Capital de risco corporativo: uma análise do Agronegócio Brasileiro
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Centro Universitário FEI, São Paulo
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Silva, Elias Eduardo Bernardo da
Barros, Henrique Machado
O objetivo deste trabalho foi compreender as motivações que têm levado as grandes empresas a utilizar o Capital de Risco Corporativo como mecanismo para ampliar seus processos de inovação. A metodologia utilizada foi uma abordagem qualitativa através de estudos de caso de duas empresas que utilizam o sistema em seus processos de inovação. A análise dos casos foi complementada por entrevistas com dois especialistas da área. O trabalho foi direcionado para um comparativo das motivações reportadas em trabalhos internacionais com as empresas brasileiras, com recorte específico para o setor do agronegócio. Foi destacada a intersecção das motivações e os direcionadores do cenário brasileiro que, como resultado, observou-se que os ecossistemas de inovação brasileiro estão em processo de amadurecimento. As iniciativas de Capital de Risco Corporativo não são consideradas para apoiar de elevados riscos e incertezas nem para ampliação das empresas para atendimentos de mercados globais; como também a importância do aprofundamento de pesquisas vinculadas ao processo de investimentos para inovação no agronegócio
The purpose of this paper was to understand the motivations that have led large companies to use Corporate Venture Capital as a mechanism to expand their innovation processes. The methodological approach was based on a qualitative approach through the case studies of two companies that use Corporate Venture Capital in their innovation processes. The analysis of the cases was complemented by interviews with two specialists in Corporate Venture Capital. The work directed to a comparative of the motivations reported by the international literature regarding the motivations in the context of the Brazilian companies, with specific cut for the agribusiness sector. It was highlighted the intersection of the motivations and the drivers of the Brazilian scenario, as a result, it was observed that the Brazilian innovation ecosystems are in the process of maturing, Corporate Venture Capital initiatives are not considered to support high risk / uncertainty actions and for the expansion of companies to assist global markets, as well as the importance of deepening research linked to the investment process for innovation in agribusiness
The purpose of this paper was to understand the motivations that have led large companies to use Corporate Venture Capital as a mechanism to expand their innovation processes. The methodological approach was based on a qualitative approach through the case studies of two companies that use Corporate Venture Capital in their innovation processes. The analysis of the cases was complemented by interviews with two specialists in Corporate Venture Capital. The work directed to a comparative of the motivations reported by the international literature regarding the motivations in the context of the Brazilian companies, with specific cut for the agribusiness sector. It was highlighted the intersection of the motivations and the drivers of the Brazilian scenario, as a result, it was observed that the Brazilian innovation ecosystems are in the process of maturing, Corporate Venture Capital initiatives are not considered to support high risk / uncertainty actions and for the expansion of companies to assist global markets, as well as the importance of deepening research linked to the investment process for innovation in agribusiness
SILVA, Elias Eduardo Bernardo da. Capital de risco corporativo: uma análise do Agronegócio Brasileiro. 2019. 64 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração de Empresas) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Paulo, 2019 Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 16 mar. 2020.
Capital de risco; Inovações tecnológicas; Agroindústria