Análise das práticas de logística reversa na cadeia de suprimentos de medicamentos no estado de São Paulo
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Musolino, R. V.
Hilsdorf, Wilson de Castro
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MUSOLINO, R. V. Análise das práticas de logística reversa na cadeia de suprimentos de medicamentos no estado de São Paulo. São Bernardo do Campo, 2021. 128 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia de Produção) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Bernardo do Campo, 2021 Disponível em:
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sustentabilidade,green supply chain,logística reversa,closed-loop supply chain,indústria farmacêutica
O tema sustentabilidade vem ganhando interesse entre a população, pesquisadores e as indústrias nas últimas décadas. O aumento desordenado da população, o aumento dos índices de poluição e a escassez de recursos naturais, bem como o seu mau uso, despertam para urgência do tema sustentabilidade, visando um melhor aproveitamento e preservação de recursos naturais. A Logística Reversa (LR) ganha destaque com intuito de diminuir a geração de resíduos e maximizar o reaproveitamento dos recursos. Para tal finalidade é necessário gerenciar os resíduos em consonância com a legislação vigente e preservação do meio ambiente. O avanço da medicina trouxe grandes benefícios à população com consequente aumento na produção de medicamentos e na quantidade disponível para comercialização, porém, os medicamentos, quando descartados incorretamente, podem contaminar a natureza, representando risco à vida humana, à fauna e à flora. O objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar as práticas da LR adotadas em diferentes segmentos da cadeia farmacêutica e compará-las aos artigos estudados e à legislação brasileira, destacando o papel dos atores da cadeia farmacêutica em relação ao consumidor final. A pesquisa foi realizada através de um estudo de caso único incorporado, baseado na cadeia farmacêutica e seus atores participantes, concentrando-se no Estado de São Paulo. Apesar de todos os atores da cadeia de suprimentos reconhecerem a importância da LR, é imprescindível a implementação do sistema de LR em um sentido mais amplo, visando o descarte adequado de medicamentos com ampla conscientização de todos os elos da cadeia e adequação às regulamentações governamentais que ainda é ambígua e complexa
In recent years, sustainability is gaining increasing interest among the population, researchers and industries. The diminishing of raw material, the disorganized increasing of population and the increasing levels of pollution drive sustainability as urgent, where the Reverse Logistic is part of it to diminish the waste generation and to improve the reuse of the resources. It is necessary to manage waste to be complied with government regulation and preserve the environment. The medical research has brought great benefits to the population with consequent increase in the medicines production and in the amount available for commercialization, but the medicines when discarded inappropriately may contaminate the nature, causing damages of human health and aquatic organisms. Thus, the aim of this research is to identify the reverse logistics practices adopted by pharmaceutical supply chain and compare to the articles and to Brazilian government regulation, emphasizing the pharmaceutical supply chain stakeholders role in post consumption with the consumers. The research will be carried out through an embedded single case study with stakeholders of pharmaceutical supply chain from São Paulo State. Although all stakeholders in pharmaceutical supply chain recognize the importance of reverse logistic, it is essential to implement the reverse logistic in a broader sense, aiming at the proper disposal of medicines with wide awareness of supply chain, being compliance with government regulations that are still ambiguous and complex
In recent years, sustainability is gaining increasing interest among the population, researchers and industries. The diminishing of raw material, the disorganized increasing of population and the increasing levels of pollution drive sustainability as urgent, where the Reverse Logistic is part of it to diminish the waste generation and to improve the reuse of the resources. It is necessary to manage waste to be complied with government regulation and preserve the environment. The medical research has brought great benefits to the population with consequent increase in the medicines production and in the amount available for commercialization, but the medicines when discarded inappropriately may contaminate the nature, causing damages of human health and aquatic organisms. Thus, the aim of this research is to identify the reverse logistics practices adopted by pharmaceutical supply chain and compare to the articles and to Brazilian government regulation, emphasizing the pharmaceutical supply chain stakeholders role in post consumption with the consumers. The research will be carried out through an embedded single case study with stakeholders of pharmaceutical supply chain from São Paulo State. Although all stakeholders in pharmaceutical supply chain recognize the importance of reverse logistic, it is essential to implement the reverse logistic in a broader sense, aiming at the proper disposal of medicines with wide awareness of supply chain, being compliance with government regulations that are still ambiguous and complex