O efeito da moderação da inovação frugal sobre a orientação estratégica para eco inovação e manufatura verde em países emergentes e desenvolvidos
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Centro Universitário Fei, São Paulo
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Tarraço, E. L.
Bernardes, Roberto Carlos
No contexto das estratégias de mobilização das capacidades das empresas e de governos para alcançar o crescimento econômico, diante da escassez de recursos e das pressões do ambiente institucional por produtos e processos ambientalmente conscientes, tem-se elevado a importância da inovação frugal – uma das soluções potenciais para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Estratégias empresariais orientadas para a inovação frugal, com a aplicação em processos produtivos, para resultados ambientais mais sustentáveis, necessitam de compreensão. Nesse sentido, este estudo objetiva validar o efeito da moderação da inovação frugal nas seguintes dimensões: (a) quanto maior a presença de inovações frugais nas organizações, maior a relação existente entre a orientação estratégica para a ecoinovação e a manufatura verde; e (b) se existem evidências de diferenças comportamentais entre países emergentes e desenvolvidos. Como objetivos específicos, busca-se verificar a influência: (a) das pressões institucionais de mercado e regulatórias, e da orientação estratégica para a ecoinovação, quanto maior a estratégia de inovação frugal na organização; (b) da relação entre a manufatura verde e o desempenho da organização, quanto maior a estratégia de inovação frugal; e (c) comparar os resultados das relações entre as pressões do ambiente institucional e a orientação estratégica para a ecoinovação, e entre a manufatura verde e o desempenho organizacional, nos mercados desenvolvidos e emergentes, quanto maior o efeito de moderação da inovação frugal. Para tanto, utilizou-se uma abordagem quantitativa, por meio do modelo de equações estruturais (PLS-SEM), para analisar 303 organizações do setor de manufatura, sendo 173, em países emergentes (Brasil e Índia), e 130 de países desenvolvidos (Alemanha e Estados Unidos da América). Como resultado, as organizações mais frugais têm maior relevância na relação entre a orientação estratégica para a ecoinovação e a manufatura verde, do que as menos frugais. Tal inovação, portanto, estabelece-se como um potencial alavanca para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Esse resultado também é encontrado na análise das organizações em países emergentes, nos quais a inovação frugal, mesmo sob um cenário de restrições, pode impulsionar os esforços voltados aos objetivos ambientais. Nos países desenvolvidos, em contrapartida, não há evidência de que esse efeito seja significativo para as organizações mais frugais. Este trabalho contribui, então, com a teoria acadêmica sobre o papel da estratégia de inovação frugal para o fortalecimento da relação entre a orientação estratégica, a ecoinovação e a manufatura verde, e confirma os estudos sobre a importância da inovação frugal para os mercados emergentes, como solução às limitações de recursos destinados às estratégias de sustentabilidade
In the context of strategies to mobilize the capacities of companies and governments to achieve economic growth, given the scarcity of resources and the pressures of the institutional environment for environmentally conscious products and processes, the importance of frugal innovation has increased - one of the solutions potentials for sustainable development. Business strategies oriented towards frugal innovation, with application in production processes, for more sustainable environmental results, need understanding. In this sense, this study aims to validate the effect of moderating frugal innovation in the following dimensions: (a) the greater the presence of frugal innovations in organizations, the greater the relationship between the strategic orientation for eco-innovation and green manufacturing; and (b) whether there is evidence of behavioral differences between emerging and developed countries. As specific objectives, we seek to verify the influence: (a) institutional market and regulatory pressures, and the strategic orientation for eco-innovation, the greater the frugal innovation strategy in the organization; (b) the relationship between green manufacturing and the organization's performance, the greater the frugal innovation strategy; and (c) comparing the results of the relationships between the pressures of the institutional environment and the strategic orientation for eco-innovation, and between green manufacturing and organizational performance, in developed and emerging markets, the greater the moderating effect of frugal innovation. To do so, a quantitative approach was used, using the structural equation model (PLS-SEM), to analyze 303 organizations in the manufacturing sector, 173 in emerging countries (Brazil and India), and 130 in developed countries (Germany and the United States of America). As a result, the most frugal organizations have more relevance in the relationship between the strategic orientation for eco-innovation and green manufacturing, than the less frugal ones. Such innovation, therefore, establishes itself as a potential lever for sustainable development. This result is also found in the analysis of organizations in emerging countries, in which frugal innovation, even under a scenario of restrictions, can boost efforts aimed at environmental objectives. In developed countries, on the other hand, there is no evidence that this effect is significant for the most frugal organizations. This work, then, contributes with academic theory on the role of frugal innovation strategy for strengthening the relationship between strategic orientation, eco-innovation and green manufacturing, and confirms studies on the importance of frugal innovation for emerging markets, as a solution to the limitations of resources allocated to sustainability strategies
In the context of strategies to mobilize the capacities of companies and governments to achieve economic growth, given the scarcity of resources and the pressures of the institutional environment for environmentally conscious products and processes, the importance of frugal innovation has increased - one of the solutions potentials for sustainable development. Business strategies oriented towards frugal innovation, with application in production processes, for more sustainable environmental results, need understanding. In this sense, this study aims to validate the effect of moderating frugal innovation in the following dimensions: (a) the greater the presence of frugal innovations in organizations, the greater the relationship between the strategic orientation for eco-innovation and green manufacturing; and (b) whether there is evidence of behavioral differences between emerging and developed countries. As specific objectives, we seek to verify the influence: (a) institutional market and regulatory pressures, and the strategic orientation for eco-innovation, the greater the frugal innovation strategy in the organization; (b) the relationship between green manufacturing and the organization's performance, the greater the frugal innovation strategy; and (c) comparing the results of the relationships between the pressures of the institutional environment and the strategic orientation for eco-innovation, and between green manufacturing and organizational performance, in developed and emerging markets, the greater the moderating effect of frugal innovation. To do so, a quantitative approach was used, using the structural equation model (PLS-SEM), to analyze 303 organizations in the manufacturing sector, 173 in emerging countries (Brazil and India), and 130 in developed countries (Germany and the United States of America). As a result, the most frugal organizations have more relevance in the relationship between the strategic orientation for eco-innovation and green manufacturing, than the less frugal ones. Such innovation, therefore, establishes itself as a potential lever for sustainable development. This result is also found in the analysis of organizations in emerging countries, in which frugal innovation, even under a scenario of restrictions, can boost efforts aimed at environmental objectives. In developed countries, on the other hand, there is no evidence that this effect is significant for the most frugal organizations. This work, then, contributes with academic theory on the role of frugal innovation strategy for strengthening the relationship between strategic orientation, eco-innovation and green manufacturing, and confirms studies on the importance of frugal innovation for emerging markets, as a solution to the limitations of resources allocated to sustainability strategies
TARRAÇO, E. L. O efeito da moderação da inovação frugal sobre a orientação estratégica para eco inovação e manufatura verde em países emergentes e desenvolvidos. 2020. 205 f. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) - Centro Universitário Fei, São Paulo, 2020 Disponível em: https://doi.org/10.31414/ADM.2020.T.131219.