Open capabilities: a formação de competências para a gestão da inovação aberta: o caso Natura
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Piatto, E. B.
Bernardes, Roberto Carlos
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PIATTO, E. B. Open capabilities: a formação de competências para a gestão da inovação aberta: o caso Natura. 2009. 125 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Paulo, 2009
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Inovações tecnológicas
A inovação é fator chave de crescimento das empresas segundo teóricos de várias escolas de estudo de estratégia. O processo de identificação, captação, desenvolvimento e implantação das idéias e conhecimentos para transformá-los em inovação podem ser acelerados com custos reduizidos e com melhor qualidae dependendo, entre outros aspectos, do modelo utilizado. A adaptação da empresa na busca dos melhores modelos e processos de inovação requer dedicação da organização na construção da estratégia para sua viabilização passando por caminhos de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento de novas competências. Este trabalho estuda o desenvolvimento de capacidaes dinâmicas e competências durante o processo de implantação de um modelo aberto de inovação baseado em Open Innovation, assim denominado por Chesbrough (2003a, 2005, 2007). Este conceito considera elementos como cooperação, parceria, aquisição e venda de pesquisas em diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento, participação de atores fora dos limites da organização, novo desenho organizacional e modelo de negócios como fatores chave de obtençãod e resultados no processo de inovação. O foco do estudo está em identificar quais as competências necessárias para a empresa se adaptar a esta nova abordagem. A empresa estudada é uma indústria nacional de grande porte do segmento de cosmétios que atua em um mercado em crescimento bastante competitivo que demanda inovações constantes imprimindo um ciclo de vida curto aos produtos. a inovação aberta vem a ser uma alternativa estratégica na busca de sustentação de resultados e competitividade a partir de lançamentos de novos produtos em menor tempo e com riscos compartilhados entre os parceiros. Entre as conclusões destaca-se a necessidade de uma preocupação estruturada para que a empresa adote o sistema de inovação aberta seja em formação de um corpo de conhecimentos, seja na estruturação física de áreas funcionais e definição de indicadores específicos para a gestão da inovação aberta
Innovation is key to enterprise growth according to theoretical study of various schools of strategy. The process of identification, collection, development and implementation of ideas and knowledge to turn them into innovation can be accelerated with reduced costs and better quality depending on, among other things, the model used. The adaptation of the company in search of the best models and processes of innovation requires dedication in building the organization's strategy for their development through avenues of learning and developing new skills. This work studies the development of dynamic capabilities and expertise during the implementation of an open model of innovation based on Open Innovation, Chesbrough so called (2003a, 2005, 2007). This concept considers factors such as cooperation, partnership, acquisition and sale of research at different stages of development, participation of actors outside the limits of organization, new organizational design and business model as key factors for obtaining results in the innovation process. The focus of the study is to identify what skills the company needed to adapt to this new approach. The company studied is a domestic large segment of cosmetics that operates in a growing market that demands highly competitive innovations contained a printing short for support of competitiveness and results from new product launches in less time and with risks shared between the partners. Among the conclusions highilight the need for a structured preparation for the company to adopt the system of open innovation is in creating a body of knowledge, whether in the physical structure of functional areas and definition of indicators of new organizational designs. This study also contributes to the discussion of the need to define specific indicators for the management of open innovation
Innovation is key to enterprise growth according to theoretical study of various schools of strategy. The process of identification, collection, development and implementation of ideas and knowledge to turn them into innovation can be accelerated with reduced costs and better quality depending on, among other things, the model used. The adaptation of the company in search of the best models and processes of innovation requires dedication in building the organization's strategy for their development through avenues of learning and developing new skills. This work studies the development of dynamic capabilities and expertise during the implementation of an open model of innovation based on Open Innovation, Chesbrough so called (2003a, 2005, 2007). This concept considers factors such as cooperation, partnership, acquisition and sale of research at different stages of development, participation of actors outside the limits of organization, new organizational design and business model as key factors for obtaining results in the innovation process. The focus of the study is to identify what skills the company needed to adapt to this new approach. The company studied is a domestic large segment of cosmetics that operates in a growing market that demands highly competitive innovations contained a printing short for support of competitiveness and results from new product launches in less time and with risks shared between the partners. Among the conclusions highilight the need for a structured preparation for the company to adopt the system of open innovation is in creating a body of knowledge, whether in the physical structure of functional areas and definition of indicators of new organizational designs. This study also contributes to the discussion of the need to define specific indicators for the management of open innovation