Estudo dos efeitos da dose total ionizante (TID) em um transistor comercial de lata mobilidade de elétrons (HEMT), baseado na hetroestrutura AIGaN/GaN
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Centro Universitário FEI, São Bernardo do Campo
Texto completo na Scopus
Citações na Scopus
Vilas Bôas, A. C.
Guazzelli, Marcilei Aparecida
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sistemático de um transistor comercial de alta mobilidade de elétrons, baseado na heteroestrutura AlGaN/GaN (GaN HEMT), quanto a sua robustez aos efeitos da dose total ionizante (TID) provenientes de uma fonte de raios X com energia efetiva de 10 keV. Foram utilizadas diferentes doses de radiação, variando entre 0 rad (Si) e 350 krad (Si). Portanto, com esse intuito, foram feitos três testes no transistor comercial, GS61008T. Primeiramente, a aquisição dos parâmetros: tensão de limiar (VTH),
transcondutância (gm), corrente desligado (Ioff), inclinação de sublimiar (S) antes, durante e após a exposição as doses de radiação. O segundo teste foi de chaveamento, onde adquiriram-se os tempos de subida (tr) e de descida (tf) pré e pós irradiação, em duas faixas de frequência, 100 Hz e 100 kHz. Suplementarmente, foi realizado um terceiro teste de temperatura, onde variou-se a temperatura das
amostras de 223 K (-50 ºC) à 348 K (75 ºC) para avaliar a robustez do transistor em relação à variação de temperatura após ter acumulado 350 krad (Si). Em adição, para um melhor entendimento dos efeitos da TID neste transistor, todos os testes foram feitos em dois modos de polarização diferentes, no modo “on” (VGS=3 V e VDS=0 V), e no modo “off” (VGS=VDS=0 V). Os parâmetros elétricos, característicos do transistor, foram extraídos através das curvas características IDxVD, IDxVG e IDxt. Curvas, estas que foram obtidas usando o equipamento PXI da National Instruments, contando com fontes programáveis e um difratômetro de raio X. Os resultados demonstraram que para os dispositivos analisados, os efeitos decorrentes da radiação ionizante (TID), com doses de até 350 krad (Si), são mínimos, e apresentaram, também, uma rápida e eficaz recuperação de suas características elétricas após annealing em temperatura ambiente, principalmente,
quando irradiado no modo “on”. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo indicam que os transistores analisados são bons candidatos para uso em ambientes severos a radiação, como é o caso de ambientes aeroespaciais, aceleradores de partículas e reatores nucleares
This work presents a systematic study on a commercial high electron mobility transistor based on the AlGaN / GaN heterostructure (GaN HEMT). The study evaluates its robustness to different radiation doses, more specifically, its robustness to the effects of the total ionizing dose (TID) irradiated from an X-ray source with an effective energy of 10 keV. The accumulated dose varies from up to 350 krad (Si). Therefore, for this purpose, three tests were performed on the commercial transistor, GS61008T. First, the acquisition of parameters: threshold voltage (VTH), Transconductance (gm), off current (Ioff) and sub-threshold slope (S) before, during and after exposure to radiation. Then, the switching test, where the rise (tr) and fall (tf) times were aquired, pre and post irradiation, in two diffrent frequency, 100 Hz and 100 kHz. Moreover, the temperature test, where the sample varied from 223 K (-50ºC) to 348 K (75 ºC) to evaluate its robustness for the temperature variation after having accumulated 350 krad (Si). In addition, for a better understanding of the effects of TID on the sample, all tests were performed in two different polarization modes. The on mode (VGS = 3 V and VDS = 0 V), and the off mode (VGS = VDS = 0 V). The characteristic electrical parameters of the transistor were extracted using the characteristic curves IDxVD, IDxVG and IDxt. Curves, that were obtained using National Instrument’s PXI, with programmable sources and an X-ray diffractometer. The results showed that for the devices analyzed, for this GaN COTS the effects resulting from ionizing radiation (TID), with doses up to 350 krad (Si), are minimal, and also showed a quick and effective recovery of their electrical characteristics after annealing at room temperature, especially when irradiated polarized at on mode. Therefore, indicating that they are good candidates for use in harsh environments, as is the case of aerospace environments, particle accelerators environments and nuclear reactors
This work presents a systematic study on a commercial high electron mobility transistor based on the AlGaN / GaN heterostructure (GaN HEMT). The study evaluates its robustness to different radiation doses, more specifically, its robustness to the effects of the total ionizing dose (TID) irradiated from an X-ray source with an effective energy of 10 keV. The accumulated dose varies from up to 350 krad (Si). Therefore, for this purpose, three tests were performed on the commercial transistor, GS61008T. First, the acquisition of parameters: threshold voltage (VTH), Transconductance (gm), off current (Ioff) and sub-threshold slope (S) before, during and after exposure to radiation. Then, the switching test, where the rise (tr) and fall (tf) times were aquired, pre and post irradiation, in two diffrent frequency, 100 Hz and 100 kHz. Moreover, the temperature test, where the sample varied from 223 K (-50ºC) to 348 K (75 ºC) to evaluate its robustness for the temperature variation after having accumulated 350 krad (Si). In addition, for a better understanding of the effects of TID on the sample, all tests were performed in two different polarization modes. The on mode (VGS = 3 V and VDS = 0 V), and the off mode (VGS = VDS = 0 V). The characteristic electrical parameters of the transistor were extracted using the characteristic curves IDxVD, IDxVG and IDxt. Curves, that were obtained using National Instrument’s PXI, with programmable sources and an X-ray diffractometer. The results showed that for the devices analyzed, for this GaN COTS the effects resulting from ionizing radiation (TID), with doses up to 350 krad (Si), are minimal, and also showed a quick and effective recovery of their electrical characteristics after annealing at room temperature, especially when irradiated polarized at on mode. Therefore, indicating that they are good candidates for use in harsh environments, as is the case of aerospace environments, particle accelerators environments and nuclear reactors
VILAS BÔAS, A. C. Estudo dos efeitos da dose total ionizante (TID) em um transistor comercial de lata mobilidade de elétrons (HEMT), baseado na hetroestrutura AIGaN/GaN. 2020. 124 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Bernardo do Campo, 2020. Disponível em:
Radiação ionizante