Processos de negócio em empresas baseadas em plataformas digitais
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Marcolino, Carinne Namba
Silva, Gabriela Alves da
Scorvo, Mariana Generoso
Ferreira, Matheus Rampazzo Bragança
Silva, Gabriela Alves da
Scorvo, Mariana Generoso
Ferreira, Matheus Rampazzo Bragança
Silva, Gabriela Scur
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processos de negócio,plataforma digital,gestão de processos,Business process modeling notation,Business process management
Em constante ascensão e, por serem relativamente novas no mercado, as startups de delivery exigem novos estudos acerca de gestão e mapeamento de processos de negócios. Através de uma visão ampla de todos os processos, as ferramentas de gestão permitem monitorar o andamento deles com rapidez e maior clareza, além de facilitar sua compreensão, permitindo identificar gargalos e retrabalhos, e, por conseguinte, gerar melhorias. O trabalho teve como objetivo analisar as práticas de gestão de processos em uma empresa baseada em plataformas digitais em suas dimensões (restaurante, entregador e consumidor final) e propor melhorias. Inicialmente, identificou-se a relação entre a empresa e seus três pilares, fornecendo a base de conhecimento para mapear os processos de negócio através de duas ferramentas, o Service Blueprint e a Notação de Modelagem de Processos de Negócios (BPMN). O estudo promoveu a visão dos processos da empresa e, quando comparada à teoria, permitiu a análise da situação atual, identificação de gargalos e proposição de ações de melhoria. Por fim, pôde-se concluir que a organização estudada avança em melhoria contínua para se ajustar a um modelo de gestão eficaz.
Constantly on the rise and, because they are relatively newto the market, delivery startups demand new studies on business process management and mapping. Through a broad view of all processes, management tools allow you to monitor their progress quickly and with greater clarity, in addition to facilitating theirunderstanding, allowing you to identify bottlenecks and rework, and therefore generate improvements. The work aimed to analyze the process management practices in a company based on digital platforms in its dimensions (restaurant, delivery man and final consumer) and propose improvements. Initially, the relationship between the company and its three pillars was identified, providing the knowledge base for mapping business processes through two tools, the Service Blueprint and the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). The study promoted the vision of the company's processes and, when compared to the theory, allowed the analysis of the current situation, identification of bottlenecks and proposition of improvement actions. Finally, it was possible to conclude that the studied organization advances in continuous improvement to adjust to an effective management model.
Constantly on the rise and, because they are relatively newto the market, delivery startups demand new studies on business process management and mapping. Through a broad view of all processes, management tools allow you to monitor their progress quickly and with greater clarity, in addition to facilitating theirunderstanding, allowing you to identify bottlenecks and rework, and therefore generate improvements. The work aimed to analyze the process management practices in a company based on digital platforms in its dimensions (restaurant, delivery man and final consumer) and propose improvements. Initially, the relationship between the company and its three pillars was identified, providing the knowledge base for mapping business processes through two tools, the Service Blueprint and the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). The study promoted the vision of the company's processes and, when compared to the theory, allowed the analysis of the current situation, identification of bottlenecks and proposition of improvement actions. Finally, it was possible to conclude that the studied organization advances in continuous improvement to adjust to an effective management model.